Nero problem

May 15, 2003
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New HDD, try and install Nero, and it says I have an older version of Nero kicking around. I don't.. but now it won't let me install Nero... grr

Any ideas?
I'm presuming that the new HDD has a clean install on Windows on it (No registry etc.)?
Might wanna do a search for "*nero*" and delete all files related to nero burning rom?

(the * are wild cards that get everything with the word nero in it, just in case you didn't know what they were, or thought they were there for emphasis, the quotes though are not needed)
Yeah, knew they were wildcards. Yeah, it's a clean install of XP Pro (Yes, I know everyone hates it, but I like it :p )
go to run in your start menu and type regedit. then look around in software for any nero. you anything just delete it right there. that should do it. also go to add/remove progs and look in there.
Add/Remove programs turns up nothing. I restored the folder from the ether, and theres no uninstall executive.

Looking around in regedit... can't find software.. can find loads of things Nero-related...