New Ant Lion vs Old Ant Lion

mortiz its not only water and walls, the game contain 1000% more things than the ones you saw.
ok whatever, the 2 ants are very different and if the shinny antlion is in the game you WILL notice.

and gorgon these people seem to be making their opinion of thosse 2 lame comparison screens. To bad for them. They are just in denial :)
actually, it's 5%, as Gabe has stated...

G0rgon are you ATI's head sales rep or something? As you seem to be blowing so much gold dust up their ass they must be floating with the clouds.
Originally posted by mortiz
actually, it's 5%, as Gabe has stated...

G0rgon are you ATI's head sales rep or something? As you seem to be blowing so much gold dust up there ass they must be floating with the clouds.

5% visual difference from dx8 and dx9? please show me were gabe said this. Interesting..
Originally posted by mortiz
actually, it's 5%, as Gabe has stated...
Sorry? Please link us to this statement where he claims to have shown us 95% of the game?
Obviously this is only my opinion, but I'm not all that confident that the noise is entirely the combine tower. From what we've seen it is constantly devouring the city, but in the E3 videos much nearer the citadel than this one there isn't any sound that loud. It could have been just added recently, but I'm going to reserve judgement.
This antlion doesn't only have a bump and perhaps specular map (isnt visible in this video if it has one) but it also has a reflection map I believe. It looks like it's reflecting the surroundings, that's what gives it the wet look.
About 95% of what you saw in the E3 videos would look the same in DX8. The
DX9 stuff is more what you would see in the recently released HDR demo.

-----Original Message-----
From: Arnaldo *****
To: Gabe Newell
Sent: 9/13/2003 3:28 PM
Subject: Re: Do I really need to sell my 5900 Ultra to play HL² at a decent

But that would kill the DX9 shaders. If it can't run that, then it's not
worth running with a "top of the line graphics card". Thanks for taking
the time to answer my question.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Gabe Newell" <[email protected]>
To: "'Arnaldo ***** '"
Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2003 6:24 PM
Subject: RE: Do I really need to sell my 5900 Ultra to play HL² at a

No. The easiest way to get speed is to set the game to run in DX8 mode
instead of DX9. That should give you more than enough speed.

-----Original Message-----
From: Arnaldo *****
To: Gabe Newell
Sent: 9/13/2003 2:53 PM
Subject: Do I really need to sell my 5900 Ultra to play HL² at a decent

Because accourding to the benchmarks released I can only get 30FPS with
my card. And that's not a playable framerate. Do I really need to buy an
ATi or is it a driver problem that can be fixed?



Taken from an e-mail sent to Gabe, and judging from that the E3 demos were all using DX9, I think they were all using ATI's latest cards.
Originally posted by Direwolf
And the E3 demos represent about 1% of the game. (If)

Man that would be SOOOOOOOOOOOO SWEET if you was right!

and you could be!

i mean 1%!
commando, for every level there is 4 hours of gameplay, and the E3 vid shows you only 4 min of I dunno say 3 areas found in HL2.

so ii am 100% sure it is less than 1%
I don't think they went through and picked all the bits that would look the same and DX8 and DX9 , they probably wanted to show the bits that showed of HL2's DX9 capabilities and polished them off. The E3 demos are quite a good taster of what the final game should look like , of course without some of the bugs.

The HDR demo has been specifically developed in order to show DX9 features maxed out. I doubt there will be many places in Half-Life 2 that look like that, as if you havn't got the processor to back up your graphics card you could be looking at FPS problems.

And how much of the game it shows it completely irrelivent in any case.

There will obviously be some bits not shown that might use DX9 more though, but the HDR is a taster of those areas, the HDR is probably even a little generous as to what it would look like in game.
Wow, the second one sure looks a lot better... too bad I'm stuck with a crappier first one than that.
Guys just face it, I have a dx8.1 card too, but you WILL notice dx9 features, even if there are 10 antlions running towards you. Or do you have your eyes closed in that situation?
And even if you don't see the difference now, you will see it in the future because more dx9 effects will be added to Source.
WOW!!! well hay I SOOO THANK U for correcting me!!! i mean WOW this game looks so gr8 with the E3 vids. i think it showed alot.

and if u lot are saying 1% only it showed, then WOW.

but although you said 4mins only showed, there could be ALOT of hours that you have to play around the area it's self
Personally I love the dx9 stuff. I like how everything reflects the sunlight in that vid. It's realistic. It's just sinrise, and the creatures carapace is probably smooth there, so it reflects sunlight. It makes sense...
I think Valve missed the whole concept behind specularity and reflection. These are very subtle effects that add to the realism of a scene. Most 3D artists who work in the film businnes or just produce stills are already familiar with the different kind of maps for years. The nr. 1 rule to these maps is: never ever overdo it!

And that's what Valve just did. Test it out: climb on your roof after it rained (or even during the storm) . In any angle you see your roof shine a bit. A very small bit. But in one angle (depends on sun / weather conditions ) you see the roof shine a bit more then on the other angles.

It's all very subtle and I just hope that Valve overdid it to show the mass what is possible with DX9 effects. If not, I'll mod source to be more realistic ;) .
Originally posted by Razorwolf
I think Valve missed the whole concept behind specularity and reflection. These are very subtle effects that add to the realism of a scene. Most 3D artists who work in the film businnes or just produce stills are already familiar with the different kind of maps for years. The nr. 1 rule to these maps is: never ever overdo it!

And that's what Valve just did. Test it out: climb on your roof after it rained (or even during the storm) . In any angle you see your roof shine a bit. A very small bit. But in one angle (depends on sun / weather conditions ) you see the roof shine a bit more then on the other angles.

It's all very subtle and I just hope that Valve overdid it to show the mass what is possible with DX9 effects. If not, I'll mod source to be more realistic ;) .

Doh dude. The whole point of that tech demo was to show the maximum capabilities of specular lighting in Source.
Exactly, Maximum capabilties, whether we will actually see that level in the game itself, well I doubt it , but we'll have to wait and see.

Think of the HDR as like a message to mod makers "This is what Source CAN DO"

And really, I doubt we will even see that level of Character bumpmapping, If it's a heavy action scene and your shooting aliens left right and centre, and combine forces are shooting back at you, jees , even the top of the range video cards are going to struggle to render all that + the character bump mapping and all the specular lighting etc. The E3 demos I think are definitly more realistic as to what we will see in the game.
I would say the old one, but its posture is that of a dogs, so i like the new one.
Mortiz: thats why Source's ability to dynamically scale graphics is so cool. Supposedly it should be able to notch the graphical intensity down in a situation like that.
Unless you have anything short of a really powerful PC, including CPU power, I doubt that you will ever get anything like is shown on the HDR video, as the demo was probably run on the latest P4 or AMD with the latest RADEON , probably tweaked and a hell of a lot of memory. I doubt they were running it on the average Joe's PC.
Originally posted by Direwolf
Obviously this is only my opinion, but I'm not all that confident that the noise is entirely the combine tower. From what we've seen it is constantly devouring the city, but in the E3 videos much nearer the citadel than this one there isn't any sound that loud. It could have been just added recently, but I'm going to reserve judgement.

Good point. It may have been some building collapsing, or it may have been construction work going on nearby. Or it could have been the wind picking up in speed. (Very noticeable when the player goes into that 'wind tunnel')

On topic: I think both antlion guards look great, and the way the thing moves reminds me so much of my dog that I don't think i'd ever be able to shoot one...:E
so far, from what I've seen, I dont think its worth it to upgrade to a dx9 card since I already have a dx8.1 card and dont see much of a difference between em which I care about.
Originally posted by Frank
I liked the old one better. The other one is TOOOOOOOO shiny! So I don't mind having a DX8 card

lol, another guys who's in denial.
do you guys think the specualar bump mapping was for the last tech demo only? or do you think thats how it'll look in the game? i dont recall the ant lion lookin so god in bugait
yar.... im onfused again... wut does a 5600 fx gonna use again, sx8 or dx8.1???
Originally posted by harhar
so far, from what I've seen, I dont think its worth it to upgrade to a dx9 card since I already have a dx8.1 card and dont see much of a difference between em which I care about.

The HDR movie is all about what you will see with a DX9 card so thats wht you will be missing :)
I personally dont like the whole world being all shiny and shit (im not in denial :P) It just hurts my eyes. If it wus up to me they shoulda made the roof top like the roof on cs_italy :)