Neotokyo needs you (Character modelers and more)


Jul 1, 2003
Reaction score
Hi there!

First some details about the mod:
Neotokyo is a first person shooter inspired by sci-fi/cyberpunk anime created by Masamune Shirow and others.

The mod takes place in a fictionalized Tokyo approximately 25 years in the future. Mankind has begun to fuse with technology. The problems of today have not gone away; in fact they have worsened. The rich are richer, the poor are unbelievably poor. Government and corporate corruption have transformed Tokyo into a deadly dystopian nightmare.

Initially the main focus of the mod will be multiplayer. Game play modes will largely be team versus team. In addition to classic game play modes the mod will feature innovative modes that are in the spirit of the universe of Neotokyo.

It is our intention to have single player 'episodes' to be released periodically later on with a heavy emphasis on story and setting. This is secondary to creating a great multiplayer mod though.

The visual mood of the mod will be anime stylized reality . Please note it is our intention that this mod be inspired, not a copy. So there will be no Kaneda/Kusanagi/etc. Likewise, Neotokyo is not the "Neo Tokyo" portrayed in Akira the comic book and movie. However we will do our best to capture and allow people to experience the visceral world portrayed in anime/manga such as Ghost in the Shell and Akira.

I'm the mod leader, primary coder and 'jack-of-all-trades' for the mod. But I'm sure I'll end up working on just about everything at some point (like the numerous models I've pimped in the modeling forum for instance). Take the 'Leader' title with a grain of salt, I'd like to use a 'cabal' approach, where every team member gets input, but my job will be to keep us on track to completion. Which brings me to-

Neotokyo needs:
#1 - We need character modeler(s)... Right now our concept artist, Retleks, is working some magic to create some character concept art and we'll post some examples soon. But this area is where we need the most help.

We also could use skinner(s), 3D modeler(s) for props(weapons, vehicles, etc.), sound artist, and map makers. We're not looking to create a huge team, just a core of skilled and motivated individuals.

High quality, not high quantity, will be the focus in all areas of the mod. I.e. I believe a dozen or so very distinctive weapons are much better than 40 mediocre ones. Communication will be handled primarily through private forums I’ve set up on the mod webpage - IRC seems mostly to just waste people’s time IMHO. But if it seems like we need it later on we'll find a channel somewhere.

If you’ve got the chops, want to make a great mod, and you are of a friendly team player disposition - don’t hesitate in contacting me, Neotokyo needs you.

[email protected]