Network Vengence


Nov 20, 2004
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I'm used to playing HL2DM after work, but recently my flatmate in another room has taken to downloading music all day and night and my connection speed is reduced to poop.

Now, the network has just my computer and her computer, and mine is the one that connects to the net. However I don't appear to have access to her files, nor her mine - and I can't set this up without being rejected.

Is there anything I can do - that doesn't look like I've disconnected her - that can stop her using Kazaa all night so I can enjoy my Deathmatch again?

I would love to just punch her in the face, but I need my vengence to be more subtle than that.

I'm not too clued up in this department, so if there are any little tricks I would welcome the advice.

Wait until whatever she is downloading reaches 98% and then pull the network cable out...
when ever the son starts downloading while i source....i strecth my arm out...grab his cable.....yanks it out.....put cable back into its slot..... dad, there is somn wrong with my PC, it keeps disconnecting from the net..."stop surfing porn boy i told you", does the trick.
RRunner said:
when ever the son starts downloading while i source....i strecth my arm out...grab his cable.....yanks it out.....put cable back into its slot..... dad, there is somn wrong with my PC, it keeps disconnecting from the net..."stop surfing porn boy i told you", does the trick.
Best. Dad. EVER.
Why not talk to her?
Cuz I'm sure neither of you are meant to be doing what you're doing, so say; if you set your max bandwidth to (half of the max) I can play HLDM, you can DL, and we're both happy.

If not stab her and say she clearly got overcome with fear for being caught dling tunes and killed herself.... :thumbs:
I'm starting to swing round to these violent solutions.
I haven't used Kazaa in a while but I'm sure there is some kind of dl/ul limiter settings in it. If that doesn't work you could just find out what ports Kazaa uses and block em thru the router.
I'm not sure he is uing a router... (he said "Now, the network has just my computer and her computer, and mine is the one that connects to the net. However I don't appear to have access to her files, nor her mine - and I can't set this up without being rejected.")

just tell her she cant leave kazaa going. we live in a civilised society, don't we?
lePobz said:
we live in a civilised society, don't we?
If we did we wouldn't be having all these wars now would we?

I say punch her in the face.
Now this will require, Ninja tabi boots, and grappling hook, sneak into her room, when she is not there and get access to her PC, she may have not set up the administrator password, or mabye you could use safe mode, then UNINSTALL KAZAA!

-The Ninpo answer.
Use the 'I'm really concerned about you downloading music illegally, people are starting to get prosecuted, if they investigate our IP address we'd both be in trouble, it's not really fair for you to put me at risk, is it?' method
pomegranate said:
Use the 'I'm really concerned about you downloading music illegally, people are starting to get prosecuted, if they investigate our IP address we'd both be in trouble, it's not really fair for you to put me at risk, is it?' method
My housemate tried to do that, and she said that our ISP would disconnect us... she knows **** all about the internet so i just explained that we were pretty much annonymous anyway.

I've been thinking about this also, as im moving into a house of 5 next year and we all use pc's, play games and download. I think i'll end up setting a pc up at home on my mums connection that she nevre uses anyway and remotely download stuff and get it when i get home.

I know how frustrating it can be when you are playing source games (which are very picky when it comes to ping) and getting a high latency because your annoying housmate is using kazaa, limewire etc to download crap.

I use Bittorrent so i can play games and download/upload, just at very low rates.

Cant you buy a router with a hardware firewall in and say she can use the router aslong as she doenst us kazaa.. and block the port anyway :)
Problem solved. I snuck into her room at 3am, put a pillow over her head and sat on it. She's dead now, and I've stored her bloating corpse under my bed. I'll wait until after work and bury her under my patio.

That's what happens when you interrupt Dave's deathmatch time.

If anyone wants to give me a good alibi, please do suggest them here.

Kindest Regards,

Just tell the truth, no judge would ever take her side in this... she was interrupting your dethmatch, you can claim self defence.