Need to Copyrighting a Brand?

Dario D.

Nov 30, 2004
Reaction score
Need to Trademark a Brand?

Hi all. I wanted to ask this for my brother.

He is a shirt designer, and has designed several shirts that are in stores for No Fear and So Cal, but wants to expand by starting his own clothes line.

He wants to submit a series of designs that use a certain word to a company, and see if they will buy the brand from him, but he isn't sure if he needs to get a copyright (trademark) first. A Trademark costs $375, and he isn't exactly rich, so it would cost an arm and a leg at the moment.

What I'd like to know is, can a company take his brand and use it, or Trademark it themselves if he submits it to them and it's not Trademarked? Would you recommend getting a Traedmark before submitting to them?

Looking for someone who knows what could happen. Thanks. :)
dont know much about copyrighting. but he could just start the business himself with a little capital and then have the front end on the internet.
I figured you would have to trademark it, since if you didn't, couldn't they just gank it then copyright it themselves?
That's what I'm trying to figure out. It's possible, but I'm not sure.