Needed: Haunted House maps/textures/prefabs/models

OK, i've added another map in there if you want, it just has different textures. Which one looks better for a haunted house?


P.S. I personally think that the second maps textures are good, but a bit too clean. If anyones good at making textures, perhaps we could get a slightly 'older' looking texture like that. Or something...
wha????????/ the folder's empty?

Hang on... i'll look into it...

EDIT: It seems that Yahoo Briefcases will not let my files be seen by anyone other than me. I've tried changing the privacy options but it doesn't work. Anybody know some way i can upload a file to this post?
Floor 1 Trial 1 (bsp):

Floor 1 Trial 1 (vmf):

Floor 1 Trial 2 (bsp):

Floor 1 Trial 2 (vmf):


P.S. Hope that works....

EDIT: YAAAY!!!!!!!!!! IT WORKED!!!!!!!!!! Ok, so click on the link(s) you want and you can get the files. (it worked for me when i was logged out)
:bounce: :bounce: :laugh:
yeah, i never heard of trigger_push. the only thing weird about your wall, other than it looked more like water than jelly, is that once your in it, you cant move at all, which is somewhat unrealistic, i came across this problem too, but if you can find a fix that allows movement but not escape, it would greatly enchance the, erm, jelly death sequence :P . Otherwise, not bad. :thumbs:
Well I'm not a mapper so I don't have the tools to view it. So I'll settle for what's said about it from those who have they eyes to see the creation.
I agree that it looks more water than jelly, but i couldn't find any kind of jelly-texture. :(

Oh, and ChaosCarlos, if you download the bsp file and put it where all your other bsp files are (in your steam folder under steamapps, hl, maps or something like that).

Thanks for the feedback!

I agree that we need to get a 'real' gathering place for these materials. I'm suggesting starting up a Yahoo Group for it, that way files can be shared easilly and there is still message posting.

So i'll keep this thread up and running for now (because it's providing great feedback) but what could be used right now is a name for this map/mod.

So far i've come up with:
Haunted House
Haunted City
Haunted Villiage
The City
Dark Times

Basically, a name that states that this is NOT another Resident Evil re-make, but a thriller interactive horrer movie designed to scare the crap out of you.

what you need is a name that strikes fear into the very soul of a person but at the same time doesn't give away the plot.

What might be helpful is if anyone here knows a psychologist or language specialist who knows of such words that make you quake in your boots that's relevant to this genre of game.

For instance, lots of people fear darkness, so Dark is a good word to use to make them aware it's very mature thriller/horror.
What you need then is something from the basic plot that won't give it away.
For instance this game has aspects of the living dead currled up into the plot. so a name like

'Dark Dead' or 'The Dark Dead' might sound okish. It also has repatition (using two words that begin with the same letter)

It's your mod and the choice is yours to name it.
'Dark' isn't specifically scary, just cliche'd. Again with 'Dead'.

I'm thinking more along the lines of Lovecraftian-style story names. Anything a little more mature than 'Dead house' or something like that.

For anybody who doesn't know who Lovecraft is:

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
'Dark' isn't specifically scary, just cliche'd. Again with 'Dead'.

I'm thinking more along the lines of Lovecraftian-style story names. Anything a little more mature than 'Dead house' or something like that.

For anybody who doesn't know who Lovecraft is:

-Angry Lawyer
whats that image got to do with darkness?
The Dark Dead name I used was an example name, it wasn't meant as a suggestion, just think of words that are rather scary sounding. Rather difficult to find such words in this day and age.
Indeed. There are few words that are scary yet subtle enough to work well...

I've got a few more ideas, not sure how good they are...
Sinister Gloom
Deaths' Demise
Sinister Mortality


P.S. I kinda like Sinister Mortality...
Forbidden Gloom
Essence of Malice
Grasping Isolation
One of the Condemned
Depleted Being
i'll go back to reading my dictionary of morbid and perpetually dark terms now....
Will it be gothic and surreal, because I have an idea for a funhouse area. Plus maybe someone from the UK can record something from "Little Britain". I'm referring to that guy who keeps on playing the flute and ask questions such as
"I am red, slippery, and jelly, what am I?"
and when somebody got the question right he replies with
"He knows too much!"
End of Days
Death of Light
Pure and Total Darkness
Dark City (Movie Name??)
Death of Hope
City for the Dead
Keeper of Dark
2005, Hope Forgotten

LOL anyone think of the obvious one?? RESIDENT EVIL (HL2) Kidding.
You forgot Silent Hill :P

I like the name City for the dead, but maybe change it to City of the Dead?

Oh and End of Days is a movie name too.
Sinister Mortality, Hope Forgotten (i'd prefer not to date it to extend its' immortality) and City of the Dead are my favorites so far... though city of the dead sounds kinda like some sort of Aztec/Incan temple in the center of a jungle...

DEATH eVADER, yes, this will be a fairly gothic and surreal-ish mod; i'd love to hear your idea!

I take it you've never seen Little Britain, the surrealism in that is more comedy than horror, but I guess the guy with the flute could be a base line for another character. A mentaly insane old man who offers you clues in exchange for favours like killing a zombie that's taken residence in his home, or burn down a building full of creatures.
Sleeping Darkness
Haunted Night
Evil Little Nuns
I like Sleeping Darkness, perhaps Darkness Sleeping??

But i mean, Evil Little Nuns????


And no, i haven't seen little Britain, but by the sounds of it it must be good! The mentally insane old man who offers you clues might be a good idea, but could take away from the feeling of alone-ness.

I'll post an updated bit of map soon, so stay tuned!

I tried some of those randomised generators got a few little name suggestions from them.

Evil Names:
Charnelkill The Deadly
Blackshroud The Demon
Murkdusk The Hellish
Shroudshadow The Hellish
Slashbrood The Skeletal
Slashdream The Psychic
Gravebrood The Dissector

Dark Ritual Names:
Ritual of Dissolution
Sacrament of Omens
Communion of the Chambers of Chaos
Ceremony of Purgatory
Black Messiahs' Working of Shadows

Lovecraftian Names:
Could use these as cult member names. To protect their identity from each other.

OK, i've got two map updates here:

First off, Floor1. This is what the first level section will probably be. Each player would start in a different room, and you have to look around until you find the elevator. (i'm going to add in an attic later, that you have to go into to get a keycard to operate the elevator.) (oh yea, and right now there isn't actually an elevator... ;) ) But take a look around the map, and tell me what you think.

Title: floor1try3

VMF file:

BSP file: (may be slightly different from VMF)


Ok, i've also come up with a tentative part of this mod/map. Picture this: You and your teammates come to a large control center, with monitors and keyboards and stuff. From the control room leads a long hallway with a series of doors. Each must be opened from the control room, but the order of the doors must be known (or the code for each door or something). Unfortunately, all the monitors are just static, except for one, which seems to be showing your back! Turning around you see a small portable camera. Obviously what must be done is one group of people must stay at the control room while the others carry the camera down the hallway, enableing the person in the control room to see what they see, and open the correct door (or turn off the correct trap). (IE, without 'seeing' the specific door, the person in the control room would have no idea what switch to pull, and pulling the wrong one might unleash a trap or accidentally trap the rest of the group.)

Now, the coolest thing is, you can do this in HL2!!! (sorry, i just found it really neat). I've made a bit of a sample map with a camera you can pick up and move around, and will put whatever IT sees onto a monitor!!!

Map name: camera_test

VMF file:

BSP file:

Anyways, see what you guys think...


P.S. I'm likin the rituals, perhaps the inhabitants of this city/town cast one of them? Cult names were pretty good too... Still need a name for the mod though. (Anybody else like Sinister Mortality? Silent Darkness?)

P.S.2 I've finally come up with a bit of an idea for the general 'structure' of this map. Ok, what if it were on a small island (or a peninsula)?!? Trapped on an island, and you have to get over the bridge connecting it to the mainland, find/steal a ship to get to the mainland, or find a secret underground passage under the sea itself! No danger of the players escaping any other way, since there's shark (ok, ichthyosaur) infested waters, (whereas in a city the only thing blocking players would be buildings or cliffs). Anyways, on this small island is an old sea-faring ghost town (with ghosts! or zombies or both), There could be a lighthouse, shipyard, docks (i missed those in HL2), underground tunnel system, graveyard point, mabye some caves, etc.
Anyways, i know this is kind of an overwhelming post, but take your time, think about it, and get back to me!
DaMaN said:
Ok, i've also come up with a tentative part of this mod/map. Picture this: You and your teammates come to a large control center, with monitors and keyboards and stuff. From the control room leads a long hallway with a series of doors. Each must be opened from the control room, but the order of the doors must be known (or the code for each door or something). Unfortunately, all the monitors are just static, except for one, which seems to be showing your back! Turning around you see a small portable camera. Obviously what must be done is one group of people must stay at the control room while the others carry the camera down the hallway, enableing the person in the control room to see what they see, and open the correct door (or turn off the correct trap). (IE, without 'seeing' the specific door, the person in the control room would have no idea what switch to pull, and pulling the wrong one might unleash a trap or accidentally trap the rest of the group.)

Now, the coolest thing is, you can do this in HL2!!! (sorry, i just found it really neat). I've made a bit of a sample map with a camera you can pick up and move around, and will put whatever IT sees onto a monitor!!!

Not to sound a bit negative but this is kinda the same problem with the whole cages thing. No one will wants to stay behind at the controls doing nothing, they may get bored and decide not to play anymore. Once that person logs off someone else will have to run all the way back t the control room by himelf/herself and then the cycle continues.

I think it might be better if you made this into a single player mod, you could easily imcorporate all these ideas into it then and leave an NPC at the control room while you point the camera at the clues.
You could also create a Multiplayer version, but it'll have to be full of survival strategies and other things like dodging boobytraps and ghosts and zombies ect ect.

Single player for the complex ideas and multiplayer for the true "running away from the darkness in a group" idea.

You could have one online team as the survivors and another as the zombies, ghouls so on and so fourth hunting them down, but they have to tackle with rival ghouls wanting to claim the survivors for themselves.
Lovecraftian names are daemonic names, not cult codenames. Trust me on that one.

Ia! Shub-Niggurath! Black goat with a thousand young!

-Angry Lawyer
Hmm, i see what you mean about the camera idea... I'd have to agree with your points on that so i think i'll leave it for another mod.

As for this one, what do you think of the map?

And by the map i mean this one:

Title: floor1try3

VMF file:

BSP file: (may be slightly different from VMF)


P.S. is there any coder/moder out there who would be interested in disabling the HEV suit's flashlight and making a Flashlight "weapon"? I was thinkin something like Doom 3, where your flashlight and gun are separate, and you can't have your gun out AND your flashlight out at the same time. Might be scarier/spookier...
Overreacting i know, but just diable the flash light, if you design it righ, you wont need one. Where in Ravenholm you needed in, just add more flaming piles of debris/flaming barrels.

Make a dark hallway will the explosive barrels and have it so when you shoot one, it sets off a chain reaction that lights up the hallway. You must move with the light, and have zombies that are afraid of the light, that follow right behind, so you have to stay close enough to the barrels to be in the light, but not close enough to take any real damage. Or just make your own barrel that catches on fire, but does not blow up, just goes out after a bit.
Yes, but think of the phsycological impact of only having a flashlight to light your way through certain spots. By no means should it be dark ALL the time, just SOMEtimes, when it's dramatic, (and not much chance of dying). And having ONLY a flashlight OR a gun out. It was a creapy and freaky effect with Doom 3, and i thought it'd be good for this map.


P.S. COMMENT MY MAP!!! AAHH!!! (sorry, just dying for some sort of comment here...)
Ok, well, instead of actually having a flashlight "weapon", what about disabling the suit's flashlight (i don't actually know how to do this...) and having a few physics objects with light or light_spot parented to them. Like, on carried, the physics object (looking like a flashlight) turns on the light (which is parented to the physics object and so moves with it), and on dropped, the physics object/flashlight turns off the light. I'm not sure if this would work or not (yet) as i'm away from my own computer, but later on tonight or tomorow i'll test it out in HL2 and see if it can be done.

Using the above method, there could be a flashlight that will only turn on when picked up and won't let you fire.

What do you think?

NOW you tell me!!!


AHA!! *found attachment button*

Ok, here's a trial first floor. This is the same one i posted a while ago, but the link apparently doen't work. So here it is. Please give some feedback, now that i have the map actually up on the net.

The site is comming ;) Sorry, but no, i don't have a site up yet. I will probably have one up by this weekend though.

Glad to see someone still has interest!


P.S. I've finished the top level of the house and have started on the second. I'll post a vmf of it later on
Ok, just another update here, (with a slight issue that i'd appreciate if someone had any ideas to fix...)

I've finished (reasonably) the top floor and the attic. I'm having trouble making my maps streamlined, so if anybody knows a good way to do this on the maps i upload PLEASE TELL ME!! I do take constructive critisism (no flaming :flame: ). The top floor with the attic together have too many lights though, so it crashes upon attempting to compile.

Take a look and give some comments/ideas/suggestions/noflame :)


P.S. Included are three files: floor1try8.vmf (what the top floor looks like), attic_test2.vmf (what the attic maze is like), and finally hotel2.vmf (which is what the total house will hopefully look like)

All are included in the zip file ""