Need Replacement Motherboard


Aug 28, 2004
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About 2 weeks ago my PSU blew up and took the Motherboard with it. The board was a P4C800-E Deluxe. I sent it back and got a full refund.

So now I have a computer with no motherboard. I had an SATA RAID 0 set-up and consequently I can't access the files on it. I was told that if I get a motherboard with the same chipset 875P + ICH5R that I could access the drives again and retrieve the files. I could just format them again and get any new board but I'd like to get the files back if I can. I do back-up but this happened a week after I last backed-up. The RAID 0 is still in tacked so I should be able to access it still. The drives still work after the motherboard died.

I can just get a replacement P4C800-E Deluxe but they're hard to come by now. Only place I can possibly get one is eBay. I don't mind getting another board as long as it has the chipset ICH5R so I can access the RAID again. I'm a little confused though. The P4C800-E Deluxe uses 875P (Northbridge) and ICH5R (Southbridge). If I get a board that has the ICH5R (Southbridge) but a different Northbridge, will the RAID still be recognized? Could anyone possibly recommend a good motherboard if that's the case? I liked the P4C800-E Deluxe although it did have some issues with the USB 2.0.


For those thinking "why the hell use a RAID 0?", I was only really trying it out. I tried RAID 1 before. I might even revert back to it or just not use a RAID altogether.

EDIT: Forgot to mention that this is for a Socket 478 CPU.
you would have to reinstall raid for it to work on newer motherboard since it wont be recognized by the bios. im not really sure how you can keep the files and still do raid unless you go into safe mode in windows and move all of your files to the other hard drive and reinstall windows on first drive
Giant your AMD was 2GHz? How Much more juice could you squeeze out of?
I can only get 200MHz more before system is unstable.
We both have similar CPU (Newcastle) but different MOBO models.

If you squeezed more than 200MHz I would like you to PM me your BIOS settings please.
accutlly mine is at 2.5ghz right now running 30 C idle but i dont want to go anymore since its getting to summer and it might get to hot