Nervous about Ravenholm

I've advanced alot today in Ravenholm, I'm on the part where he's taking you to the mines and it still isn't scary and I got this cool screenie out of it.

Zombies are soo cool.
The one part in HL2 that I remember going "Oh shi~" at is
when you jump down into the showers and the Ant Lion Guard comes bursting through that door, haha.
I've advanced alot today in Ravenholm, I'm on the part where he's taking you to the mines and it still isn't scary and I got this cool screenie out of it.

Zombies are soo cool.

Nice catch! :bounce:
I was only scared for the first chapter, because of the hype mostly as it being "the scariest game ever." However, once you learned that all corpses on the ground reanimate and things jump through vents its not fact it was incredibly boring. So boring that I traded the game in at the beginning of chapter four. :|

well for one it was much trippier than Revenholm. maybe if you play on a small screen with crappy headphones or speakers on PC it wouldnt be so scary, but i played it on PS3, with surround sound way up on a 50' Screen and there were a lot of moments where it scared the shit out of me.
well for one it was much trippier than Revenholm. maybe if you play on a small screen with crappy headphones or speakers on PC it wouldnt be so scary, but i played it on PS3, with surround sound way up on a 50' Screen and there were a lot of moments where it scared the shit out of me.

Cool, I guess that would be scarier than on PC. :p
Sorry for double post but a couple of days ago i got another cool screenie:

Well the first time I played Ravenholm,
I was nervous at about the start bit when there was that elevator shaft with no elevator, and the music at that point put me on edge, then when the body fell down I was worried what was up there, then when seeing the body hanging from that tree I felt nervous, then after I got my bearings and shot up some zombies it was a cakewalk from there, now when i play it through i just think 'oooh yeh it's zombie owning time' :p
ravenholm isnt actually that hard

I wouldn't have said it's hard either but some bits can be a bit creepy and worrying. I still don't like the part where you have to move the platform across. I hate the constantly respawning zombies and the fast zombues that leap at you. And I've been playing for nearly two years!
Ravenholm is easy. Only dangerous moments are fast zombies + poison headcrabs.

I'd say it's the easiest actual fighting chapter.

apart from the citadel chapters
I agree, simply because zombies can't fire at you, sure they can jump and make YOU jump at times, but they can't fire pulse rifles from long distances at you ;)
The hardest part is getting down that damn mine shaft at the end and not dying from falling.
The hardest part is getting down that damn mine shaft at the end and not dying from falling.

thats not hard :hmph:
it's weird when a kid posts about being scared of ravenholm how we start talking about all the various things in ravenholm :| :p :)
Well these things happen, someone say about something in particular, then we start thinking about other things that are related to that.
me scared
me don't like zombies
Ravenholm is creepe
When you enter first time Ravenholm, ofcourse it will be hard and creepy.
I have to say the part that scared me the most was when you get into the room with the lift, and youve just got the shotgun, and youre waiting for it to come up and you can hear the screams of the fast zombies.

My senses would go into overload waiting for them. Scariest bit of the whole of HL2 for me.
Hmm on my first playthrough it was the bit when there are lots of zombies constantly respawing around you and you have to go up some boxes and stuff and pull this lever to carry on.
I didn't like the fact as I was acending the boxes, poison headcrabs and zombies were chasing me the whole time, put me on edge that did.
I don't think you should at all be scared of Ravenholm, it's, in my opinion, the best level in Half-Life 2. The end of the level is the best :p.
Hmm on my first playthrough it was the bit when there are lots of zombies constantly respawing around you and you have to go up some boxes and stuff and pull this lever to carry on.
I didn't like the fact as I was acending the boxes, poison headcrabs and zombies were chasing me the whole time, put me on edge that did.

I still hate that bit! i play that part using notarget now so they won't attack me! Yes, I know, I'm a total pussy!
I have to say the part that scared me the most was when you get into the room with the lift, and youve just got the shotgun, and youre waiting for it to come up and you can hear the screams of the fast zombies.

My senses would go into overload waiting for them. Scariest bit of the whole of HL2 for me.

I agree. I closed the door to stop them from getting in. Worst. Idea. EVER.
^ i too shat myself at this point. i was screaming for the elevator to go down,
while cowering in the corner of it.
Nova Prospekt does better with the creepy atmosphere. Walking into that place the first time, that's just brilliant. You can tell, in Nova Prospekt, people suffered. I love that. After a while the action hurts the aura of creepy desolation though.

Ravenholm was good also, but more in the cheap scare kind of way. I've played through the game many times, Ravenholm takes on the role of an enjoyable diversion.

I love the abandoned houses along highway 61, and the beach area in Sandtrap. For me, it's the quiet, empty areas that work the best. It just feels so desolate. Like, this isn't our world any more.

When you jump into the citadel for the first time, it's quite creepy, with a great alien quality. Seeing the stalkers while you are being transported, that's great.
I do love the atmosphere of Ravenholm and Nova Prospekt, but the one time HL2 got me really off guard, and I feel like a loser for saying it, was the one house on Highway 17 with the rollermines. Jesus Christ, it still catches me.
No kidding, that was out of the blue. Literally. The little turds seemingly fell out of the sky.
I will say the ant lions hurt Nova Prospekt a bit. It would be more fun without them.
The one part in HL2 that I remember going "Oh shi~" at is
when you jump down into the showers and the Ant Lion Guard comes bursting through that door, haha.

That was a shower room? I didn't notice!
i think the part where you are underground with the zombies in ep.1 is scarier.
I wouldn't have said it's hard either but some bits can be a bit creepy and worrying. I still don't like the part where you have to move the platform across. I hate the constantly respawning zombies and the fast zombues that leap at you. And I've been playing for nearly two years!

Yeah, same goes for me at that moment.
Personally, Ravenholm wasn`t scary at all for me. It was more of a pain going through it than a fright.