Never Really Noticed This Logo...


Jan 3, 2005
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I keep Seeing this Logo but I never really pay attention to it. I was just wonder what it meant?




The BriefCase...

Is it just the Logo For the Black Mesa Facility? If it just does it have any meaning? What is it?

I know the Lambda Logo Means the "Lambda Core" and Also Means Freedom
thethingexe said:
I keep Seeing this Logo but I never really pay attention to it. I was just wonder what it meant?




The BriefCase...

Is it just the Logo For the Black Mesa Facility? If it just does it have any meaning? What is it?

I know the Lambda Logo Means the "Lambda Core" and Also Means Freedom

i thing its just a mod that logo is logo of black mesa source mod
Even Alyx has that logo on her hoody thing. So basically its just what AJ Rimmer said.
Does the shape of the Logo Mean nething? I don't even noe what it looks like
thethingexe said:
Does the shape of the Logo Mean nething? I don't even noe what it looks like
That one I don't know, anyone else?
Didn't that symbol on the briefcase used to be a peace hippy logo, before the high definition patch?

I may be wrong, but I had a sense of nostalgia there for a second!!
Crowbar 15 said:
Didn't that symbol on the briefcase used to be a peace hippy logo, before the high definition patch?

I may be wrong, but I had a sense of nostalgia there for a second!!
You're just drunk. :p It was always BMRF logo.
Now THAT is the proper Half-Life as I remember it! Also, what mod is that that allows you to treat the G-Man as your bitch? I like it!
I'm going to be really lame here but the logo is actually a butte. A butte has different erosion and is smaller then a mesa. A mesa is is like a really big butte.
[spam] lol butte [/spam]

either way, that is indeed the bmrf logo. Great logo too, btw.
That G-man looks exceptionally creepy.
Does he keep the logo in 2 as well?
Yes, I believe he does, and I think thats the only place you see it in Hl2
Funny bit of trivia here. According to Raising the Bar Marc Laidlaw actually contemplated on the name "Black Butte" while looking for names for the facility before settling with "Black Mesa". :LOL: