Neoshock: Recruiting Serious Developers


Nov 16, 2003
Reaction score
Neoshock is an amateur/volunteer project with some seriously talented people who got lost and stumbled into our team. Accepted applicants will NOT be paid for their work. However, we are still looking only for serious applicants who are willing to commit.

For more information about Neoshock, please visit our website at

Recruiting for Cinematic Team:
Animators: Humanoid biped animations, machines. Generic animations. Must be able to use a lot of reference
Texture artists: Organic and mechanic. Experience with photographic texturing is a bonus.
Particle engineers: Applicants must be familiar with either maya or max and need to be able to simulate fire and smoke ("explosion phenomina" ie. dust and sparks)
Lighting specialists: Applicants must be able to use renderers such as brazil or mental ray, possibly v-ray. Photo-realistic lighting with GI and natural shadows.
Physics engineers: Must be able to set up rigid body dynamics and cloth simulation systems. Must use a lot of reference. Must be able to get precise results when working with rigid body dynamics. Must be able to work with fracture systems. Models will be provided. High end system and familiarity with realflow is a bonus.

Recruiting for Development Team: Animators, texture artists, environmental concept artists, writers, experienced coder.

Potential Applicants must be willing to sacrifice a significant amount of fragging and partying every week (4-20) to work on the project upon release of SDK.

About the Neoshock Project
If you were to go to our website, the first thing you would notice is that Neoshock is more like a complete game than a simple modification. The range of content and detail we are planning is simply immense, and our design document is as outrageously ambitious as it is expansive. In fact, we like to view Neoshock as a complete universe, an alternate reality that has been growing and maturing for quite some time. In the world of Neoshock exists a broken civilization, shattered by the realities of a chaotic past and driven by the insatiable lust that defines humanity. Under its sky lies a society of order on the edge of chaos, a time of tentative growth, the stretching of limbs only just healed, and the spark of a new hope. The soaring towers of young cities stand proud as noble ideas of old are rekindled with a renewed faith. But in the shadows of these towers lie the broken ghosts of a pained past, the momentous secrets of ancient history, and the oncomming strife of an unknown future...

The story of Neoshock is the story of humanity, an experience that touches the political, the spiritual, the philisophical, the romantic, and the emotional. It is a story of struggle that speaks of heroes in a world of a thousand factions, the immensely profound movements of powerful organizations, and the unity of a race against a tidal wave of unstoppable change. This is the story and world that we have created, and the one we want gamers to experience.

The Game
The core elements of Neoshock gameplay are mostly classic design concepts that have been refined by other developers and designers in the past. However, it is the combination of these elements and integration of our own that make Neoshock Unique. The main game involves up to four teams of players consisting of any combination of the three races. Depending on the map, the teams battle each other and try to accomplish certain objective(s). The spin is that each race is completely different in terms of gameplay, strategy, and progression. Here I'll give a quick intro to each race:

Humans: The human race is the race with the most diversity and amount of content. At the core is a team-based FPS system that emphasizes strategy and tactics through a squad-leader and commander system. Although the fundamental elements of the human playstyle are geared towards realism, the pace and chaos-factor of human play is increased dramatically through all sorts of futuristic equipment, vehicles, and weapons.

Aliens: Players on an alien team manifest themselves in the game as Overlords. Overlords are flying physical entities in the game that can infest objects and locations, spawn alien eggs, and control soldiers. As an overlord, the gameplay style is similar to that of an RTS game without resource management. Although there is a lot of choice in terms of evolutions and spawning, the players job will be more focused on making those choices than executing them. Micro-management is available, but intelligent soldier AI controllable by "global thought strains" are to be the cornerstone for combat strategy.

The AI: Ever played Slave Zero? It's a game where you play a giant robot and your job is to basically run around and blow stuff up. This is the freedom that we want to offer to AI players. The key to our AI gameplay is a system where the player does not need to worry about overall strategy and the big picture. Each player plays a single AI soldier class and is assigned orders by a game AI. Thus, the player can concentrate on his objective and its execution. To make it interesting, the AI is given quite a range of special abilities such as the ability to take a bite out of any object and process it as resources, transformations, and of course, lots of firepower!

Why join our team?
So why would you want to work so hard on a project for no pay? Well, for some of us, its getting real experience in a professional working environment, with an oppurtunity to advance our skills alongside professionals currently employed in the Gaming, Television, and Cinema industries, and with experienced developers who have worked on modications such as Natural Selection. However, I think most of us take part of this project because we believe in it, because we believe in the vision I started out with and the reality we are molding from it. We do our best because we can, and we draw satisfaction and a sense of achievement from both our own work and also the collective team effort that is the project. Although it seems like we are asking for a lot, it is also true that by giving more, you will receive more... and since we all think this way, the Neoshock Dev Team is an ever greater team because of it.

I want to apply!!
If you have any questions about us or you have concerns about your potential membership, don't be afraid to apply first! We'll sort it out later in a one-on-one conversation. Please send your applications to: [email protected] and include samples!
seems to me like you've got more team members than sense. you have 3 coders already, but need another? perhaps you could justify having 4 people working on a 1 man project that appears to be, though i can only speak for myself here, a glorified natural selection clone.

You mention "it is the combination of these elements and integration of our own that make Neoshock Unique" yet you fail to state your own unique elements. If you did infact mean that your unique elements are the following - "The spin is that each race is completely different in terms of gameplay, strategy, and progression.", and natural selection springs to mind again here, then you must be mistaken.

Pendragon is right, you do seem to have posted a lot of requests on this forum. If you aren't having much luck i'd suggest you stop trying, or wait until we have some new talent :)
Writers Eh?

What type of Writing are you looking for?

Venmoch, we are looking for either writers who are interested in creating fiction set in the Neoshock universe and also writers who can take care of editing and drafting announcements, news, etc.

Onions, if the game developing professionals I've talked with approve of what I'm doing, and if the members I've recruited off of approve of what I'm doing, and my team approves... quite frankly I do not feel that I need to listen to some kid who replies to a recruitment thread and offers his obviously ignorant opinion when it was not asked of him. If or don't have problems with my threads (in fact they HELP me by constantly cleaning them up), why should, a community for FANS which should be supporting mods? Please, do your job and stop harassing the people that your forums are supposed to help.
Pendragon similarly posted his opinion when it was not asked of him, so i'll take this personally.

My opinion is based purely on my halflife modding experiences and the opinions of other talented developers. I fail to see how that makes it ignorant, subjective maybe, but then so is your ignorance comment so you have no reason to complain there :) Perhaps instead of avoiding the issues I raised by baiting me (on a forum on which i can quite happily ban you), you could maybe explain why your solution is going to work? :) I was in no way harassing anybody here, I was simply offering my opinions as i stated above.


I'm sorry, is that gratuitous name-dropping supposed to impress people? You've lost what little credibility you may have had with that ad-hominem attack on onions.

Fact time - public forum. People can express their opinions freely, whether you've asked for it or not.
Nor were his comments ignorant - he's only going off the information you've provided.

I would suggest that you get over yourself, quickly.
Pi Mu Rho said:

I'm sorry, is that gratuitous name-dropping supposed to impress people? You've lost what little credibility you may have had with that ad-hominem attack on onions.

Yay ad-hominem, go pi for his smart false truths comment. :p Gah im stupid.
Why not drop the FPS element and create an RTS-only mod? That would be unique, and that would also be my idea too :p Except I want it C&C-Red Alert style with features from all good RTS games. But I'm too lazy and it's too big for me to actually do. ;) Plus I know zilch about programming games. I is a good writer though, and I have ideas. Tons of ideas and my brother and my friend have ideas too. Hehe.

The one thing I did though was create a name for it, a kick-ass name (IMO), I called it "Salient".

About being unique, I think that if they want to create a NS-style game that'll be awesome, as long as they put in their own unique ideas what's the big deal? RTSS's are becoming popular, if only someone made one that actually was cool. Savage is a great game, but it's lacking.

Man, if someone created an RTSS in the C&C universe that'd kick so much butt :D It would be cool if they had experience points and veterancy and vehicles (something Savage lacks, only a Ballista, but I'm talking BF1942 vehicles with multiple people) and the ability to buy better weapons (like Savage and NS (?; I've never played NS). AND AND... yah, I have ideas. :LOL: Imagine being a Spy and infiltrating the enemy's command center or radar or ore refinery. Unnggg.

I might not be able to do it by myself but....if there are people who share my enthusiasm, why not join up? :p
EA are grimly hanging on to the C&C license. Plus, Renegade was a flop, sales-wise. They already canned the sequel.

I believe that someone is working on a "proper" RTS/FPS hybrid game though. *cough*
Pi Mu Rho said:
EA are grimly hanging on to the C&C license. Plus, Renegade was a flop, sales-wise. They already canned the sequel.

I believe that someone is working on a "proper" RTS/FPS hybrid game though. *cough*
ooh, tell us more, if your allowed, since its a commercial game right, with pro's working on it, and money involved. Not a mod.. like PinFX's :)
NDA, you know how it is. Besides, you know all about it already :p
The Dark Elf said:
Fenric you evil-doer! You are just mocking us non-mods-or-professionals! I keell you!!!
ummm i think cgtalk is ready to ban you lol, 6 threads and counting =P

at least i'm learning from other peoples indecisive posting decisions!
Sorry, been busy so haven't checked this thread.

Anyways, I'm not going to criticize you guys or talk back. Apparently I've misunderstood the purpose of this half life 2 community... but if I'm not happy with it I can take my business elsewhere. Since I registered here I was under the impression that as a community site, would like to be a place where fans and developers of HL2 alike can come for mod news, and if they are interested enough, to offer help to mods who need it. Mods like Neoshock could come to this site, post news and recruitment threads and by doing this, both parties could benefit. For a period of time this seemed to hold true with a mod news forum, and a lot of positive response to the threads I posted before. Unfortunately, that did not last, and now it seems every time I make a post there are moderators here to be hostile and discouraging to something I am very protective of.

I should have realized it sooner, is not an open forum for fans and developers, its a community dominated by a tight-nit group of core members who decide for the entire community how they feel. I should have known better to post here, as not every poster is welcome regardless of what they bring, because the administrators prefer to deal with people who satisfy certain criteria and follow a strict set of rules. For me to post here means an immediate hostile response and provocation, and to not foresee this and post anyways is my fault. As I said, if I don't like it I can take my business elsewhere, and I will. has the biggest halflife 2 fan community on the internet, and that alone means a lot. I hope this community thrives, and I wish you guys good luck.
Your decision of course. I still don't understand why you refuse to debate the issue like we were on .dev a few days ago.
PinFX said:
Sorry, been busy so haven't checked this thread.

Anyways, I'm not going to criticize you guys or talk back. Apparently I've misunderstood the purpose of this half life 2 community... but if I'm not happy with it I can take my business elsewhere. Since I registered here I was under the impression that as a community site, would like to be a place where fans and developers of HL2 alike can come for mod news, and if they are interested enough, to offer help to mods who need it. Mods like Neoshock could come to this site, post news and recruitment threads and by doing this, both parties could benefit. For a period of time this seemed to hold true with a mod news forum, and a lot of positive response to the threads I posted before. Unfortunately, that did not last, and now it seems every time I make a post there are moderators here to be hostile and discouraging to something I am very protective of.

I should have realized it sooner, is not an open forum for fans and developers, its a community dominated by a tight-nit group of core members who decide for the entire community how they feel. I should have known better to post here, as not every poster is welcome regardless of what they bring, because the administrators prefer to deal with people who satisfy certain criteria and follow a strict set of rules. For me to post here means an immediate hostile response and provocation, and to not foresee this and post anyways is my fault. As I said, if I don't like it I can take my business elsewhere, and I will. has the biggest halflife 2 fan community on the internet, and that alone means a lot. I hope this community thrives, and I wish you guys good luck.
Actually, I think we've just grown to dislike you since:

Pin FX: then give me a position on the staff
Pin FX: give me chris D's position
Pin FX: hes obviously a slacker
Pin FX: majestic, pull some strings
Pin FX: let me in on the development at the least, if nothing else I have a good perspective on taking individuals who never knew each other from all over the world and getting a project rolling
Pin FX: i not only have extensive experience in site design and infrastructure (i do get paid to do it), but I also know enough about game designer, team management and leadership to take a mod to the point I've taken Neoshock to
Pin FX: as compared to chris D...
Pin FX: you see the point im making right?

Think of us what you will, but we've certainly formed a fair opinion about you.
As a person who knows nothing about you PinFX, you sure come off like a prick. :| *shuts up and stops posting :p*

And also, quit hogging all the coders! Share the wealth!!! :D

Too arrogant for some constructive critisism, so you lash out at and insult people with childish name calling? And then when they give you valid responses, you just pretend to back out while acting like you were the victim. All the while trying so hard to make witty "closing" comments. I certainly hope that you don't treat any of the members of your gigantic team that way.

Anyway, I only felt obliged to comment here because I am proof that is a great site for fans and developers alike. I had started out Half Life: Episodes here, and if it weren't for people's constructive critisism and for this site itself, I would have never have been able to. It hasn't only been me, as well, I've seen quite a few mods emerge from this site, and other existing mods recruit here.

Maybe you should have a bit more of an open mind and not blindly insult people when they mean to help you out. I'm sure you can't think it is impossible that others may be more experienced or have more knowledge than you.

Best of luck with the mod, in all honesty it does look promising.
Pi Mu Rho said:
I believe that someone is working on a "proper" RTS/FPS hybrid game though. *cough*
He's talking about TF2. Big surprise.

And, the staff who like to offer thinly-veiled abuse as constructive critcism, you guys are a buch of assholes. That said, i get a good laugh watching you systematically crush these newbie mods that are popping up.

Keep up the good work!

P.S. The internet is serious :-[
Teddy said:
He's talking about TF2. Big surprise.

Nope. Something as-yet unannounced.

And, the staff who like to offer thinly-veiled abuse as constructive critcism, you guys are a buch of assholes.

You reap what you sow.

That said, i get a good laugh watching you systematically crush these newbie mods that are popping up.

Well, we could tell people how their mod is going to be the next best thing, and they're going to be the most successful mod EVAR!!!111oneoneone, but that wouldn't really be helping anyone, would it?

Keep up the good work!

pfft, if i was an asshole i'd simply say nuclear dawn will own him, and probable get more publicity too, since the project leader didn't call me an ignorant kid in public ;)
It's a good job you didn't say that then.
NS is the short name for this mod? pfft looks like your not gonna get much friendlyness from the real ns community...
unlike my mods - dawn of diabetes, confuzzling-stuff, fluffing liberal ferrets and terminally flacid coc..krels
Natural Selection 2 is already under development, lets just say a little bird told me :D

I can see the originality in PinFX's design because I used to be on the team, he also has a good team. I do hate PinFX my self. But thats only because we have a difference in person, its got nothing to do with his modification. Good luck and I can see where both PinFX and The hl2 moderators are coming from, franky I think its boring and stupid.
I'm not moderating, i'm participating in a discussion! Hate it when people blur that line :p
@ IchI...

That little birdy happened to be on there site and forums.
Pi Mu Rho said:
You reap what you sow.
With a certain degree of impunity might I add.

pfft, if i was an asshole i'd simply say nuclear dawn will own him, and probable get more publicity too, since the project leader didn't call me an ignorant kid in public
Is this the same project leader of heard certain things about? I'm not gonna say it in public, though I have heard that the leader's a replacement, in which case I won't even bother.
ComradeBadger said:
chapel's the leader of ND :) and he's a stand up bloke :E

Ouch, wrong. chapel's the leader of Nuclear Dreams, which is not quite the same as Nuclear Dawn.

If I recall correctly, Nuclear Dawn is the mod that is all like WE R PROFESHUNAL LOLZ. I dunno, last time I heard about them was quite some time ago.
Eeps. Soz Chapel matey :/

Pfft NSO are behaving the same way as Nuclear Dawn if that is the case.
theGreenBunny said:
Ouch, wrong. chapel's the leader of
If I recall correctly, Nuclear Dawn is the mod that is all like WE R PROFESHUNAL LOLZ. I dunno, last time I heard about them was quite some time ago.
Yeah, but all that was based just on one thread of concept art (which wasn't theirs) and models. Haven't seen them since either, though previous staffers (this was WAAYY back in D33 and rec's time) had beef with them.
Pi Mu Rho said:
EA are grimly hanging on to the C&C license. Plus, Renegade was a flop, sales-wise. They already canned the sequel.

I believe that someone is working on a "proper" RTS/FPS hybrid game though. *cough*
pi should update demo about info?
NDA. Can't say anything.