Nervous about Ravenholm

Ravenholm isn't scary at all. The poison headcrabs are a little creepy...only because they kinda resemble spiders with their slightly longer legs, and black colour, and i'm arachnophobic.

Sometimes the jumping zombies can make u jump, but thats brief. Once you figure it out, which is almost instantly, the distance they have to get to before they jump, it's just lame.
Its not scary but valve did a damn good job building up suspense for the chapter prior to entering ravenholm.
It isnt scary really. The only two bits which made me jump were when this dead body falls from and upper floor and lands in front of you and at the start of the level, where theres half a zombie embedded onto a wall. (i crouched up next to it not knowing what it was then stood up and the screaming zombie face was right on my screen D: )
I'm 12, and ravenholm doesn't scare me one bit. And neither does L4D, for some reason. I jump a bit when fast zombies come at me, but not in an "OHSHITIMMASOSCARED" way.
Well, not really a necro, but a sort-of useless post...

Really, when I was 11 Ravenholm scarred me, but then again, the scariest thing I had faced before that was the Gargantua. The updated graphics for hl2 didn't help me in the process of being humbled.
When i first played ravenholm i got to the bit where you have to make the lift thing move so you can jump across the gap and then father grigori(sp?) berates you for not going to the church, but at the time i didnt realise that the zombies respawned so I spent about an hour killing all the ones I saw and then died when I only had the crowbar and gravity gun to use, then I reloaded and just high tailed it out of there saving ammo in the process.
Its not scary but valve did a damn good job building up suspense for the chapter prior to entering ravenholm.

Kudos to that. I was like...
I've no problem admitting im a complete woman when it comes to computer games.

I actually found ravenholm quite scary, its the atmosphere, the fact that it's night, and those horrible screams!

Eguh. Ditto lol.

Well, to be fair I am a female. So... :p

I'm playing through it for the first time too today actually, I had to get my uncle to do the beginning, but one I got over the whole fear of atmosphere and calmed down, got used to the tortured howls etc. I actually find it a lot easier lol. RIght now I'm at the part with all the cars and levers, the computer froze, so I'll probably get back to it soon.

But gah. I sat around in that barn house for like 15 minutes, me and my little sis both tried going out into the courtyard, but both didn't have the guts lol.

No bullets is being kind of a pain though, I just used up my last ones.

And for the record I'm 14.
Lol, i think Ravenholm isn't scary. But if you are there first time, ok.
on the xbox360 (the orange box game version) you get an achievement for only using the gravity gun in Ravenholm, it's quite difficult but its fun when you have to think about what to throw at the zombies and also save the explosive barrels for the poison zombies, I did a lot of running as well just to get away from the hoards of normal zombies.
I'm a bit stuck on the respawning bit, argh. It's really annoying, they just keep coming! :x

*looks for walkthrough*
I use turtle beach headset so the audio is right in my ear and I didn't even notice screams.. Guess I was too into the game lol.
The only part in HL2 that scared me was an incident in Nova Prospekt. You know that big room with all the washing machines (well at least they look like washing machines)? Well there's a narrow hallway leading out of that room to a couple of small rooms, I went barging in there looking for items and basically ran right into a poison zombie that likes to call that place his home. I screamed like a little girl.
The only part in HL2 that scared me was an incident in Nova Prospekt. You know that big room with all the washing machines (well at least they look like washing machines)? Well there's a narrow hallway leading out of that room to a couple of small rooms, I went barging in there looking for items and basically ran right into a poison zombie that likes to call that place his home. I screamed like a little girl.

I forgot about that! Probably for good reason, as I did the same thing.
The regular zombies aren't scary once you know how weak thy are (hur-hur, I can kill you with a pistol). the fast ones freak out every time, and the poison ones are actually really dangerous (ONE HEALTH OH SHI-). All in all, Nova Prospeckt freaks me out a lot more.
Ravenholm isn't nearly as bad as L4D.

I am afraid i am against you on that one - In ravenholm you are by yourself, waiting for things to jump out at you - it has suspense When i first played it i was 13 and i was not very scared when i got into the feel of it.
In L4D you are playing co-op so you are with other people, and you know what is going to happen - zombies are gonna come running into you regardless - it doesn't have much suspense, and therefore is not scary to me and I am only 14 now
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Age arguments are stupid. Though I agree that Left 4 Dead isn't nearly as bad as HL. Though I blame that on the pacing of both games, L4D being very fast, while on the contrary, HL is slooooow.
Well laa-dee-daa... Can you ****ing drive yet? No? I didn't think so.

Us 17 year olds get scarred at the slightest thing, so you'd better be prepared... For what I don't know.

To be honest the first time i started playing Ravenholm was when i was 11/12, i was scared sh*tless and stopped playing just after the legs hanging off a tree, but as i say, when you get into the level its not so bad - but to start it is scary - partially becuse you think it is going to be really scary. The scariest bit was when you are in the area where the zombies keep spawning and there is 2 poison zombies, and you have to pull the lever to move the platform to then go arounf the rooftops (sorry probably not a very god explaination:LOL:)
I am sorry that my last post was a bit cocky - and believe me i am scared by many things (SHINING LOL)- but since i have played ravemnholm through now it is not as scary cos you know whats going to happen. I would not like to play ravenholm alone again though- it can still get freaky
Fast zombies can still freak me out a bit aswell lol:eek:

EDIT:i am changing my sig now
I agree that it's not AS scary when you get into it, but It still had me stressed, video games do that to me lol, unlike my uncle who can sit through anything calmly, this includes while his face is being hacked by zombies. He doesn't even get stressed when he loses. Unlike me, I tend to get pissed, I have to take a deep breath before reloading the game again haha. XD

Really the part up to the electric fence is the worst IMO. The tiny rooms and dark atmosphere always give me chills, the beginning with the dark yard and hanging pants made me want to hide under my bedcovers. :eek:

I don't think you should at all be scared of Ravenholm, it's, in my opinion, the best level in Half-Life 2. The end of the level is the best :p.

Euugh, never do I want to replay Ravenholm in my life. :hmph:

The whole time was basically me longing to find light again... I did enjoy slicing zombies in half at the end of the level though.
The only scary one for me was in half life 2 episode 1, that after you complete that place you'll go to some dark place with zombies right? Yea, friggin' hell. The zombies aren't the one scaring me half the time I play, it's my young little bro screaming like a little girl. But I sometimes get scared too.
The only thing that's ever properly scared me in any of the HL games was just now, actually, playing Ep2!
Where the undead fast zombie leaps up at you. Damn near gave me a heart attack!
I never get scared in games. I sort of strole through without any sort of emotion at all. All the while talking about events I just played through in my head. With myself. Although every now and then a "F**K YEAH!" moment forces some emotion out of me.
I never get scared in games. I sort of strole through without any sort of emotion at all. All the while talking about events I just played through in my head. With myself. Although every now and then a "F**K YEAH!" moment forces some emotion out of me.

Yeesh. Video games scare me a lot... When I was a kid I couldn't get past the 3rd level of Tomb Raider 4 because of the mummy.... :LOL:

@Iron Kat: Call me crazy, but the fast zombies scared me less than the slow ones.

Here's how it was for me:


Fast Zombies: S*** gordon, get your shotgun, they're getting closer! :O

Poison zombies: What the hell? That reminds me of the cat lady from the simpsons, except with headcrabs instead of cats...


*throws cat*
Poison zombies: What the hell? That reminds me of the cat lady from the simpsons, except with headcrabs instead of cats...

Nah they remind me of hookers. It's the way they launch crabs at people , y'know?
I am only 13 years old and when I got HL2 Demo, I played it with a friend. It makes it more fun and it doesn't seem so scary then. Now I have HL2 and just got past Highway 17. The best part of Ravenholm is the graveyard part. Father Grigori is with you all the time, so it makes it "lighter".

But the Ravenholm chapter's ending is really retarded. I kept on dying until I asked my friend about killing those snipers.

Even after Ravenholm, there will be zombies around. But then (for example Sandtraps beginning) zombies are just fun "snacks". :D I mean that killing zombies is alot more fun than shooting combine soldiers.
The first time playing Ravenholm I had to stop shortly after the first room. The next day I steeled myself to start playing again, but was still scared to death. That is, until I ran out of ammo at the respawn site and didn't have anything to throw at them. I hadnt realized they were set for endless respawn and must have spent almost an hour just running around smacking every zombie in the face with my crowbar... completely desensitized after.
That happened to me when I played the demo version. :p I didn't even know where to go.
Well, if you think about the lenght of the level...
Route Canal is maybe 3-4 hours.
Ravenholm is about 1-1? hours. So the nightmare is very short.
Even though Ravenholm made me cry inside, I actually screamed at the surprise poison zombie in the house by the bridge at Highway 17.
Good times.

I always skip Ravenholm, though... I think once is enough for the 'full experience'.
But Ravenholm is so much fun! Car traps + nearly unlimited supply of explodies = great replay value! Head over to the Wrong Side Of Town, get up on the catwalks, and fling grenades and barrels of flammable down onto the many zombies below!

I doubt I'll make many friends saying this, but...

I think Ravenholm is much better than Water Hazard.

Water Hazard does not include a single location where you and a group of zombies can have a lively discussion about icing.

Anyway, the Bridge Point poison zombie startled me the first time, but I was much more freaked out by the triple-floor'd house much farther on. Even when I was fully aware of what would happen in advance, I would still jump when the rollermines crashed through the ceiling. I only just started visiting that house again! :O
Ravenholm was pretty scary the first time, but now it's only mildly unsettling in places.

We should hold a challenge to see who can get through Ravenholm the fastest, on hard, using only the crowbar. :cool: