Need some advice

She looks kinda like a boy with long hair. ABORT ABORT ABORT DO NOT WAAAAAAAANT.
Insano said:
Here is one picture:

I picked the best one. The computer in the background makes up for it.

Edit: And for all those smartasses, that's not me, but her! :p
i take back my last post.
this happened to me awhile ago on yahoo messenger, was bad, couldnt escape this weirdo, fair enough she was hot and goto see some nice pics ;) but it was everytime i went online she was there.. i just told her that i was leaving to join the army and changed my yahoo address. simple but harsh, depends on how much she is annoying you
Actually, claim you have Singaporian or Malaysian Citizenship and then claim you got conscripted into the army.

It happens.

I know.
Insano said:
Here is one picture:

I picked the best one. The computer in the background makes up for it.

Edit: And for all those smartasses, that's not me, but her! :p
Kill it

Before it multiplies.
I think I'm just going to unblock her, say very fast "I don't like you" and then block her again and forget about her.
Say you've got cancer.
Or just give me her e-mail, I'll take care of those needs :naughty:

Ok so that's a lie
Tell her that you're gay.

That's probably been mentioned already.
She hasn't been online for four days now, so I hope she's dead.
Insano said:
Well, I'm in a pretty stupid situation. There is this girl I met on a chat site and she seemed like a nice girl and she gave me her email to chat on msn. Well, I talked with her on msn, she told me she was the same age as me and she asked for a picture of me. Well, I wasn't really thinking so I sent one, and she immediately went "Oh, you're so hot" etc. Now guess what she did? She printed it off and she keeps it under her pillow. She also takes it to school and goes to the toilet and kisses it (wtf?). Now every time I come on msn, she goes like "I'm so in love with you, you're so pretty, bla bla bla". I also found out that she lied about her age (she's 1,5 years younger) and I'm 35 cm taller. Above that, she lives about 400 km away from me (thank God!).
But the problem is that I don't want to really hurt her when I tell her it's not going to work out. Every time I come on msn I want to tell it, but she immediately goes "I so love you" and she talks dirty to me. I wont go in detail about that.

Now, what do you guys think I should do? Block her and ignore her (the slow pain) or tell it in her face (the quick pain)?

a) it doesn't matter

b) it doesn't matter

c) it doesn't matter

d) forget the whole thing
Nat Turner said:
a) it doesn't matter

b) it doesn't matter

c) it doesn't matter

d) forget the whole thing

to you, anyway.
Nat Turner said:
lol he's afraid of his computer screen

Not exactly his screen, but whats on it. :E

They'll get you in your sleep, they always do.
15357 said:
Not exactly his screen, but whats on it. :E

They'll get you in your sleep, they always do.

Speak for yourself, we don't have any NKV *Evo gets taken away*
from the original post:

"There is this girl I met on a chat site...."

this immediately sent up red flags ...girl? on a chat line? mean 50 yr old truckdriver pretending to be teenage girl dotcha? ;)
CptStern said:
from the original post:

"There is this girl I met on a chat site...."

this immediately sent up red flags ...girl? on a chat line? mean 50 yr old truckdriver pretending to be teenage girl dotcha? ;)

if it was a 50 year old truckdriver don't you think they would have a least sent him a picture of someone hawt?
Jangle said:
if it was a 50 year old truckdriver don't you think they would have a least sent him a picture of someone hawt?

That is what you would expect them to do though innit? Maybe the are double tricking him? :rolling:
Jangle said:
if it was a 50 year old truckdriver don't you think they would have a least sent him a picture of someone hawt?

maybe he's clever enough to think that a hottie might look suspicious?
this immediately sent up red flags ...girl? on a chat line? mean 50 yr old truckdriver pretending to be teenage girl dotcha?

I met someone online and they turned out to be a girl soon to go to my college (and now in my English class). So ner. :p

Besides, even if they were clever enough to not send a picture of a seems pretty pointless to send a picture like that.
Sulkdodds said:
I met someone online and they turned out to be a girl soon to go to my college (and now in my English class). So ner. :p

Besides, even if they were clever enough to not send a picture of a seems pretty pointless to send a picture like that.


Sulkdodds said:
I could send you 20 pictures of that girl, if she wasn't so photo-shy.

even you questioned it
Just block her. Problem solved.

By the way, she's ugly as ****.
Insano said:
This thread is going in the wrong way tbh :(

Disclaimer: May or may not be true.

heheh sorry man, I was just ribbing you ..she could indeed be what she says she is

btw solution: just tell her "I'm not looking for a relationship, just casual sex, if you dont think you can handle that then maybe we shouldnt continue to chat" ..if you say that right from the get go there's never a misunderstanding