Never Ending Ring..


May 13, 2004
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I find myself playing mmorpgs, it doesnt matter what its about, it doesnt matter how old or new it is, I will play it.

I found myself in bestine, dancing in a cantina for the most part of a year, before I know it Im fighting gnolls and spiders in the middle of the evergoing landscape of Norrath, just trying to get that last little bit of xp for the night, or finding that elusive long sword. Months later Im flying over Atlas park, trying to find some scum to bring to justice, or some contacts to chat with, next im flying even higher, above the clouds and above the ozone in a space ship, hunting down pirates while escorting mining vessels to an outter colony. Once that is done Im back down to earth, yet this time its covered in red ruins, burned up by fire, Im now using magic to throw back the Charr, defending the walls of the city. But once thats done, theres anouther wall to defend, this time with holy powers and a mace, fighting back zombies and orcs from the gates of ironforge, soon after the attack ends, its back to bestine cantina for some dancing, to start another never ending ring of rpgs.

I have no idea why I made this thread. I guess im looking back on what Ive done latly, and it seems all I have done is leveled insanely in some random mmorpgs then run over to the next, it seems world of warcraft is holding my interest for awhile, the longest rpg Ive played would be swg, which I stuck with for a good year.

Anyone else crazy for a certain type of game, or an addiction, maybe your on cocaine? Tell us about it.
Ritz said:
Anyone else crazy for a certain type of game, or an addiction, maybe your on cocaine? Tell us about it.

Game-wise: FPS's and the Battlefield series in particular. Even tho I know every BF:V map like the back of my hand, I keep coming back to it.
Non game-wise: smoking is a big vice.

I rarely play any games now'n days.If I wanted to...and it might come to this one day..finally stop playing them.
I always play MMORPG's for roughly a month and then get bored :(
I usually need a lot of stimulation to keep me happy, mmorpg's lose their appeal after a short time.
For a gamer i don't actually play a lot of games, usually on average about an hours worth a week, or even less.

Addictions? the only thing i'm addicted to is running, i can't stop ****ing running.
I run 4 miles everyday at least.....i think i'm addicted to endorphins when i run.
I need to do less running really, before i break my legs or something :P
Non-gaming I guess tuna, I love the stuff. Im like a cat. And battlefield, bleh, I got bored of that when every player on earth sat at the plane spawn, grabbing it only to crash into a nearby building.
Oh we gotta include non-gaming also?

Well...nothing again.
Tr0n said:
Oh we gotta include non-gaming also?

Well...nothing again.

You're boring Tr0n, come on.. not even abit of crack? Maybe some E's?
Ritz said:
Non-gaming I guess tuna, I love the stuff. Im like a cat. And battlefield, bleh, I got bored of that when every player on earth sat at the plane spawn, grabbing it only to crash into a nearby building.
Tuna! don't talk to me about tuna!
I eat 2 cans of it a day, the protein percentage is something like 35%, one of the best fish you can eat.
Ritz said:
You're boring Tr0n, come on.. not even abit of crack? Maybe some E's?
Nope. :P

I ain't addicted to anything.Why?Will power. ;)

Sure I like to drive fast because I like speed..or catch shit on fire and blow stuff up.I can easily stop all of those....
short recoil said:
Tuna! don't talk to me about tuna!
I eat 2 cans of it a day, the protein percentage is something like 35%, one of the best fish you can eat.

Wow really? Thats good, because all over fish taste icky.
Tr0n said:
Nope. :P

I ain't addicted to anything.Why?Will power. ;)

Sure I like to drive fast because I like speed..or catch shit on fire and blow stuff up.I can easily stop all of those....
Sure you can, sure you can.:p
I'm getting back into ET at the moment, haven't played since college. It's cool cos we're still playing on my mates server. Just like old times :D

That, and I'm a self confessed crack whore.
Back in the day I was addicted to the original X-com. Couldn't stop playing that game, even when it was time to go to Mars for the final mission. I just stayed on Earth, constantly making more money and upgrading my troops. Eventually I had like 100 trillion dollars and all my troops had full psyche abilities and everything. Every mission was so easy at that point but I just kept playing.

More recently I played Rome:Total War for several hours at a time. It seemed like entire days would go by without me even knowing! After a few days though, I started to get bored of it. Now I don't really play any game much, just surf the Web.

Other than that I work out all the time. I go to the gym at least 4 times a week. Also, now that summer is almost here, I have been hitting the tanning salon. If anyone asks though, I went to the beach! :o
Ritz said:
Anyone else crazy for a certain type of game, or an addiction, maybe your on cocaine? Tell us about it.

The same thing has been happening to me on WoW, most of the time, i'd start playing and as soon as I look at my clock again it's 10pm
Im addictet to music. If Im not sitting in front if the PC listening to some kind of Music I always have my MD Player with me
Lemonking said:
Im addictet to music. If Im not sitting in front if the PC listening to some kind of Music I always have my MD Player with me

Music here too :)

as for gaming, Im a FPS Nut... but I find myself less on the PC, nothing worthwhile playing right now..... must.... be.... patient.... BF2.....
I sued to religiously play Starcraft and halflife (mods). I'd switch between the two every couple of months....
Most recently, I've just not been interested in gaming at all, because it feels like my time can be best spent on my college work. Which I then don't do
If I'm addicted to anything, its writing my thoughts, channeling all that insanity onto some paper in the hope that it makes sense...

If I'm addicted to anything, I could be really cheesy and tell you about...her.

But I won't :P
Ritz said:
Anyone else crazy for a certain type of game, or an addiction, maybe your on cocaine? Tell us about it.
I just like cocaine. :frown:
Well, I'm a BIG PC gamer. I got started with and loved hl and baldurs gate. then I got into moh and spearhead online, then the battlefield games, the total war games, morrowind, and kotor 1 & 2. Then hl2, just to name the big ones. Outside my love of gaming, I'm addicted to paintball big time. Its a great sport and a awesome rush. Uh, philosophy, reading and thats it.

:rolling: :rolling: :rolling: