Network Malfunctions... im stumped


May 29, 2003
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Yesterday i put a new 80 gig hdd and another 256 MB of RAM into my grandmas computer.
I installed windows XP, and the computer is hooked up to cable internet.
For some reason, the network goes on and off, the little balloon thing in the corner will say "A network cable is unplugged" for a few seconds, then it will go away for a few seconds, then it will come back for a few seconds, and so on.
The internet works when its on. What could this problem be? Should i replace the network card?

please help
Check the network cable is properly plugged in, and the same with your network card.
The network cabel could also be damaged, check for any big kinks, holes, etc.
MaxiKana said:
The network cabel could also be damaged, check for any big kinks, holes, etc.

thats what I was gonna say, its probably a faulty cable
im here, i'll try using a different cable, but that one worked fine before.
Some computers have... oddities... I know mine have. If I shut it down, wait say 30 minutes, turn it back on, it will display exactly the same thing you are describing. Flicker on off with it being unplugged. I need to manually shut down the PSU with the switch, wait 5 secs and turn the computer back on. Works perfectly again. (in other words, there is something wrong with the soft on function, but there isnt any setting for it in the bios and I have yet to find anything like it on a forum, so I gave up looking...)
Yeah... quite a few computers do goofy things.

For example, My computer is perfect aside from one thing: If I shut it down, it'll turn itself back on, unless I turn it off at the PSU. I've looked around in the BIOS for "Wake on LAN" type things, but everything is disabled that would have anything remotely to do with it. It works perfectly if I use Hibernate, however.

Anyway, back on topic. Is the NIC integrated or a PCI card? I've had some strange, strange problems with (old) integrated NICs.
I have the EXACT SAME problem, with a Microsoft MN-100 wired base station (router), and Optimum Online. Still looking for answers. Let us know if the new cable works.
You might forcing the speed to 100MB. It maybe autodetecting itself back and forth.
T.N.T. Toulouse said:
You might forcing the speed to 100MB. It maybe autodetecting itself back and forth.

I have tried setting it to 100MB TX Full Duplex, and I'll have to see if it works. I've only had it this way for an hour or so at this point.
My pc has 2 weird little quirks, when it doesn't detect a wireless signal the pc will freeze ever 10 secs or so (but im always in an area with one), and something when i turn my pc on i will get to video, I then have to manually shut off the psu and wait a few seconds then turn it back on. As for your problem, the model could be bad or your network cable could be bad. I had a cable modem that went bad on me and my ISP replaced it for me. All of the LED's on it still worked, It just wuoldnt send a signal anymore.

Hope this helps