Needs help with video/mobo

Dark Angel

Feb 9, 2004
Reaction score
Hi guys

I currently have no video card mine is broken. :(

I have gone through the trouble of finding my Mobo online and will place a link so you have some info on my system. Also I have links to 2 diffrent radeons video cards and a question about them.

First off the question with both video cards -- the gold sleves that fit into the AGP slot are diffrent, one is broken into 3 sections and the other is broken into 2 sections so will both fit my AGP slot /?

Links - Versx2 Notice the golden sections on edge of card.

versx3 Same thing this one has x3. So do both these cards fit in my AGP even thought there diffrent. /?

And this is - My MOBO I have an AGP 2.0 compliant slot and PCI slots.

Now my big question is I dont want to buy a video card thats to big for my Mobo to handle so thats one reason why I posted a link to the actual Mobo so you could guys could take a look at the technecal stuff. The Mobo is for geforce4 video cards and I had a G4 Ti4600 that was running good.

Stats on my PC are - 1700+ AMDXP | 400 power supply | 768 DDR Ram PC2700 | And was a G4 Ti4600

Now what I want to do is get the radeon 9600XT or a geforce FX5900 winfast or go with something like Geforce 6200 or 6600 the PCI but there PCI express cards so im confused with those if my Mobo can handle them as I only have PCI slots not (express) ??

I need help in makeing a decision as what card will be best for my computer and some answers on these questions.

1) Can I fit those diffrent radeons in my AGP slot.

2) Can I use a PCI express video card in one of my PCI slots or will it not function.

3) And how big a video card would you guys suggest, I only have a few hundred to play with so the top cards I cannot get but ive been surfing and can swing the radeon 9600XT or pro models and even some 9800 pro models and have also run accross the geforce 6200/6600 PCI cards and was like hmm?? along with some others being the PCX PCI versions of cards so makeing a dicision is not as easy I had hoped.

Any links to good sites to buy video cards would aslo be helpful thanks a bunch guys for even just takeing the time to read all this hope it wasnt to confusing...
you will need a mobo that supports pci-e, you cannot put a pci-e in a regular pci. it wont work. i suggest for now you get a 8x agp card like a 6800 gt or a x800 pro and if you have extra monet you can spend on get a x800 xt pe and a socket 939 board...maybe a neo2 plat mobo, i heard those are good mobos but not sure

EDIT: go for the 9800 pro dont go for the 9600 xt not worth it
Ok so PCI-E is out then thanks for the info on that it answers one of my questions. Thanks :)

I cant afford the new Mobo...

Can I place a Radeon 9800 pro into what I have now /?

My Mobo link is above and what im driveing at is that its only goes upto x2 x4 bus AGP 2.0 compliant.

The newer cards are they universal will they fit in my Mobo and work as I dont care if my PC cant take advantage of x8 bus I just want confirmation if I can place the radeon 9800 pro into the slot without resorting to use of a hammer.
Yeah a 9800 Pro will run happily at AGP 4x and with no noticable performance difference either.
Todays AGP cards only have 2 "cuts", older cards have 3 (and some mobos used to require 3 :) )