


Everyone is so worked up about how valve made one mistake. SO WHAT. Just because they did, does not give you people the right to critisize them. They are just people that make mistakes like all of us. Posting about how stupid they are and about not trusting them with our credit cards is not gonna make them release it faster. Nor going to help anyone. We should be supporting valve hrough this.
Making negative comments is just shows how childish some of you are.
I don't know about you, but negativity tastes good
*rips off a piece*
I DO have the right to criticize Valve. God bless America!
Ok bud, this isn't exactly something we can look over. This is the phucking source code for the game. If a company "accidently" let credit card information touch the raw internet for everyone interested to take at their leisure, I'm not even going to think about giving my credit card number to them. YES! I will buy the product, but as it is, Steam doesn't require it, so I, for one, won't use that particular service.
No you're seeing this wrong, these guys here have all the right to criticize them, remeber that everyone here is a C++ expert with 5 years of experience, a security expert who made the systems for the CIA, have 10 years of marketing and managing experience with large companies. Not to mention they all made about 3 topseller games, so they can tell whether Valve is screwing up or not.

* note the slight sarcasm *
I know it is a big mistake.... i know its big news... but making stupid comments is not helping anyone.. Maybe it makes you feel warm and fuzzy b4 you go to sleep or somehting but not me
Originally posted by {SS}Cyrax
I know it is a big mistake.... i know its big news... but making stupid comments is not helping anyone.. Maybe it makes you feel warm and fuzzy b4 you go to sleep or somehting but not me

People do it for the same reason people talk crap in a game like Counter-Strike.

No I couldn't tell you what it is.. Exactly my point.
Half Life 2 will be released Holidays 2003, unless officially announced otherwise.
I can safelty say that as President of Sunstorm Interactive, after viewing the Source code for HL2 is that Valve has blantantly ripped off the physics and AI off our award winning Deer Hunting franchise.

Check it out and your eyes will be revealed to the troof!
lol PvtRyan that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. I don't care if it was sarcastic. If I had the code to fire nuclear missles and every hacker with half a brain knew that I had it and where it was(IP i mean) and what pc to look for it in, I sure as shit wouldn't be connecting it to the internet! And 'But I needed to be able to check my email!!!' is FAR from any excuse I would except from my 6 year old niece...

I know what you're thinking, how is guarding VALVe's source code for HL2 anywhere near as important as guarding nuclear launch codes, right? Maybe in the grand scheme of things it's not. But to VALVe, it should be that import to guard if not more. Because that's all VALVe has, to be blunt.
LOL... valve ripped their code off of a deer hunting game.... thats the lamest thing ive ever heard. Don't you have proof?
The negativity here needs to be toned down in general. Everyone gets all uppety when anyone doesn't give Valve the same blind praise/faith zealots give whatever god(s) they worship. It's okay to be a little critical of people or their ideas, but insults and personal comments are out of line.
LOL... valve ripped their code off of a deer hunting game.... thats the lamest thing ive ever heard. Don't you have proof?


/mumbles something about idiocy

{SS}Cyrax - your rebelious nature and irrisistable looks are not welcome!