I was up until 6am trying to play CS:S but its just way too laggy to even think about playing. I get 10fps on CS:S compared to 30fps on CS:CZ, and the graphics on CS:S are not too much better than those on CS:CZ. Anyway, i need some help to lower my fps. Ive put all model details etc set on low.
My specs are;
156kbps internet
384mb ram
1.3ghz Athlon Processor
Nvidia vanta gfx card
Surely those pass the min. requirements? Anyway, any help lowering my fps is very appreciated, i really want to play CS:S. Also can someone give me good rates to use? (with the command names). Thanks in advance.
My specs are;
156kbps internet
384mb ram
1.3ghz Athlon Processor
Nvidia vanta gfx card
Surely those pass the min. requirements? Anyway, any help lowering my fps is very appreciated, i really want to play CS:S. Also can someone give me good rates to use? (with the command names). Thanks in advance.