need to vent


Feb 6, 2006
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it's been a freaking month since i got into an car was SUPPOSED to be ready friday...but NO, apparently it's gonna be raedy on monday or tuesday which ruins my weekend cuz i was supposed to go on a road trip!!

on top of that, i have 3 mid terms next

everything is crashing down on me lol

Sorry, you're going to have to suck it up. Move the road trip for next weekend.

The nice thing about road trips is you usually haven't paid for anything yet... and you're not working, so you don't have to reschedule your vacation days or anything.
Like, oh mah Gawd..

*sigh* I remember being young and naive, when all that mattered was whether my road trip was a success... and midterms, who even cared about those?? It's not like my education had a direct impact on my life or anything.. *sigh*

Sorry for the dripping sarcasm, I'm sure someone feels your pain.

Here's an idea, trade with me: Pay my rent, car payment, insurance, utilities, and grocery bills for me, and I'll study for your midterms. Sound fair? :laugh:

everything is crashing down on me lol
Negative-o, Batman.. just wait a few years, then you'll see what crashing down really means... <insert evil laugh here>
Like, oh mah Gawd..

*sigh* I remember being young and naive, when all that mattered was whether my road trip was a success... and midterms, who even cared about those?? It's not like my education had a direct impact on my life or anything.. *sigh*

Sorry for the dripping sarcasm, I'm sure someone feels your pain.

Here's an idea, trade with me: Pay my rent, car payment, insurance, utilities, and grocery bills for me, and I'll study for your midterms. Sound fair? :laugh:

Negative-o, Batman.. just wait a few years, then you'll see what crashing down really means... <insert evil laugh here>

Quoted for emphasis, and truth.

And also pwned.
yes, i realize it isn't even bad at all lol

it's just that i've waited for so long for the damn car to be finished and now i have to wait even longer lol

close thread if you'd like :D
Just got my new PC, started download of Episode 2 when I got home and it was at at least 500 kB/s and it downloaded to 60% within about 40 minutes. Then my sister gets home and hogs all my bandwidth with her bloody laptop, downloading music and it's no on about 10 kB/s and has taken an hour and 20 minutes to get to 63%.

/rant over
My PC is shite and I can't play TF2, Episode 2, Portal or ANY GAME for that matter.

My student faculty card STILL isn't ready and it's coming up to week 3 of my first semester. The reason? A 'system crash' :|

I want to sex my girlfriend yet she is miles away.

Today's youth are too rowdy and wear clothes that are far too bright.

I like bright clothes.
I have a C- in art. (Compared to the rest of my B's. D:)
My short story is... qonfusing.
My Xbox 360 broke.
My Saints Row disc got pwnt.

lol k my life isnt all taht bad..

A: I get to play teh OB on saturday.
B: I get to play Vice City before then.
C: I got to play SSBM in school today cause of my video game club.. (kirby all teh way. I lasted till the end but the other guy owned me while we were both at 1 life..)
:flame:Shut up you whiney little B, It could be worse. like you could be in IRAQ Like those troops And your Mad cause your gonna miss your road trip, OHH NO PLEASE HELP THIS POOR POOR SOUL!!! **** YOU!:flame:

I am stuck in a shit ass LA, sitting in traffic every morning/evening (from work and back), every bar is full of LA crowd. I despise the whole city, if I didn't enjoy my job so much, I would move back to SF for sure. God do I hate LA.