Need ways to stop overheating...


Jan 16, 2004
Reaction score
Is there anymore effective way to prevent overheating than simply take off my case? and I dont have a lot of cash so...
Well if you could give us a little bit more info im sure we could help some more.
Like what CPU do you have? what are your current temps? what 3d card? are you oc'ing etc..
Yeah, reply and include things like your current fan setup, ambient temps, case temps, CPU temp, etc.. Video card? RAM? CPU? etc etc etc.
I'll give a few general tips which usually lowers temps:

1. Look into your case, see alot of wires everywhere? Go buy some zipties and tidy it up in there. Wanna go more extreme? Get rounded IDE cables. TIP: Tape unused power cables on the backside of the mobo tray.

2. Is your case very dusty? Buy some compressed air and spary away! If you have any casefans you could buy some filters for them, it lessens the dust dramatically in your case! Also check fans for dust, sometimes dust makes heatsinks work less effectively.

3. Temps still high? Buy new/more/more powerfull casefans or a new heatsink for your cpu. I'd stay away from anything thermaltake, except for their cases, they are ok. Also ignore PCI slot blowers, they suck.

4. Also remember if you have two hdds, you should keep one slot free between them, helps air circulation, also keep atleast one pci slot free below your 3d card. Have the front case fan blow air in and the rear one blow it out. Also a nifty trick is to put long powercables into unused cd-rom bays.
Don't use rounded IDE cables, they slow down the computer as data leaks between the wires bunched together.
Depends on what kind of rounded cables you have, I noticed nothing when changing to rounded.
I noticed somthing when changing to rounded cables....a cleaner case! :thumbs:
MaxiKana said:
2. Is your case very dusty? Buy some compressed air and spary away! If you have any casefans you could buy some filters for them, it lessens the dust dramatically in your case! Also check fans for dust, sometimes dust makes heatsinks work less effectively.

I cleaned my case 2 days ago with compressed air...seemed to help a bit..Im running an athlon 2800+ and a 9600 Pro AiW both without o'c.

You can just cut the plastic inbetween the wires of any standard IDE cable to do it on the cheap. Personally I don't like the rounded cables because they're less flexible; I prefer some artsy folding of the old kind any day. :p *sigh* Well, anyway, you won't find anyone waiting more anxiously for SATA optical drives than me...
there are ground cables between the data cables in ide cables to prevent crosstalk, bunching them up nullifies their effect
Ah, not leaks...interference! Yes, oddly enough SATA suffers from its own interference problems as well. :O
plz no cable adjustments, im not confident enough to perform any surgery yet...
Oops, don't i feel stupid. I missed it the first time around, sorry.

I am a man of numbers, give me some facts. How many fans does your case have? What temperture is your computer at idle? at load? What are you using to measure the temperture of your PC?
I have never heard of data bleeding between the wires in rounded cables. It sounds like just an empty theory, but thats just my hunch.
Data bleeding between cables, heh, well I guess I had better call every major corporation in the world and thell them that their CAT5e and CAT6/6e standard network cables are leaking data. :LOL:

More than likely the rolled IDE cables are twisted in the same fasion as CAT5/6 cabling, reducing or eliminating any "noise". Typically this is called "self cancellation". CAT 5/6 cabling includes ground wires much like IDE cables and hopefully any cable in the world would. Although the IDE cables are not wrapped in the exact same fasion, it's close enough to do it's job.
Onions said:
there are ground cables between the data cables in ide cables to prevent crosstalk, bunching them up nullifies their effect
^ Yep, thats what I mean :)
Yeah, but thats if you do it with old flat ide cables, most rounded that you buy are twisted in the fassion RABIES said, atleast mine are.