Never found out what these were?



dont get mad, but wtf are these? sorry if this has been asked a million times.


and the combine and combine elite are they they same "alien or human" type as the civil protection.
They're definately stalkers, it's what happens when the Combine get hold of you and you're not good enough to become a soldier. They suck out your insides, replace it with saline, and have you hobble about. Ultra efficiency - they just need to clean out the solution every so often. No messy feeding, no toilet breaks - the perfect slave.

-Angry Lawyer
oh i found a good site with alot of info, thanks for the help guys.
If its the site I think you're alluding to, remember that it's not a hundred percent true. Stalkers aren't related to Vortigaunts in what they are/do. Stalkers were made by the Combine. Vorts are unmodified things that most likely never saw the Combine before the Seven Hour War.

-Angry Lawyer
Edit, sorry read your post wrong
*sits in corner*
Edit: Riomhaire changed his post to try and make me look foolish ;) .
Angry Lawyer said:
If its the site I think you're alluding to, remember that it's not a hundred percent true. Stalkers aren't related to Vortigaunts in what they are/do. Stalkers were made by the Combine. Vorts are unmodified things that most likely never saw the Combine before the Seven Hour War.

-Angry Lawyer

I thought the combine enslaved some of the creatures of the Xen world? That Nihilanth you fight at the end of Half life 1 ( ) was the supposed 'king' of the Xen. Read that page. "Shackles around its wrist"

Revealing the secrets to the Half Life story would be good, but it would sort of be ruining the mystery. If you know what I mean.

No. The Stalkers could be just like the Vorts.

Since coming to this site I am no longer pro-Combine on Xen, but I don't think it's impossible. I've just decided to wait and see.
Oh man, you've set off a ticking time bomb with Lawyer jOOblaR.

Speaking of which [devil's_advocate]what do you say to the sound files of Nihilanth saying 'slaves...we are their slaves' and the like. hmm?[/devil's_advocate]