need scripting help for CS



wrong forum, i know, but i need to find this out quickly and call a friend of mine back at work so he can get this script done.

ok, he made a buy script that uses the keypad for buying everything in cs, but he wants to have it show on screen what item you've selected before you hit enter to confirm it. its kinda of a virtual menu system, like you hit 1 on the KP and it goes to pistols, then if you hit 3 it goes to deagle and it'll display it on screen, then if thats not the gun you want you hit insert and it goes up one level back to pistols and then you can hit 4 and buy whatever pistol. right now it works except it echos the gun name to the console only, so it's kinda useless, so, erm anyone have any ideas? i think commanmenu.txt might work but im not 100% certain.

Originally posted by .5c0ut-WHoR3.
um.. 1 sec ill post the commands :)

Edit: Bah! cant find them sorry. :\

common, you can do better than that, heh, even any type of hint would help...remember, the buyscript works, we just need to know how to echo text to the screen, text that correponds to a users choice....
Originally posted by Wesisapie
how about just get some skills and buy normally.

it has nothing to do with skills really, its more of a personal preference really, he wants to use the keypad to buy in cs so he took free time at work and coded a 100 line buyscript.
Originally posted by BloodyL
How about dissecting the nextwish 1.6 script?

last time i used next wish it didnt have an onscreen display at all, its just binding keys to weapons and items, which is even easier in cs1.6, my friends script goes way beyond that, like its basically remaking the buy menu except making it to use all keypad keys instead.
No offence...but all you need to do is search on Google for CS and Scripts...

This is a HL2 forum...
Originally posted by BloodyL
The new script uses the new VGUI if that's any help.

nah, that doesnt help :) we dont use vgui buy menus anyways, cant stand em.

Originally posted by Magicpants
No offence...but all you need to do is search on Google for CS and Scripts...

This is a HL2 forum...

thanks, i know where i am, and i've tried google.
The commands you want are "developer" and "echo". (See below.)

echo 'displays' whatever text you use it with


echo hello world

The developer flag should be set to "1" to have text 'displayed' on the screen, (rather than just in the console) and set to "0" to display to console only. (default = 0)

So, you would use it like this:

alias "hello" "developer 1; echo hello world; developer 0"
bind "h" "hello"

NOTE: CS1.6 & Steam v1.0 breaks the functionality of these commands. They don't work at the moment, so you'll not be able to do this with the latest version of the game.

- hope that helps. :)

Originally posted by FatboyTim
The commands you want are "developer" and "echo". (See below.)

echo 'displays' whatever text you use it with


echo hello world

The developer flag should be set to "1" to have text 'displayed' on the screen, (rather than just in the console) and set to "0" to display to console only. (default = 0)

So, you would use it like this:

alias "hello" "developer 1; echo hello world; developer 0"
bind "h" "hello"

NOTE: CS1.6 & Steam v1.0 breaks the functionality of these commands. They don't work at the moment, so you'll not be able to do this with the latest version of the game.

- hope that helps. :)


the script is currently using developer 1 and echo, but it only echos to the console :) thats why we need an alternative to that, and i thought commandmenu.txt may work, but it's gonna be a pain to do.

thanks for trying though :)
very simple actually. something along these lines should do it. im using descriptive aliases for you, so u can see what they do. hopefully this is what ur trying to do. *replace keys with whatever you choose*

alias basemenu "buy"
bind basemenu "F1"

alias pistolmenu "buy; menuselect 1"
bind pistolmenu "F2"

alias shottymenu "buy; menuselect 2"
bind shottymenu "F3"

alias uplevel "basemenu"
bind uplevel "F4"

so on and so forth. Im not really sure if thats what ur talking about, but thats how i interpreted the question. Its really kinda pointless IMO, slows down the buy process and defeats the purpose of buy scripts.
if you are looking just to add a confirmation message to appear on the screen that tells u what you've bought its simple as well.

alias MP5 "buy; menuselect 3; menuselect 1; buy; menuselect 6; developer 1; echo **Bought MP5 w/ Ammo**; developer 0"
bind anykey "MP5"

hitting that would then buy and mp5 with ammo, and make **Bought MP5 w/ Ammo** appear on the screen.
What's the point of this? nofriends is right; the whole point of buy-scripts is the one button press purchase...

Just download RZE's scripts : )