Never been so scared in my life (spoilers)


Aug 5, 2004
Reaction score

What more needs to be said?

This is by far the best thing in the game to this point.
It is 2.00am, I have headphones on, sound up loud and I'm tired.

The tension Valve builds in this level is absolutely brilliant. I am 22 yrs old and I am still shaking 20 mins later.

When the particular scene took place I didn't want to stray too far from the explosive barrels because I was running fairly low on ammo, I keep running slowly around killing as many stray zombies as I could without waking other things and then running back to the barrels. I kept walking further and further away and then next thing I know I'm surrounded by so many enemies and running around doing everything i could without getting killed.

It was pretty funny when I knew I had no hope of survival so I tried to make a run for it. The bloody door wasn't even real. I probably go back on when I calm down. :D
That particular bit was scarier than the bits i've played in Doom 3 but i can't really be any sort of judge because I have only played the demo of Doom 3. I wouldn't go into the game though thinking that because you're most likely to be let down.
HL2 is scarrier by far, simply because its soooo un predictable, the complete opposite of Doom3.

The ambience in Ravenholm is bone chilling!
There's an area later on in the game - I think it's even scarier than Ravenholm. I had to stop playing because I was alone at night in the dark, and couldn't quite handle it! :)
Those fast zombies, with the black headcrabs - :S those are ****ing scary as shit
Yeah the way them really fast zombies (i dont know their name) run around and climb pipes and stuff to come and get you...usually they come up behidn you, always have a shotgun in hand while in ravenholm! But damn, its very impressive, and does the creepy atmosphere so much better than Doom3.
no ammo and loads of fast zombies and poison headcrabs... and poison headcrab flinger things = soiled trousers
hl2 in general i find a lot more tense than doom3...its got a whole oppressive feeling about it has half life 2
How about at the end when you're on the roof waiting for Father Gregory to send across the basket so that you can get to him at the church? I had hardly any ammo and then you see the pipes start shaking as the zombies come running up :eek:

Then when he finally activates the basket it's the slowest-moving thing you've ever seen.

Very atmospheric.
NekoFever said:
How about at the end when you're on the roof waiting for Father Gregory to send across the basket so that you can get to him at the church? I had hardly any ammo and then you see the pipes start shaking as the zombies come running up :eek:

Then when he finally activates the basket it's the slowest-moving thing you've ever seen.

Very atmospheric.

That part was easy as hell. They gave you 2 boxes of shotgun ammo right as you got up there. Just stand right in front of the pipe as they come up...when they're head is close...*BAM* shot will kill those fast zombies. Just stand and wait. Valve should've made more than one route the zombies could've come up so it would've been harder.

I didn't find Ravenholm to be scary...just annoying in that last street part before you go to the rooftops - where they have the propeller trap that breaks. Those black headcrabs would hit you and your hp would go to 1 while your suit slowly charged it back. What's the deal with those zombies that throw the black headcrabs? They are way too resilient one rocket shot and a few revolver shots doesn't bring one down...
AmishSlayer said:
Valve should've made more than one route the zombies could've come up so it would've been harder.

There were two pipes that they came up though... having said that, it was easy. I just sat there with the magnum and picked them off one by one.
Poison hc zombies are way too powerful. It's best to use explosive barrels/grenades on them. Any other weapon barely does anything.
So far Ravenholm is my most loved/hated part of the game. Loved because it was so fun to run around and play zombie hunter. Hated because all my zombie hunting left me with the Gravity Gun, 2 'nades, the crowbar and 1 round of 9mm shots.

I was not a happy camper when the fast zombies came around.
Yeah i had to crowbar a few fast zombies to death. damn it was fun:)
I kinda ruined Ravenholm's scariness effect for myself by playing the easy part until 4:30am, going to bed, waking up for work at 6:30am, working a 10 hour day, then finishing the rest of ravenholm during the twilight with people wandering around in the room with me and yapping away.... I ended up finding it mildy challenging (playing on normal difficulty)
Look Doom3 is scary in the whole 9 yards but when it comes to orginal zombies its halflife2 :sniper: :monkee:
mr_natural48 said:

What more needs to be said?

This is by far the best thing in the game to this point.
It is 2.00am, I have headphones on, sound up loud and I'm tired.

The tension Valve builds in this level is absolutely brilliant. I am 22 yrs old and I am still shaking 20 mins later.

When the particular scene took place I didn't want to stray too far from the explosive barrels because I was running fairly low on ammo, I keep running slowly around killing as many stray zombies as I could without waking other things and then running back to the barrels. I kept walking further and further away and then next thing I know I'm surrounded by so many enemies and running around doing everything i could without getting killed.

It was pretty funny when I knew I had no hope of survival so I tried to make a run for it. The bloody door wasn't even real. I probably go back on when I calm down. :D

Ravenholm kinds of reminds of the way that those crappy Residente Evil games should´ve been made, learn sometinhg from that Capcom!!!!!!!!!
the strider scenes near the end are also quite the nailbiters IMHO.

although one of the striders I downed blocked an entrance I had to get into... meh.

the one scene where you're running down a road with a strider chasing after you and there's nowhere to hide... I don't want to ruin it but that was a lot more of an "oh shit!" moment for me
I didn't find Ravenholm scary at all. I thought maybe when you first get into the game it's creepy. The combine and stuff. Nova Prospekt maybe, or something, but the zombies moved too slow and it was too wide open to creep me out. I can only remember very few parts but the stuff I really remember was just looking for some more ammo or some crap. Fast Zombies weren't scary and more of a "CRAP WHATS THE MOST EFFECTIVE WEAPON ITS KILLING ME." Not a "OH MY HEART STOPPED."
I think the black poisonous headcrabs are the scariest.... those things creep me out like no other. Looks just like a super large spider.. eeeeeek.
Ravenholm is absolutely my favorite level. I screamed at the top of my lungs on that first fast-zombie. Here I am creeping into the area, crows suddenly fly off... a howl... and HOLY CRAP! WHAT;S THAAAAAT!!!!
if u played the demo of doom3 ,thats all u needed to play because ,its the same game over and over again.

i hated it and brough it back to wal-mart!!!
Doom 3 was not a scary game. half life 2 was scarier, but it didnt scare me. Iwe played many horrorgames so i am used to it.
the bit that really freaked me out was on sandtraps, where you are in the buggy and you go through the tunnel. I saw a zombie, and thought oh no, i'll just drive thrught really fast. But then there are loadsa cars blocking the way so i had to get out of my buggy and there were fast zombies and everything. I was terrified.
personally i found avp2 a fair bit scarier, but i guess it's just because it was a constant theme-
if hl2 had a scene fighting an icthiosaur pants still have stains from hl1 :p lol ravenholm was not sacry. COOL yes... but scary? CMON! u want a twisted scary game? play the silent hill series... ****ing creepy.


Mike :cheese:
Jangle said:
the bit that really freaked me out was on sandtraps, where you are in the buggy and you go through the tunnel. I saw a zombie, and thought oh no, i'll just drive thrught really fast. But then there are loadsa cars blocking the way so i had to get out of my buggy and there were fast zombies and everything. I was terrified.
Holy crap, did that part ever scare me too :D I remember moving the cars out of the way with the gauss gun (didn't want to get out of my car), but then they started rushing at me, and my gun didn't aim far enough to the left to hit them, so I ran out and shotgunned the zombies. By that point I was so freaked out that I pulled out the manipulator, shot the hell out of the cars with it, and drove as fast as I could through the rest of it.

Ravenholm is much scarier than Doom 3. The only scary part in Doom 3 was when the Imp lunges at you and hits the glass wall between you and it, and then climbs away. That's it.
Yeah, Silent hill is scary * DamN *

But i also think that ravenholm is ****ing scary, omg, the fast zombies are CraZy!

But let me get one thing straigth:

Doom3 ARE NOT SCARY!!... ¨ i think ¨.
Its a way too dark game, and after a short while you get used to the darkness in the game, and you almost know when ever there will come another monster around the corner, then it is not scary anymore.
¨ But maby it's just me. ¨
stigmata said:
Holy crap, did that part ever scare me too :D I remember moving the cars out of the way with the gauss gun (didn't want to get out of my car), but then they started rushing at me, and my gun didn't aim far enough to the left to hit them, so I ran out and shotgunned the zombies. By that point I was so freaked out that I pulled out the manipulator, shot the hell out of the cars with it, and drove as fast as I could through the rest of it.

Ravenholm is much scarier than Doom 3. The only scary part in Doom 3 was when the Imp lunges at you and hits the glass wall between you and it, and then climbs away. That's it.

I totally agree! ¨ Peace ¨ :p
If you want scary, play Clive Barker's Undying.

For the record, I thought Ravenholm was scary too. :)
I can't see what is so scary about it. I think that Doom 3 was far more scary. For me Ravenhom just wasn't scary.
Ravenholm was definitely the scariest part of the game, after first encountering the fast zombies I had to stop and wait to start playing again.

Eventually it got to the point where I was just too tired and scared to care and it wore off on me. I havne't played many video games, but that's the scariest I've ever seen.

Some parts in Nova Prospekt were pretty scary too, especially the part(I guess it was in Entanglement) where you had to fend of the combine attack from four or five directions with yourself and three turrets. That was damned difficult.
Belisarius said:
Ravenholm was definitely the scariest part of the game, after first encountering the fast zombies I had to stop and wait to start playing again.

Eventually it got to the point where I was just too tired and scared to care and it wore off on me. I havne't played many video games, but that's the scariest I've ever seen.

Some parts in Nova Prospekt were pretty scary too, especially the part(I guess it was in Entanglement) where you had to fend of the combine attack from four or five directions with yourself and three turrets. That was damned difficult.

i did that turret bi ton my second go. As soon as the turrets fell over I rambo'd my way through that part. The turret room was literally red with blood.