Neotokyo Trailer is Here


Jul 6, 2003
Reaction score
NEOTOKYO trailer is now available to watch on YouTube or download from MonkeyJunkie in 720p glory.

NEOTOKYO is a first person shooter that provides a visceral & realistic combat experience in a rich futuristic setting. It is greatly influenced by our admiration for Masamune Shirow (GHOST IN THE SHELL) and Katsuhiro Otomo (AKIRA), and has been in production since October 2004.
<object ><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" ></embed></object>​
For more info head to Neotokyo website.
Another great mod trailer! will certainly check this out when it appears.
Wow. That was incredible. The mod looks so well polished, really good work, I can't wait to play it! The levels looked great, especially on top of the moving train!

How did they do the swooping into the POV shots from 1:20 - 1:30? Usually as spectator it's hard to get those fluid movements.
Content looks pretty good.
Though to be honest I cannot see the specialty of what this mod offers other than a message from the trailer "play counter-strike now with neotokyo content instead of counter-strike content!".

I'm sure the team did alot of work, but i'm simply not sold by the trailer that was just presented. Suppose the team and other mod teams would consider to focus less on the elements of compositing/editing video footage to the extent of over fancy "not ingame" effects to actually sell me what's new and what makes this mod unique. (Black Mesa Source in particular was more bull in a trailer than I can far comprehend to imagine as to why anyone wouldn't see it as touched footage that was sped up and a "Bloom" effect with additional compositing added ontop of footage that actually will not look anything like what was shown in their trailer alone.)

Some things like the carrage of the robot torso, as though it's an element of CTF from what i've picked up visually. Tell me it will have a classic game mode that's always been enjoyable so i'm enlightened.

Trailers that can tell me something cool and interesting like little gameplay kinks here and there that actually draw my attention would really do better to selling an audience aside from a person like myself as to wether I will or will not spend my bandwith in await to download however 100+ mb modification for half-life 2.

But cheers on making it this far guys, keep up the good work :thumbs:
The trailer's production values were massive! Great to watch. Hope it turns out well.
This fellow sums it up quite nicely.

Also the walking animations look kind of clunky.

Regaurdless of whether the game is good or not, I'm definitely going to be downloading this, if only for the music.
Content looks pretty good.
Though to be honest I cannot see the specialty of what this mod offers other than a message from the trailer "play counter-strike now with neotokyo content instead of counter-strike content!".

I'm sure the team did alot of work, but i'm simply not sold by the trailer that was just presented. Suppose the team and other mod teams would consider to focus less on the elements of compositing/editing video footage to the extent of over fancy "not ingame" effects to actually sell me what's new and what makes this mod unique. (Black Mesa Source in particular was more bull in a trailer than I can far comprehend to imagine as to why anyone wouldn't see it as touched footage that was sped up and a "Bloom" effect with additional compositing added ontop of footage that actually will not look anything like what was shown in their trailer alone.)

Some things like the carrage of the robot torso, as though it's an element of CTF from what i've picked up visually. Tell me it will have a classic game mode that's always been enjoyable so i'm enlightened.

Trailers that can tell me something cool and interesting like little gameplay kinks here and there that actually draw my attention would really do better to selling an audience aside from a person like myself as to wether I will or will not spend my bandwith in await to download however 100+ mb modification for half-life 2.

But cheers on making it this far guys, keep up the good work :thumbs:

Upon first glance of the trailer, to most people I can see why they may think that this is just Cs reskinned. The weapons etc will feel similar much like any other shooter out there, but that is where the similarities end. I recently put up a Q&A thread in our general forums that go deeper into details about our mod regarding features and gameplay questions.

Regarding the trailer, we feel it is better to give a glimpse of the mod, and not here is everything we have to offer. We want people to when they play Neotokyo, not feel they have already played it because they have seen everything we have to show, which is part of the reason we have remained out of the spotlight, to focus on actual development rather than trying to get popular before we were ready. Regarding the bloom effect, we have our own Radi-8 bloom mod, which was actually released shortly after halflife 2 came out so people could see what our bloom looked like in halflife 2. This was before Valve's HDR was even mentioned.

The main gametype is called capture the ghost, a spinoff of capture the flag. It does not play exactly like ctf, but very similar. We did not entirely reinvent anything, we wanted to make a mod that is unique enough to get interest, but familiar enough that it is not overly confusing or hard to get into. We think we have achieved that.

The trailer should give you a taste of the gameplay, but it does not show core mechanics entirely being used, mainly cloaking and the vision modes. Again we did not want to put all our eggs in one basket, but there is a snippet showing motion vision from first person perspective. We plan on making some other videos detailing more of these things in the future as we ramp up closer to release.
There is an FAQ posted here:

Excerpt about the gameplay:
What exactly is capture the ghost, how does it work?
-The white robot torso acts as the flag, it can be spawned in at random locations, and there are sometimes more than one retrieval zone depending on the level. Every player can track the ghosts location by its white beacon, if the other team is in possession of it, the beacon turns red. Whoever is holding the ghost, you cannot carry a primary weapon, only your sidearm. By holding the ghost in your arms, you will be able to scan the area around you and detect nearby enemies, and relay that information to your teammates giving away their positions. If you switch to your sidearm, the ghost scan stops, but you can defend yourself.

PS: If you think that the mod will play out exactly like Counter-Strike from this info, well... er... I guess the idea of wall hacks in CSS cheating doesn't really bother you all that much?
i was kind of hoping this would be a single player game giving the amount of time that they worked on it.
i was kind of hoping this would be a single player game giving the amount of time that they worked on it.

Dunno where on Earth you could've gotten that idea. Plus the idea of a single player Japan futuristica seems kinda eh.
Actually, I kinda expected it to be Singleplayer as well, I just got that assumption from previous media releases.
I'm sure the team did alot of work, but i'm simply not sold by the trailer that was just presented. Suppose the team and other mod teams would consider to focus less on the elements of compositing/editing video footage to the extent of over fancy "not ingame" effects to actually sell me what's new and what makes this mod unique. (Black Mesa Source in particular was more bull in a trailer than I can far comprehend to imagine as to why anyone wouldn't see it as touched footage that was sped up and a "Bloom" effect with additional compositing added ontop of footage that actually will not look anything like what was shown in their trailer alone.)
I couldn't agree more. Flashy trailers like this and the one Black Mesa released last week (both done by the same fellow I think) are pretty and get attention, but I'd be much more hyped by and happy to see a simple old-fashioned gameplay video instead. It just makes more sense to me.

That having been said, regardless of how I feel about this trend of flashy trailers over actual gameplay, or of quasi-commercial PR strategies being used by mods, Neotokyo looks great. I've had half an eye on this mod for quite a long time, several years now, and I'm impressed that they're finally delivering - so I'll still download and play it for sure.
The Zombie Panic Source tutorial trailer was also made by the same guy, Monkey-Junkie. I liked the mix of gameplay instruction and humor in that one.
I was awestruck by the trailer. Hope it turns out to be as good as it looks. I will be downloading this when it gets released!
A nice trailer but, you know, it looks like Counter-Strike: JAPAN!
I cannot wait to watch the trailer :D
*downloading now*
What can i say.. just excellent.
Pretty good mod too.



Is that supposed to mean something?

Anyway, this doesn't look fun to me. If the setting and weapons are different enough from CS I might enjoy it. Hopefully.
Love the Blade Runner-esque feel in some of the maps. Who did the music?

Edit - Nevermind.

"Ed Harrison has put together a 2-DISC OST for NEOTOKYO (27 songs). When it becomes available we'll let you know where and how you can get it."

Listen to 6 tracks:
Not really that all over it, but i did like the train part.
The way the trailer presents the mod is very good, I enjoyed watching it and so it served it's purpose.

Closer inspection shows some cool scenery, but I find myself getting stuck looking at the stiff and not-so-fluid character motion (I'm an animator so that's usually what draws my attention). I think for the running they would haven either been better off going for the ninja no-bob run or the more western weighter hips-go-up-and-down-more type of the moment it stuck in floaty nowhere land.

But that's about it, and for a mod this looks pretty impressive. I think we've all been far too spoiled by the current-gen graphical power of financed games because I find myself feeling like everythings too simply detailed.
i was kind of hoping this would be a single player game giving the amount of time that they worked on it.

That was actually my initial impression based on the trailer, until I started reading about this "capture the ghost" talk.

But my opinion doesn't count; I'm a 360 player.
can I ask how this is influenced by akira/ghost in the shell ???

because more then, neotokyo (also the place in akira, not sure about ghost in the shell) and being set in the future I don't see much of a resemblance.

I read both mangas (yeah took me quite a while) and saw all the films, and honestly... this doesn't look to have elements of akira/ghost in the shell at all (well, I think messed up kids, drugs, motorcycles, robotic reflexes, emotional robots, illusions because of someone hacking your brain, ... wouldn't really work in a game anyway)

but i'm gonna download anyway when it's out and give it a try
^agree. I take the mention of Ghost in the Shell in high regard, but that trailer didn't remind me a bit of it, beyond the ghost unit. The anime itself was done in a very stunning manner, I don't think the source engine, as good as it is, is capable of duplicating its feel. I will give this mod another look at though.
Dystopia looks so much better than this D:<
Fanboyism? In our mod community?

It can happen.
Yes, this is like a cold beer in the middle of the desert!
Been following Neotokyo from the start, this makes it worth the wait for some part.
Have to say i'm still not convinced about the texturing and lighting from both props, models and env. It's simply not at the same level as the modelling and concept.
Still you guy's should be proud at this stage and just...finish the beast.

Yes, this is like a cold beer in the middle of the desert!
Been following Neotokyo from the start, this makes it worth the wait for some part.
Have to say i'm still not convinced about the texturing and lighting from both props, models and env. It's simply not at the same level as the modelling and concept.
Still you guy's should be proud at this stage and just...finish the beast.


This looks nice, but the trailer doesn't convince me of much beyond inspiring Ghost in the Shell flashbacks.

Which is good.

But I dunno.
You guys are amazingly hard to please. On the one hand you get people who rip apart the remake mods, then when something different actually does come out of the shadows, you pick it apart piece by piece.

"Have to say i'm still not convinced about the texturing and lighting from both props, models and env. It's simply not at the same level as the modelling and concept."

Care to explain what are you not convinced about? I dont even know what that comment is supposed to mean.
I'd like to congratulate the NeoTokyo team, looks amazing. I'll definitely check it out.

To answer the question above: People are hard to please in general, this is just a fact of the modding community. I think that fancy PR and secretive development makes it worse though. Many mods have already been released 2 and 3 years ago, they gathered feedback early and fixed the bugs. It's very hard to skip that process, and waiting so long to release something does take its tole on the community...

I think PR and secret development makes it worse, because then people expect it to look just like the trailer, all perfect. Even if you have kept up that level of quality in this release, keeping it up afterwards will be hard. Better to be open with the community, talk about bugs, use their feedback. This is a great advantage of being a mod, and more mods should be taking advantage of it.

Producing like a commercial game gets you treated like one, and I'd say 99% of mods don't live up to that quality bar (nor should they have to).

PS. Beautiful music, I'll have to pick up the album when it's released.
Care to explain what are you not convinced about? I dont even know what that comment is supposed to mean.

Dont worry about it dude, some people just need the actual mod to pass their judgement.