Neo Fish

Dead Head

Jun 8, 2004
Reaction score
Bet you've never seen a mod where you use fish-like weapons to kill each other, have you? I doubt you have, because the idea seems retarted, but it can be really entertaining. Imagine your self in a large shpere filled with water, fish-shaped weapons, and an objective. This is Neo-Fish, the mod thats been in the works for two days. I got the idea while playing with a fake bass fish, aiming it's mouth at people and yelling "Head Shot!". Then It hit me, the idea for neo-fish. A couple friends and I have been comming up with ideas over the last 2 days on the way to school, and it seems like it could work.

What I need is a team of people who have the ambition to make a mod that might not be the next counter-strike, but could be just as entertaining. You dont have to be an expert, you just have to be able to do what I ask of you.
-A Moddeler or two
-A Skinner or two
-A Map Maker
-A Codder or Two

If you think you can contribute to the idea, please post it, because I'll need all the help I can get.
How about a mod that takes place in various fish tanks and there are different characters like (fishes/turtle/eel/crab or crayfish/toy scubaman) and you have to use your abilities to fight each other or make em cartoony and have them use weapons..
maybe each character has a special ability because for example a crab and crayfish would have claws that they could use. an eel would be able to electricute you. a turtle could bite or shield itself in it's shell. a fish could slap you and ram you. a scuba toy could have a speargun and a net.
You could make fun weapons for everyone to use like a bubble blower gun that shoots out streams of bubbles.
Maybe a weapon that you load up with gravel from the floor of the tank and then shoot them out like rockets.. Maybe the bubble blower needs to be refilled at the top of the tank..
maybe have special powerups like a invisibility cloak (like what octopus have)..
maybe health can be fish food that floats down occasionally..
maybe have vehicles like a underwater propeller thingy..or a toy submarine

maybe another gamemode could be scubapeople verses creatures and the scuba dudes have to catch all the fishes and stuff in their nets and gather them at the boat at the top to win.. lol..
"A Codder or Two" heh, was that intentional? :)
sounds like a laugh, good luck
How about a mod that takes place in various fish tanks and there are different characters like (fishes/turtle/eel/crab or crayfish/toy scubaman) and you have to use your abilities to fight each other or make em cartoony and have them use weapons..
maybe each character has a special ability because for example a crab and crayfish would have claws that they could use. an eel would be able to electricute you. a turtle could bite or shield itself in it's shell. a fish could slap you and ram you. a scuba toy could have a speargun and a net.
You could make fun weapons for everyone to use like a bubble blower gun that shoots out streams of bubbles.
Maybe a weapon that you load up with gravel from the floor of the tank and then shoot them out like rockets.. Maybe the bubble blower needs to be refilled at the top of the tank..
maybe have special powerups like a invisibility cloak (like what octopus have)..
maybe health can be fish food that floats down occasionally..
maybe have vehicles like a underwater propeller thingy..or a toy submarine

maybe another gamemode could be scubapeople verses creatures and the scuba dudes have to catch all the fishes and stuff in their nets and gather them at the boat at the top to win.. lol..
I was thinking of the Fish Tank Idea while had my dog out side taking a piss, since making a sphere could be a little harsh on pollys, but thanks a million for the idea.
We've already thought of all the weapon ideas that you've posted, like for example, a melee weapon is really the crowbar thats been swollowed by an electric eel, or a seahorse for the colt. The Riot shield is gunna be something like a turtle shell.
As for the health packs, thats a great idea, I was thinking of using traditional health packs, but thats even better!
Vehicles are going to be dolphins or Sharks.
And the look of the characters hasn't been decided yet, but im thinking of people in spandex, or enviromental suits like the one that Gordon freeman wears, except more 'air tight' for underwater enviroment.

"A Codder or Two" heh, was that intentional?
sounds like a laugh, good luck
Actually, I noticed it just as I clicked the post button. :p
hehe, good luck, but bear in mind, originality isnt always a good thing.
good point, and thats really apparent with the CS crowd, every time a mapper makes an original map they shit all over it because it isnt Dust or Aztec.
I'll try to get people to help another time, because of exams and some work I may be doing on another mod.