Need some advice here...


Jun 24, 2004
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I know this place usually isn't a good place for advice, but **** it.

My sister treats my mom like absolute crap. It's horrendous. And I feel like it's time for me to step in and talk some sense into her. She's only 15 and rebellious as all holy hell (no, I'm not going into detail here). It's making my mom miserable and I hate seeing her like that.

So. Anyone. What would you suggest I should be saying to her? And please be ****ing serious.
I know this will grind a lot, and sound incredibly unhelpful, but I'd give her a slap.

"Grow up!" *slap*

Sorry, I'm not good at consoling moody teenagers. (Not you - sister, obviously).
Tell her that she isn't in the position to bitch like that. And if she screws around...BE A MAN and make her know who's superior to her.

Sure she has her own opinions, but this is weird.
Threaten her with action from someone who she may be embarrassed to hear or take shit from...

... works for my 7 year old sister at least :(
Do what a friend of mine sometimes does with his brother; blackmail her. Get some juicy details that will piss off parents / authorities (this was in the case of my friend's brother) / other and tell her to stfu.
Bam, it would help if you go into detail so we can help you more...

Actually, a slap would do really good. She won't ignore it, that's for sure. Don't just talk, she'll build up a sound wall to it (insight into the female mind). Then tell her that her mother is her mother. She deserves respect. You don't need to explain it any further because there is nothing to explain: your sister is in the wrong.

I've noticed that the once sacred aphorism "Respect your elders" is really not sacred anymore, and it's truly a shame.
She's a teenager. If you try and force your opinions on her, she'll just end up hating you. Right now, as a 15 year old, she probably wants to be heard - not to listen.

I don't have any sisters, but the best thing you can do is actually talk to her and understand her. Don't just rush in and say "stop treating your mother like that", because she'll just see you as against her.

Important question; would you say you're a good friend of your sister? Like, can she come for you for help? Does she tell you things she wouldn't tell many other people?

If not, then maybe that's what you need to work on. She'll never listen to you at all if she doesn't trust you completely (as I imagine brothers and sisters should).
I have a younger sister who was exactly like this, I offer you this advice ..

Leave her to it. She WILL grow out of it. Just try to make your mum see that, and treat her extra nice to make up for it.
I know this place usually isn't a good place for advice, but **** it.

My sister treats my mom like absolute crap. It's horrendous. And I feel like it's time for me to step in and talk some sense into her. She's only 15 and rebellious as all holy hell (no, I'm not going into detail here). It's making my mom miserable and I hate seeing her like that.

So. Anyone. What would you suggest I should be saying to her? And please be ****ing serious.

record her freaking out on your mom, then leave her a copy for her to find ..people are often surprised how unreasonably they're acting when they see/hear it afterwards ..failing that just tell her what you've told us
take her out the back and beat some sense into her :|


Its more important for your mom to talk to her. Granted it might help if you manage to talk some sense into her, but it would mean alot more if your mom spoke to her and told her how hard it is.

If that doesnt work I would probably just flip out at her and tell her shes being a bitch....
My brother sort of does that, but I think its usually just for his lulz and to yank her chain.

**** punt tbh though.

Just tell her shes being a bitch, and that what she is doing is not cool and disrespectful. Say what you think, but never yell. If you get angry and start yelling then it will just become an argument to her, instead of an important and insightful critique of her actions. She probably just needs to be confronted in a serious manner that will make her rethink how she behaves.
V-Man on teenagers

I'm a teenager myself and I freaking hate it when my parents shoot me down like you people are suggesting. Now I haven't heard what she is freaking out about so I'm noone to judge if she's right or wrong, but I'll be honest with you I try to tell my parents my opinion and they just tell me I'm wrong and leave it at that.
They act like freaking babies by telling me that I'm wrong and when I try to debate it with them they tell me they're my parents and they just ingore me then. My mother can and does this and she has the right to. However my step-father is the one who mainly does this, and I feel that I would still be here today if it wasn't for him therefore he should be mature enough to wise up and debate with me about what a crappy job he's doing at parenting. Howver, when I go around and just resort to insulting them they tell me I'm a joke and I'm acting like a baby.
The end result is, I just want to be heard and they're not listening to me.
In my opinion you should have a serious discussion with your sister and mom about whatever is urking her and causing her to have these major freakouts.
That is all I have to say on this subject, so I'll see you later.
If you really don't like your parents you gotta move out. As long as you are living on their money, eating their food, they're the boss, they have the high ground, and they are always right, even if they're wrong.

If your sister is a bitch, well you can't really help that, try not to be a bitch yourself I guess.
The end result is, I just want to be heard and they're not listening to me.

Couldn't be put any better.
I mean, it's just horrible when EVERYONE in the room will agree with you except for your Mom.
I've had that happen once at a work party once, she was saying how hard I can be on her, then I mention that she forgets pretty much everything and never trusts me to remember stuff for her. She denied it immediately, but EVERYONE around the whole circle we were sitting in agreed, they were all like "Yeah.. We all experienced that once or twice" and stuff like that.

I mean, she eventually gave in and admitted it, but I don't have a circle of people following me around all day, so in any other case she'd just totally deny it and point out how totally wrong I am and how it might mess up my life one day.
Your parents suck. My parents rule. I think ive gotten in a total of like 2 fights with them ever.