New Aftermath Screenshots


Oct 2, 2003
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GNASoft, the Korean publishers of Steam have released a bundle of new screenshots of the latest Half-Life 2 expansion, Aftermath. They show off some of the new environments and areas we will see in the Steam-only expansion set to be released this Summer.
View them here (all text is in Korean).
Interesting, thanks for the link, now only if I knew that language :p
#1 and #2 are in pcgamer too, #3 it's a very old pic..
yeah i hope that blue thing is the phys gun because if it weren't i would angry
wilka91 said:
I don't wanna be spoiled, I won't look at those screenshots!
spoiled? i don't think you will be somehow. the bottom shot has been around for ages! If it is from Aftermath than it could be something that was cut from HL2. but to me it just looks like another part of Route kanal.

Is that a Mortar synth I can see in the background of the top shot? (Those who have downloaded the SDK model viewer or looked at 'Raising the bar' will know what these look like).
Sorry if this is known information, but will we have to pay for this expansion?
Yes Valve isnt only going to make free things, its and expantion so you will have to pay for it.
Yes, the expansion is pay, and those screenshots are new to everybody who doesn't buy magazines/look at scans.
Hardly interesting to watch screenshots since no new characters are introduced, nor new places that differ from any in HL2 (visually)...

It really is about the storyline...
wow, I can make better maps than that :\

some expansion , I doubt they'll even add anything new
LOL it's the *donkey* picture :E rofl. Valve plz add a Combine donkey now :LOL:
Xenon2 said:
wow, I can make better maps than that :\

some expansion , I doubt they'll even add anything new

in a way i agree with this, valve i believe might let us down on this one, unless what we are seeing is extremely early, id rather see it in two years time and it be amazing than see it next week only for to ruin/destroy the hl2 franchise
Well those without a credit card will be in for some bad news.

Steam only release = CC required or perhaps you can mail them the money I don't know.
i dont like the fact that there using old texture just to make more of city 17... ive seen city 17, i dont want to play more of c17. Like in jurrasic park 2 :)P), they go to a new aliend full of new dinosaurs. and i want to see new dinosaurs in hl2, wel not dinosaurs... but you get the point.. and who is this adrian shephard dude ?

edit: and those maps look crap.
Holy crap writingarequiem, HOLY CRAP!

That korean site is very...ecentric o_O
Anyways, THE COMBINE ARE STILL ALIVE WTFPWN!? And what's up with the map bashing? I see a nice little fighting area and a cool path. Wow, you guys are very critical.
I think Valve will be making a big mistake by not releasing the expansion into stores. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to download it on bittorrent then. :p
wow you people are really very critical

"OMG that litle stone in the floor hav bad textures this game is teh suckxxors!!!!!11"

"OMG that map is not so detailed as a real life place I am not going to play that cuz dont look uber mega real!!!!!11"
heh, wouldn't it be keen if they jsut finished up the levels they cut from hl2, changed em a bit, and sold em back to da people.

Looking at the screens with Alyx and Combine soldiers fighting the Ant Lion Guard makes me think that maybe, with Breen and the HQ gone, the soldiers will join the uprising?
Yes, the expansion is pay, and those screenshots are new to everybody who doesn't buy magazines/look at scans.

First two are from PC gamer magazine, last one has been around WAY before hl2 was ever released. Pretty old picture.
Steam-only release?

Huge mistake. Oh, they are going to eat this one hard.

Soon they will be burning Valve products in the streets.
Dario D. said:
Steam-only release?

Huge mistake. Oh, they are going to eat this one hard.

Soon they will be burning Valve products in the streets.

Maybe they don't want to hand anything to VUG? :p I wouldn't give them crap... Maybe they don't have a publisher lol who knows.
I still haven't played hl2 yet...and they're releasing an expansion?! :(
Steam only? Fine by me, I purchased HL2 via steam even though I was a little skeptical about not having a physical disc. However I got over that after the first week. Its really a non issue with me now and I happen to prefer this method as it gets more money to Valve while letting us the consumer pay less for the Expansion.
I'm glad I'm not giving any money to Vivendi. Not even for the fact that they fought Valve for Half-Life's intellectual rights, but because they cancelled all Patches on one of their existing games, Tribes:Vengeance. Now I know some of you here don't care for that game, or care about it, but they cut off all funding before the 1.1 patch was even released, which would have fixed an entire mode of the game, and stopped cheating, which everyone in gaming is familiar with. But the point is, Vivendi doesn't deserve money, Valve does, even though Steam is evil.
Meh, looks like a mod more so than an expansion to me. Looks medicore I guess. I'll still buy it I guess.
its not a surprise its steam only. thats the whole point of steam. Valve made it so that someday, developers could release their products directly, via online-distrib. This is a good thing. It means games being released when they are ready, money straight to publishers which will likely resulted in boosted morale/motivation and thus better games.

Anyway its a brilliant move for Valve. HL2 requires steam, so everyone who owns it already uses it and recieves content updates regularly. They are used to it now. So it is easy to release over steam without losing sales. It will pop right up and say buy now, play now! And all the money goes right to Valve's pocket. I doubt they'll lose many, if any, sales.

And even if they 'lose' some sales from people who would have bought only in the store (for who knows why), they'll still make more money, since they get all the money from the steam sales instead of a fraction from store sales. So bob who would buy either way, but go store if store was available, will buy Steam instead now and give Valve 3x the money than if he had gone store. This makes up for 2 people who they 'lost' a sale to.

Anyway, this is the way all software is headed in the future, and its not a bad thing. So best be getting used to it now...
steam is amazing. i love the fact that valve is taking such innovative steps to improve gaming.
A True Canadian said:
But that means that it will be released faster...

faster isn't neccessarily better.
what good is a Steam release if (lets just say for arguements sake) half the hardcore gamers either don't have credit cards, or broadband or even both?

Valve are only hurting themselves with this "Steam release" only stance.

i don't want to get into why people don't have credit cards or broadbands, theres plenty of explanations for that and for those who do not or cannot understand such explanations won't understand why a Steam release only is a bad idea.

edit: for the record, a Steam release will not affect me, i have broadband just in case anyone was wondering.