Never been so scared in my life (spoilers)

I didn't find Ravenholm very scary at all. Fun as hell, but not scary. Then again, I was too busy shouting my warcry and sawing things in twain to be scared.
Now System Shock 2 is scary. No other game has sent me running out of the room in panic.
agentD said:
I didn't find Ravenholm very scary at all. Fun as hell, but not scary. Then again, I was too busy shouting my warcry and sawing things in twain to be scared.
Now System Shock 2 is scary. No other game has sent me running out of the room in panic.
yeah that game was insane. I might actually reinstall it. AVP1 as a marine was scary to me, I always knew there was gonna be an alien jumping out when that corridor went black.
Very nice post Ruthless! That's exactly why Ravenholm is excellently designed... it was very creepy and felt right how it should be. Then again, there were the Delta labs in Doom3, where I felt genuinely scared... ahh!
Scary games

I've played both Doom 3 and Half Life 2 in their entirety several times and they are both scary in different ways. For both, the first time you go through a level is the best because you don't know what's going to happen next. As predictable as things became in Doom 3, I still jumped whenever a zombie popped out of a dark corner - I just learned to guess where to have a shotgun ready. Doom 3 had both "boo" scary and creepy scary, while Half Life2 was all creepy. In Ravenholm, the howling of the fast zombies (didn't know WHAT that was at the time) was very chilling and then to see them running at you from a distance was great. I think the poison zombies need to be fairly bullet proof because they are such slow lurkers. The only time the poison zombie scared me (as opposed to just being awfully creepy) was in the level of the abandoned laundromat where you take a detour around a hallway in the back and find a very nice weapon closet only to turn around and be cornered by him, staring you in the face. You don't want to use a rocket or grenade at point blank, and knowing full well that it would take a LOT of my newly acquired ammunition to fall this guy was very intense. The first time I played Doom 3 was scarier for me than Half Life 2, but Half Life 2 still creeps me out when I go back.
I was more scared in Doom3... yes it had that "boo" scariness with monsters jumping out, and that would make me jump in surprise... but I was much more scared by the overall atmosphere and sounds. Playing it at night, alone, the sights of blood everywhere, demonic stuff and symbols, strange voices... that was what scared me. Really creepy.

In HL2, I was more scared by the implications of it all, but it was a different scare, more of an emotional one. Like, what have they done to humans, what have the Combine turned Earth into, etc. Very different. Ravenholm relies on creepiness that is more in style of Doom3, but everything else in the game is scary in the "what have they done" style. I think that Nova Prospekt is the scaries part of the game, not Ravenholm - you see their torture devices, the little awful cells where prisoners were kept, etc., that's scary...
One thing I noticed on a subsequent trip through Ravenholm is that you are introduced to the fast zombies early on (though they don't attack you.) You come out of a building and you hear "something" snarling and running along the rooftops. If you look up quickly, you'll see them running along, but it's very quick.

Nova Prospekt was pretty creepy, too, but mostly you are just fighting the Combine and I found that that didn't really creep me out as much (even though they are more deadly than the average zombie.) Also, you are much more powerful on the NP level, especially with your little bug friends. The parts where you have to fend off waves of Combine using the turrets was pretty tense, though. Actually, the game in general was pretty tense. (I can't compare it to Doom 3 since I haven't played it.) I actually felt relieved at the last level because I thought it was unlikely I'd find zombies in the citadel.

I've been trying to spawn the bugs on Ravenholm to help me, but they always just attack me instead. Also, I've never managed to get the uber-gravity gun in Ravenholm. I've heard suggestions that you need to go to the level where you have the uber gravity gun, then change levels to Ravenholm, but whenever I try that it takes away my weapons and sets them to some default set as soon as I change levels.

At the end of Ravenholm, on a subsequent trip through, I spawned a bunch of citizens with shotguns and a bunch of vortigaunts in the graveyard. By the time I was entering the mines, my little body guards had wiped out all the zombies on the map!
Ruthless12 said:
Well, I agree with those who said Ravenholm was scary. (Note: This doesn't mean I feared for my life or actually thought a video game would hurt me; this means that adrenaline was pumping and felt similar emotions to what someone in Gordon's position would feel. Of course, I might not be as cynical as gen-y-ers ;))

I also agree with whoever said the game felt "oppressive". I think that's the right word for it, and the developers should be commended for conveying that feeling. The creepiness (IMO) starts off when you stop at the fork in the canal on your airboat and you can see that there was clearly a small settlement for someone near the runoff drain. There's a very eery feeling of loneliness to the place, with the wind blowing and the wind chimes. It's obvious the place has been deserted and you get the feeling like you shouldn't be there. Then, a zombie stumbles out of the tunnel. Excellently creepy and it hints at things to come.

Then you get to BME and Alyx tells you about Ravenholm. Nothing too bad about that, but it is obvious at that point that you don't want to go in there and equally obvious that you are going to HAVE to go in can be a bit predictable sometimes...anyhow, in this case I think it worked (for me) because you knew ahead of time that you were going to have to go in some "awful place", so you had some time to let that sink in subconsciously and build up some dread about the next scene. While at the same time you are just having some "safe time" with Alyx and dog. Good pacing by the developers here to manipulate your emotions.

Then dog lets you in Ravenholm entrance and it begins. I felt pretty nervous when dog left and I was alone. Then you go past all the signs of abandonment and all the barricades; the locked barrier on the ladder was especially nice touch. All these little touches really make you feel like you shouldn't be going where you're going and the tension mounts. Then you get to the courtyard and you see how abandoned and eerily silent the place is and I definitely felt like I didn't want to be there and I wanted to leave as soon as possible.

Throughout Ravenholm, the developers did a great job with the sounds; the unearthly rattling of something in a nearby building, strange moans and howls coming out of the night...other nice subtle touches were the way the level was laid out: All the traps, the barricades, fences, and scaffolding really clued you in on how it would be like to spend a lot of time in that place and survive. The shells gave good indications of what happened in the town, and there are lots of signs of the horror it caused (dead bodies hidden away in various hidden spots gives the impression that people tried to survive by hiding, but were eventually found and killed; the infirmary shows that the townspeople tried to treat the infected, but were obviously unsuccessful) The animations of the zombies was good, too. The way they pick themselves up off the ground and stagger towards you is pretty realistic-looking; same with the way the poison zombie staggers around, weighed down with crabs.

The developers also did a good job of making you feel like you were never safe. I was constantly looking around to see if anything was sneaking up on me. Also, by having lots of dead zombies around (another subconscious clue as to what transpired in the town before you showed up) and have some of them actually be alive makes you have a difficult choice: Blast every body you see and waste ammo, or else prepare to have one of these things get up when you aren't watching and get you.

The part where you are chased by the fast zombies and you run into the room and shut the door, then they crash in through the skylight was absolutely brilliant.

Anyhow, I thought the level was brilliant in bringing out feelings of: Dread, desperation, mortality. It definitely makes one uneasy. It took me several nights to finish and I usually had a night or so off in between nights playing so I could work up my nerve to go back in.

(I just played through that level for the third time last night; this time I gave myself a bunch of vortigaunts and citizens as backup, plus made myself invincible and gave myself all the weapons. It was still creepy, but not scary. The vortigaunts absolutely slay everything. They are excellent body guards, but unfortunately they won't follow you like the citizens will. At one point I spawned "dog" to help me, but he ran away from the zombies and hid in an alley!)

Someone above mentioned the term "ambience" and I think that's a good word to use, too, for HL2. Ravenholm was especially good, but the game in general presented a really impressive "atmosphere". Part of that is the graphics, but I think the subtle clues (like I mentioned above) were very important, and I think most notable was the use of sound in the game. The use of sound was, IMO, genius and was the key to the atmosphere in the game.

Some commented that some of the outpost houses along the road were creepy and I agree. The game did a great job of making sure you never felt safe, even during the daytime. There was something very eery about the houses; they showed signs that they were abandoned, but something bad happened there. And it was very quiet (which is unusal because most of the game is fairly noisy.) Then you hear "something" (bad) inside. Someone mentioned the poison zombie in Nova Prospekt being creepy (and it was); there was also one in one of the houses along the coast road. Later on, in the tunnel, when the zombies come at you: That was brilliantly scary as well...

Ohhh you know what another nice touch was? all the traps, that had more humans stuck in them then zombies and and head crabs. THis showed you just how insane that monk was. It was almost as if the monk was trying to kill the humans.
Great Grizzly said:
Ohhh you know what another nice touch was? all the traps, that had more humans stuck in them then zombies and and head crabs. THis showed you just how insane that monk was. It was almost as if the monk was trying to kill the humans.

I think the humans caught in traps were probably zombies, too. If you shoot a zombie and his headcrab pops off, he looks like a human with some serious injuries.
Ruthless12 said:
At the end of Ravenholm, on a subsequent trip through, I spawned a bunch of citizens with shotguns and a bunch of vortigaunts in the graveyard. By the time I was entering the mines, my little body guards had wiped out all the zombies on the map!

Vortigaunts are insanely powerful, they kill Antlion guards as if they were nothing.
Ruthless12 said:
I think the humans caught in traps were probably zombies, too. If you shoot a zombie and his headcrab pops off, he looks like a human with some serious injuries.

Worthy of note is the OPEN F*UCKING CHEST WITH TEETH and the huge claws...oh, and the massive bloodloss.

:D :D :D
for me, ravenholm scared the crap out of me... i mean the zombies espcially those fast zombies and the black headcrabs. the way they surprise you and catch you off guard adds to the scare factor which makes even the normal headcrabs creepy. but i really really REALLY hate those black headcrabs and their flinging zombie friends, they drop your health down to 1 and they can jump really high with the help of their zombie friend, even unloading a whole smg clip barely does any harm to them :rolleyes: and it prolly doesnt help that im entomophobic. i remember there was one house on highway 17 where you go in and see a few supply boxes there and rush to see whats inside only to find that theres a zombie with 4 black headcrabs on it in the next room, i was scared out of my mind i ran outside to the buggy and floored it, also there was another house where the roller mines came thru the roof, those made me jump :bounce: also the tunnel where you had to use the grav gun to move the cars was freaky, those fast zombies kept running at you while you try to move the cars and on top of that there were more zombies on the other side of the cars. another one was the part where you couldnt touch the sand or be torn apart by those antlions, everytime you miss and touch the ground then the ground starts shaking and then those antlions come after you was really scary. nevertheless it was fun all the way, with exceptions in some parts of ravenholm :eek:
The burning question is this! If the Preacher were your grandfather, would you want to spend the summer at his place??
Bronzer said:
The burning question is this! If the Preacher were your grandfather, would you want to spend the summer at his place??

Does he have any Werther's?
agentD said:
Now System Shock 2 is scary. No other game has sent me running out of the room in panic.

I was going to mention that... :)

Even those three words, System Shock 2, just send a nervous shiver up my spine. The one game where eventually I stopped playing it as I just couldn't bring myself to load it up again. Oh, getting a funny feeling now, just thinking about it.

Edit: And The Cradle mission from Thief: Deadly Shadows. That was damn scary too.
It's 2:30am and I just had to stop playing Ravenholm. I got my projector out, so i got like a 8 foot screen in my tiny room, and i got headphones on with the volume up. Wow, it's way scarier with a large screen! I think i'll finish it tomorrow... :LOL:
They've done a great job, definitely not recommended for late night sessions, I've never been sucked in to such a sinister atmosphere in a pc game before. :thumbs:
I got Doom 3 with my 6600GT (love this card SOOO much... on the HL2 benchmark I average 60fps at 1280x1024, 4xAA, trillinear filtering, reflect world, and maxed out everything else... BOOYA, on a basically $150 card [oh yeah and 3.0Ghz P4 and 1024 PC3200 DDR] thanks to the free Doom 3 copy).

I still don't know why people think it is so damn scary. I played it late at night, by myself, volume up, etc. and I may have jumped in my seat a total of two or three times. Sure some parts were pretty badass -- the Guardian, the ending cinematic, sure it was a pretty fun game but scary? Hell no. In fact, I do think I found Ravenholm scarier than pretty much all of Doom 3. Mainly because of the awesomeness of the first fast zombie encounter. Doom 3 made me jump a couple of times, but I think I dreaded the fast zombies at first more than those crappy enemies in D3.

Who else laughed at the pimps with the elastic arms that reached out and slapped you? I pretty much had to stop the game to laugh after one of the bitches smacked me from out behind a pillar. I go to get it between him and me so I can get out the proper weapon, then I see his arm swing out from behind it and give me a tap on the ass. Damn, that game was so unscary.

Horror games amuse me more than scare me really, those that I have played aren't very scary... at all... Resident Evil, System Shock was mildly hair-raising, the Marine campaign in AvP2 had a lot of adrenaline but not really any scares, etc. etc. Now, whoever mentioned the Cradle level in Thief: Deadly Shadows... RIGHT ON. That may be the one level I've played that actually came close to scaring the beejebus out of me. I felt my heart leap the first time one of the ex-asylum patients took a wack at me. In that room with the strobe-lighting. I was like, "Holy shit, get away from me you freak!" That whole level freaked me out, although I've never had a game drive me to quit. Lighting was perfect.
Ravenholm... the scariest of all the places in HL2. Damn I must first pass Chapter 6!!! Darn that elevator!!! must find a way...
the fast zombies werent so scary to me but the black headcrabs made my inner child cry.
I don't think Ravenholm was that scary... :p I've completed it two times in the demo, before I got Half Life 2 for christmas :D So it was boring... Kinda reminds me of resident evil or Dawn of the Dead :p

But ravenholm is a good place to play with the gravity gun :D:D:D
I think it would have been scary had I not seen the videos beforehand.

I really want to get SS2 working on xp..
Oh yeah, I forgot about the bustin through the roof part with fast zombies. The other two times I had played Ravenholm at the place with the elevator I had left the door open and blasted the fast zombies as they came around the corner. So the other night two of my friends and I were trying to play through Half-Life 2 in one sitting. They had never played HL2 before and were really freaked out by Ravenholm. So it's my turn and we get to the elevator and I see the fast zombies coming up the pipe and I'm like, "Hey, what if I close this door? Wonder why I didn't try this before."

And my friends are like, "The zombies will open it, duh." So to prove them wrong I go over and close it and then it stays closed. And, I'm serious, right as I was saying, "Hah, well that's cool, I should have done that bef--" CRASH and both of the buggers come down through the roof.

I'm serious, I think all three of us exclaimed at the same time. Then for the next ten minutes we were like, "That was so frikin awesome!"

Half-Life 2 pwns Doom 3 up the wazoo.
yup same ere. i found myself ramming the cars out of the way with the buggy (with little effect) as i was too scared to get out of the vehicle
the fast zombies arnt scary at all, in ravenholm they fall off buildings, jump off and crash into brick walls which makes me laugh, i think silent hill has a more scarier enemy style
There's no way ravenholm is more scary than Doom 3. The weird sounds and lack of light in Doom 3 scared the living shit out of me. Ravenholm inflicted excitement on me (fast zombies) but I was never actually scared. As for Doom 3 being more predictible that's not very fair. Shit popped out of nowhere all the time in doom 3. That's one of the main things the developers relied on in Doom 3 to create a scary atmosphere. Halflife 2 wasn't really designed to be scary in my opinion but to each his own.
surround sound makes ravenholm scary enough, the bits that were the kind of passive "chill down the spine" scary were the "chink chink chink" you hear when the fast zombies run across the rooftops but can't see them and when you hear noises but not what caused them.

the visually scary bits were the fast zombies, just to see them at a distance hop from roof to roof calling while you franticaly try to select the shotgun was super, or the part in the mines with all the headcrabs, proper infestation:D

sound makes revenholm more than the graphics do IMHO, unlike the rest of the game
I played the demo of hl2 in full daylight and then Ravenholm wasn't scary but in the full game.. uhh... (which I played through without a brake), Well, about 1:00, in the night (can't remember if thats AM or PM), I got to the Ravenholm level, scary shit, I was already *beep* scared when Alyx said something like ''that's the old tunnel to Ravenholm..... We don't go there anymore'' she just said it on such a way, like... uuuhhh... Maybe because I knew you were going there... Uhh... Well, I completed the game this morning, and have felt paranoid since... lol... Still trying to press F6 in real life to quiksave before I'm going round a corner... Now when I think about it, kinda geekish sitting in front of the pc in about 10-11 hours nonstop.... But back on topic: The creepist in Ravenholm is the big fire with the spiked zombies in it... damn scary... uhh... :sniper:
The levels were you are in the canals(Im playing those levels right now)

Gets my heart pumping adrenaline,Certain parts arent that scary but when you get into the dark and the loneliness sets in my heart really starts to go fast,Call me a wimp but im one of those ppl who want/need allies near me because when there is an allie I feel comfortable in the mind knowing they will alert me and cover me in times of danger
lol,you know ravenholm will always be remembered by me 4 the mistakes i made on it,ie,chargin in head first,4 example,at the part where father grigori sends the lift across to you i fell off the roof,lol :rolling: ,so i had to run all the way back with those fast zombies following me and on my way back i made the mistake of goin into a house,musta killed 10 of em just getin back to the lift :sniper: ,also in the cave part of ravenholm i just dropped to the bottom little realising the place was infested with every kind of headcrab :hmph: ,that freaked me most as it was my first run through of the game so the fear was escalated
Ravenholm was excellent, I just played it again. When waiting for the lifts, I sit by the Pipes and shoot them as the zombies run up. But sometimes fall off. I don't know, but Ravenholm actually felt more scary the second time. Even when I had the difficulty setting the same (Hard). When the Priest gives you the shotgun and you run into the building with the lift, I left the Zombies running after me, when they came through the glass room I was like "Bugger", I absolutely hated the Toxin Walking Zombies.
Ravonholm was quite freaky... I had to take breaks, and convince myself to resume playing. Amazing atmosphere. The black headcrabs weren't that scary or me, I got attacked by them sucessfully 2 or 3 times, picked them off with the magnum from range usually. But those fast zombies, and the poison ones... eek! That section left me with a ravenholm-phobia, and the bit in sandtraps freaked me out almost a smuch; when I got into nova prospekt I was half scared because of just the way it was, and another half because I was worried about it becoming another ravenholm-like area. Eww, combine zombies...
Dracarys said:
Ravonholm was quite freaky... I had to take breaks, and convince myself to resume playing. Amazing atmosphere. The black headcrabs weren't that scary or me, I got attacked by them sucessfully 2 or 3 times, picked them off with the magnum from range usually. But those fast zombies, and the poison ones... eek! That section left me with a ravenholm-phobia, and the bit in sandtraps freaked me out almost a smuch; when I got into nova prospekt I was half scared because of just the way it was, and another half because I was worried about it becoming another ravenholm-like area. Eww, combine zombies...
yeah... Nova Prospekt was kinda creepy too. just imagine the horrors of prison life. :farmer: