New Aftermath info

woot! yay! awesome a new enemy, hmm...core charcters? was grigori a core charcter? i <3 grigori! , we might go through ravenholm with some rebels to blackmesa east? or somthing, i wanna see a gargantua!
G-Man losing control eh?

Maybe your about to reach the city limits, and Alyx says "Just another few blocks and were gone!" Then you start to slow down the the screen starts to blur out, then theres a flash and G-Man is right in front of you and says "We'll see about THAT!". Then you look and see that your perspection has time has stopped again, and G-Man has control over once again. Or something.

Oh and Gregori is most likely dead.
nooooooooooooooooooooo grigori.................**cries* he was my hero! , well it would good if u see a headcrabbed grigori :D
highlander said:
woot! yay! awesome a new enemy, hmm...core charcters? was grigori a core charcter? i <3 grigori! , we might go through ravenholm with some rebels to blackmesa east? or somthing, i wanna see a gargantua!
I'd probably be hauling ass toward the nearest City exit.

And yes. It MUST have Bullshkwids. ****ING MUST!


Edit2: And more Ichthyosaur on Freeman action.
Yeah, where are these scans?

I would like to see them, if possible.
Lucid003 said:
Yeah, where are these scans?

I would like to see them, if possible.

You won't be seeing them here. :)
well ill send the link to your through pm if you want just pm me :D
I'll send the scans to any one that wants them.. :D I was one of the first to get the scans
those scans are good, yay i saw dog, aftermath will now rock, more then ever
CodeFire said:
I'll send the scans to any one that wants them.. :D I was one of the first to get the scans

CodeFire. Can you PM it to me? Thanks in advance, man. :)
kupoartist said:
They're still very much "spot the g-man" scenes in Op4. I think Solver probably wants dialogue, not silence and tie adjusting.
Well, in fairness he did medle rather directly a few times.
Will give soul for scans!

Hell, I registered just to get those scans :) Can some good person send me a link?
I don’t even want to see the scans. I don’t want more spoilers.
Hopefully Valve doesn’t release the real screenshots on the net :P

I’m afraid I’ll take a look at the scans eventually. I’m to curious.
kupoartist said:
They're still very much "spot the g-man" scenes in Op4. I think Solver probably wants dialogue, not silence and tie adjusting.

Yep... I want to meet the G-Man sort of like we met Kleiner in HL2, during the game, and have the G-Man actually tell Gordon something useful. No, not reveal everything or most of it, no, but actually say something that isn't cryptic.
Solver said:
No, not reveal everything or most of it, no, but actually say something that isn't cryptic.

That would seem to go against his character (or maybe just his situation). But yeah, I know what you mean.
Solver said:
No, not reveal everything or most of it, no, but actually say something that isn't cryptic.

He'd propably chocke on his tongue, if he tried to say something that couldn't be interpreted in million different ways. I think it's more likely, that some other character enlightens us somehow about our blue-suited friend's doings.
Actually, I don't think it would be too much against the G-Man's character. After all, he wants something done, clearly. So there may well be a situation when it would be better for him to explain himself plainly instead of his usual manner of speech.

It would also be interesting, though, if some other chracter mentioned him in Aftermath.
The Gman has always praticed discretion. He may reveal some like you said, or it may be someone else to reveal it for him as Lightice mentioned. That was my theory anyway. Revealing something *critical* is too against what makes the Gman, the gman. He is the Man of Mystery, and it's part of the story for you to unravel that mystery yourself I think. It would be too plain for him to say something like "Hey Gordon psst!!, want to know a secret?," it wouldn't sound quite that ridiculous, but I think you know what I mean.
Ok, i'm now sending the scans to everyone now that i'm home. lol 33 pms :eek:
kupoartist said:
After the credits roll in HL2, that scene with Kliener losing Lamarr: is it an actual entry point for the episodic plot or not? Instead of a humourous aside, were we in fact seeing Kleiner breaking you out of Captivity, hence the G-Man loses control of you?
Holy shnikes! :eek: Very interesting theory! I don't find it that unlikely!
I really, really hope everybody that sent me a pm got both working links and have both pics now. Sorry for the mess up, it will not happen again, if ever. :smoking:
you just made me cream in my pants :D hm..stand alone...3 ep's by valve , does that mean that another company will make the forth ep? or will valve help make it or somthing?
Hey, does anyone mind sending me a PM with the link, too?
I would love to see it myself :)
it would defenitally put a smile on my face to see a hydra somewhere in there,even one that u dont fight,just one u see through some unbreakable glass or sumtin.