New Achievements


Nov 23, 2008
Reaction score
Even though I haven't got all the achievements for this game I wish Valve would make some more, they never got round doing this in Team Fortress 2 but they should keep this game abit more up to date than they did with TF2.
Thread starters should always be questions, because otherwise the first person to post will just go 'okay'.

Personally I don't see the need for any more achievements at this stage, but I wouldn't mind if they released a few every time they released some new content.
I just wanted to know what other people thought of it. :|
High Hard Pounce= Pounce from a high enough distance as Hunter and cause over 24 damage from the fall.
Scuba Tank= Get put on fire as Tank, but then get put out by the water in Death Toll. (when the y release death toll for vs ofc)
Handicapacitation= Rescue 2 other survivors who are incapacitated while your health is in the red zone.
ProPAIN User= Kill 12 infected with a single propane tank.
Anti-Medical Attention= Stop a survivor in the middle of healing themselves using an infected attack.
Puke-Nukem= Vomit on the survivors 3 times without dieing, vomitting on at least 2 survivors each hit.
Dual Missles= Kill a Boomer, smoker, and hunter using only the dual pistols within 20 seconds.
Malleable Metal= Finish off a tank by meleeing him on either Advanced or Expert settings.
Most Impossible Achievement= Go through an entire campaign on Expert mode without you or your teammates taking any damage from anything.
They've been adding achievements to TF2 since it came out... all of the DLC packs (Heavy, Pyro, Medic etc) have included a ton of new achievements for that class.

More l4d achievements would be nice, I don't really care myself though. I'd prefer they spent the brainpower coming up with new weapons/zombies/levels than witty achievements.
Problem with achievements is that Microsoft make you pay for them.
High Hard Pounce= Pounce from a high enough distance as Hunter and cause over 24 damage from the fall.
Scuba Tank= Get put on fire as Tank, but then get put out by the water in Death Toll. (when the y release death toll for vs ofc)
Handicapacitation= Rescue 2 other survivors who are incapacitated while your health is in the red zone.
ProPAIN User= Kill 12 infected with a single propane tank.
Anti-Medical Attention= Stop a survivor in the middle of healing themselves using an infected attack.
Puke-Nukem= Vomit on the survivors 3 times without dieing, vomitting on at least 2 survivors each hit.
Dual Missles= Kill a Boomer, smoker, and hunter using only the dual pistols within 20 seconds.
Malleable Metal= Finish off a tank by meleeing him on either Advanced or Expert settings.
Most Impossible Achievement= Go through an entire campaign on Expert mode without you or your teammates taking any damage from anything.

^Bumped for someone to tell me how awesome I am ^
Most Impossible Achievement is most impossible.
*Turns on GodMode....*
*Gets to end of level and turn off cheats*

That's my understanding. If I'm not mistaken, you have to turn off sv_cheats before you enter the safe room, though.
Does that still work? I thought once you use Sv_cheats it blocks achievements for that session.
Tiers of the current ones would be good.

E.g. Headshot 100, then 500... 1000 etc
Chain Smoker 2, 3, 5, 10...
Heads Asplode- Shoot 3 zombies in the head with a single bullet from the Hunting Rifle
Melee Marauder- Finish an entire level without shooting a bullet, or using explosives, killing at least 20 infected with melee attacks. (Probably a bit too demanding)
One Gun- Finish a campaign without picking up ANY weapons, including explosives, (Gas Cans and Propane Tanks) using only the single pistol you started with.
Gang Rape- As a boomer, kill all of the survivors with one vomit.
Light up a Fag- Catch a smoker on fire who has incapacitated, or killed one of your buddies.
Boulderdash- as a tank, incapacitate all of the survivors by only throwing rocks
Here Kitty Kitty- Lure a witch into a trap that eventually kills her.
Left 4 Suicide- Give up hope of ever making your way out of this apocalypse and shoot all of your friends.
Love, Hate, Love- Let one of your friends die, and then rescue him, giving him your precious health pack.
Man in The Box- As the level starts, be a chicken-shit and lock yourself in the safe room as the others leave.
Racist- Leave Lewis to die in a dark corner.
Like a Christmas Tree- Light up 25 zombies with a Molotov.
4th of July- Throw a Pipe Bomb into a fire, luring at least 20 zombies into it.
"I hate everything."- As Francis, finish a level by yourself.

That's all I got for now.
Tiers of the current ones would be good.

E.g. Headshot 100, then 500... 1000 etc
Chain Smoker 2, 3, 5, 10...

The headshot on was probably the second one I got if I remember right.
Does that still work? I thought once you use Sv_cheats it blocks achievements for that session.

I can confirm it works. A while ago I spawned a witch to get Cr0wned (couldn't bother to find one) and turned sv_cheats to 0 before tending to the lady. Worked like a charm.

Unless there have been any stealthy patches, it should still work.
Survivor:Manage to join a game using the matchmaking system.

This should be an achievement.
No! As much as I would love more achievements it would mean the dlc would cost money on the 360. I would like an achievement tracker, though, that tells the AI which achievement you are trying to get so they don't screw it up for you. I can't tell you how many times I had to run away from Zoey while she was chasing me with her health pack out in order to get the unbreakable achievement.
Kung Fu Action Jesus! (No Offence Intended): Use melee to deflect an incoming block of concrete thrown by a Tank.

Hmmm... i'm gonna go on Youtube to see if anyone has tried this yet...
Racist- Teamkill Louis 100 times
Search & Destroy- Throw a pipebomb to there where you expect zombies to be
and then watch "how kids run up for a candy"