Need Some help

  • Thread starter Thread starter Nightsword
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Im recently new to the Mapping area of Counter Strike. I was just wondering if you guys could possibly send me in the right direction in a few things.

1. Ive been looking over some tutorials and i can see that when a model is put into a map, it looks like a model in the 3d area. In my Hammer, it is in a wire type format. This isnt a big problem but would really help.

2. Ive also been looking to insert a "buy zone" into my map, but i can't figure out how to add one. Im almost done with my first map and this is the last thing i need to add.

Once again, Thanks to all who help me.
Question 1: Go to view -> 3D textured polygons

Question 2: make a brush(s) whatever shape you want and cover it in the "trigger" texture and then right click on it in one of the 2D views and select tie to entity (or select the box and hit ctrl+T). Then at the top select func_buyzone.
1. Click Camera in the 3D view, and click 3D Textured

2. Make a block the size of your buyzone. Set its texture to Trigger. Press CTRL+T while it's selected, and change the Class to func_buyzone. Now change the Team option to which team you want the buyzone for. Now make another one for the other team.


EDIT: Uhhh, I'll just leave my one here aswell anyway. You won buy 3 minutes :borg:
1. Refer to posts # 2 and #3
2. Refer to posts # 2 and #3

Lol thanks Six Three, Im also needing some help on Ladders. I have no idea where to start and were to go. Im starting a kind of big project and need this part before i can go any farther. Thanks Again!
Well the absolutely easiest way which always works is to create a ladder, then infront of it to a box with nodraw on all sides and tie it to a "func_ladder" (ctrl - T).

This can be sized any way you want, unlike the new Source ladders, which, btw, doesn't work any better. They only have one advantage, the dropoffpoints, but nevermind.
Ok, Last Question. I have been making a map and after i put in the Skybox, i tested it. Now when i tested it, 1 wall would mess up. Can anyone help me out on this?
Yea i know, I dont quiet know how to describe it but ill give it a go. I have a mountainous terrain in my map. When ever i look at these mountains then look up at my skybox, the mountains move along with me and are in the same position in my view.
Right, that's a nodraw surface, or something that behaves like it.

I don't know what the problem is just by knowing that, though.
Screenshot ??

I would guess that either the wall is textured with, or has something in front of it that is textured with, the no-draw texture. Too hard to take a guess at it without an image.
Ok,i have one more question. I have a model that is in the air. I was wondering how i can get it to fall to the ground at the beginning of a round. Does anyone have any idea?
Can anyone help me out on this? Im not all that impatient but, i would like to finish the last part of the map today.
prop_physics, or if it's a brush (or several brushes), tie them to a func_physbox.