Need some help in Zelda: Windwaker


Aug 4, 2003
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Ok, right now I'm just sailing around looking for some fish that will do me some good. I'm suppose to remove to big rocks, and first of all I'm looking for a potion that will make lift huge ****ing rocks. There's also a mini tornado on one of the islands and I can't get past it! What should I do? Where should I go? Whaat?! Argh, this is driving me insane!
Fish? Rocks? What?
...Where have you just been to, Dragon Roost? Have you got any of the Pearls yet?
Forget about the tornado unless you have a bow, forget about "huge ****ing rocks" (:laugh:) unless you have either bombs or Power Bracelets.
If you're talking about the fish on outset island that you need to get the third pearl(or w/e they are called) from then you first need to go to windfall island and deal with the pirates there as well as get some bombs. Then use the bombs to blast open the cave around the back of outset island. There isn't a potion to move big need the power bracelet which is later in the game if I remember correctly. You're question seems a little confusing so if I'm totally wrong, sorry :D
Aha! Maybe it's the power bracelet I'm looking for then... Yeah, well I'm confused myself... I've been stuck there for 2 weeks now and it's starting to piss me off...
SearanoX said:
A better description as to where you are in the game would make things much easier. Have you got the three Pearls? The Master Sword? Have you beaten the Earth and Wind Temples?

I have. ;) Just trying to get a few more heart pieces before I get the remaining Triforce shards. Havent spent much time on it tbh, Res Evil 4 pwns too much.
Yes, I've got the three pearls...
My boat tells me that I should speak to people who live around these two islands where I need to enter. He tells me that these people might know how to get inside. I then bumped into a fish that told me that I should sail 4 squares north and 2 squares eat, and so I did, but from thereon I'm pretty much lost...
If I remember correctly (it's about a year and a half since I played it), there are two island to visit. One will give you the Power Bracelet, and one will give the Iron Boots. I remember one is a Volcano, and one is an icy level. It's just a matter of finding them. The volcano is definitely near Dragon Roost.
How the hell do I enter the volcano island? I've been afraid of dying when nearing it
You need the ice arrow, at least i'm pretty sure thats it
I think you just hop in, a la Mario 64.... If not, there will be some sort of door.

EDIT:Actually, Sparta's right.

You got them? If not, you need tha arrows, then find one of the huge whirlwinds in the sea, drive into it, get your arrows out and shoot the toad in the centre of the whirlwind. He will give you a song to play. Play the song, and warp to Mother and Child Isle. You will end up in the middle of the island. Talk to the ghost fairy, and she will give you fire and ice arrows. Use the fire arrow on the ice island, and the ice on the volcano. Capiche?
Holy shit...this is complicated...

EDIT: Ok, I just reread your post... so I need to shoot the Wind-toad that are on the top of the Whirlwinds? Then he'll give me a melody to play... and then I warp to where!?
Mother & Child Isles. Its a big circle, with a little one below it. Somewhere in the top left corner of the sea, cant remember exactly. When you play the melody, itll be one of the places highlighted.