New Ant Lion vs Old Ant Lion

Originally posted by FoB_Ed
it's shiny because it just rained, and the sun is shining on the wet carapace as it would irl

Oh yeah most real life alien carapaces do shine after a rain storm I forgot! DOH!
The HDR movie is all about what you will see with a DX9 card so thats wht you will be missing

Actually I don't think DX9 users will be seeing much of that either.

In all seriousness I think it will be too CPU and system intensive for most peoples setups, and I doubt theres that many areas in the game where they have designed that many reflective areas or used that much specular lighting
Eh, I don't like the shininess. Makes them look a tad goofy. I might run the game in DX8 mode so I see the "grittiness" of the game instead of shiny bugs running around.
maybe all these DX9 users are in denial that they spent 300 - 400 quid on a graphics card that doesn't improve the graphics that much
maybe all these DX9 users are in deniel that they spent 300 - 400 quid on a graphics card that doesn't improve the graphics that much

ROFL! I wouldn't be surprised in the least of this was true.
I doubt it seeing as how itll last them longer into the future. :D
and when the DX10 cards come out, i'll put the money that I would of spent on a DX9 towards that and I'll be the one gloating!
DX10 probably won't be out for a good long while. DX9 just came out last year.
Thats just about how the cycle you're welcome to. :)
It's just like the facial animations demo with alyx grinning goofily and stuff. people want to see OMG DIRECTX OMG SHINY in a demo, not the subtle, realistic stuff in the actual game. no doubt they wont be making it that shiny in the game, anyone can see it looks bloody stupid :D
Originally posted by mortiz
and when the DX10 cards come out, i'll put the money that I would of spent on a DX9 towards that and I'll be the one gloating!

so tell me when is dx10 comming? moron.. stick with your shitty dx7 card until then... lets so how many games you can actually play.
That new picture of the ant lion reminded me of Starship Troopers. Just think how awsome a mod that would be.

so tell me when is dx10 comming? moron.. stick with your shitty dx7 card until then... lets so how many games you can actually play.

^^ i'm not even gunna go into how stupid that guy sounds.
and btw, I'm not saying I wouldn't buy a DX9 card, I'm just saying I'm not gunna buy one for one game, i.e. HL2, and therefore not gunna bite into all this PR bull shit, i.e. what nsxownzme sounds to have done.
Originally posted by mortiz
maybe all these DX9 users are in denial that they spent 300 - 400 quid on a graphics card that doesn't improve the graphics that much

I dont know what your problem is.....But im happy that i spent 300$ on dx9 GFX card.....HELL that was long before any dx9 games came out..or we even had any DX9 tests!

Will you miss out on much without a DX9 card? No.

But i think the overall ambiance of the game will be differant.

Dont be sore just becuase your mom didnt buy you a nice gfx card.

/me puts on flame suit.
Originally posted by crabcakes66
I dont know what your problem is.....But im happy that i spent 300$ on dx9 GFX card.....HELL that was long before any dx9 games came out..or we even had any DX9 tests!

Will you miss out on much without a DX9 card? No.

But i think the overall ambiance of the game will be differant.

Dont be sore just becuase your mom didnt buy you a nice gfx card.

/me puts on flame suit.

Spending 300 bucks on something that will be 150 in about 5 months is a waste of money. :cool:
Thats how technology works. :D
Myself I tend to upgrade a bit behind to avoid shelling out $400.
Originally posted by TheOriginalEvil
Spending 300 bucks on something that will be 150 in about 5 months is a waste of money. :cool:


Do you have any idea how much a new car is worth after 5 months?

edit: do you have any idea how much less, almost ANYTHING is worth after 5 months?
I love it when people insult me because I didn't go out and buy a DX9 cards the first day they came out!

I'm glad your mommy was kind enough crabcakes66 to go and buy you one so you could come and troll these boards pretending your gunna get a bizillion frames per second on HL2 and slobber over shiny bits that appeared on a benchmark demo and then go to bed and sleep from 9 - 7 thinking about how your gunna be a 1337 h4x on CS2
Originally posted by mortiz
I love it when people insult me because I didn't go out and buy a DX9 cards the first day they came out!

I'm glad your mommy was kind enough to go and buy you one so you could come and troll these boards pretending your gunna get a bizillion frames per second on HL2 and slobber over shiny bits that appeared on a benchmark demo and then go to bed and sleep from 9 - 7 thinking about how your gunna be a 1337 h4x on CS2

Heh. I told you i put on my flame suit.

That insult is almost a textbook example. You can do better.
Lets get back on the Old antlion vs New antlion topic please!

:D Thank you!
The new Ant Lion Guard is FAR more realistic, and not too glossy in the slightest. The're going for a "lobster shell" type look, and lobster shells are quite glossy:

Originally posted by BWMASTER
Lets get back on the Old antlion vs New antlion topic please!

:D Thank you!

Awwwwwww..... do i have to? :P

I just cant stand stupid people.
Originally posted by Garp
The new Ant Lion Guard is FAR more realistic, and not too glossy in the slightest. The're going for a "lobster shell" type look, and lobster shells are quite glossy:


Yeah it looks like its got some armor on it.

My theory is that they exagerrated the specular shynyness to show off what the engine can do. I suspect they will lower down the speculreness to be more true to life....(it was true if it would of rained like 1 min before the video was taken :) )
Oh thats just freakin great.
Now Garp's got be fantasizing about eating an antlion.
Thank you very much.
Originally posted by Direwolf
Oh thats just freakin great.
Now Garp's got be fantasizing about eating an antlion.
Thank you very much.

Well that Ant Lion DOES look pretty appetizing doesn't it? I mean crack open that shell and you've got yourself a fine delicasy. You just need a little butter sause and a decent Chianti.

Originally posted by bastard_loud
Atleast try to be witty, crabcakes.

I know. My insult was kind of lame.....but i was trying to put it in his language.
what language was that crabcakes? English?

Just because you were typing in English doesn't mean that a person is incapable of wit, which , obviously you are. :D

I love it when stupid people call me stupid! Always makes me laugh

I mean the best you could come up with is

Heh. I told you i put on my flame suit.

That insult is almost a textbook example. You can do better.

It most of taken a long time and a lot of your brain power to think up something so un-witty or funny!

If you were in a special school they would give you a prize for that, here , you just make people think how stupid you sound.
Originally posted by crabcakes66

Do you have any idea how much a new car is worth after 5 months?

edit: do you have any idea how much less, almost ANYTHING is worth after 5 months?

LOL your point? Its not a used 300$ card, its a New 150$ card.
Originally posted by chris_3
I personally dont like the whole world being all shiny and shit (im not in denial :P) It just hurts my eyes. If it wus up to me they shoulda made the roof top like the roof on cs_italy :)

I personally don't like graphics. They could just show some ms-paint drawings with sound in the back. Oh wait, I dont like sound also, maybe i'll just open the window and listen to the birds.
Now to play, I'll be needing a mouse..Wrong! It hurts my hand. I prefer sitting back watching the nice draws.
And who needs a 17" monitor anyway? I could do just fine with a black/green pic on my cellphone.

Get the point. They didn't spend 5 years for nothing.
It can also be difference in lighting and image quality.
Originally posted by TheOriginalEvil
LOL your point? Its not a used 300$ card, its a New 150$ card.

My point was anything is going to be worth less after 5 months.

Mabey the car wasnt the best example.

..... most things decrease in value over time....

Im sorry but im not about to wait half a year for a product that has already been replaced by something newer and better.


Just let it go bro.
Originally posted by Tredoslop
I don't think there's really a difference, but they both look like penises.:p

I don't think we need to know about your genital deformities, thank you very much.
Originally posted by Garp
Well that Ant Lion DOES look pretty appetizing doesn't it? I mean crack open that shell and you've got yourself a fine delicasy. You just need a little butter sause and a decent Chianti.

Don't forget some fava beans. Whatever they are... o_O
And yes it does look mighty tasty. I think at the end Gordon, Alyx, Kleiner and the Gman should have a huge feast with an antlion gaurd and an ichy...
That's a point, holy hell! Think what an Ichy will look like in source! It scared the shit into me in 98 and I can't wait to see the new model.
The effects rocked, i loved em and i hope it's got loads of that in the final game, i also think the water effects will rock.

Btw, if you follow the dumbasses logic that you should wait for the prices to drop, why ever bother upgrading, just keep on waiting for ever for the next graphics card and the next graphics car prices to drop.

If you want top of the line you gotta pay 4 it, and 9800pro 256 cards will not be $150 in 5 months, more like $250, seeing as they're about $400 now.
paying $400 for a card is retarded... unless you NEED it for work or are a spoiled brat (or have a phat job... then you deserve it :). Wait till the next model comes out and then get the 9800 or whatever. If you wait until HL2 comes out with the new radeon etc, it's easily predictable that all the current models will drop in price.

While this logic seems stupid to you, it isn't flawed. Yours is. Saying that you should get the newest shit as soon as it comes out is basically buying into the hype and not being a smart consumer. Like I said, however, if you can get it --> more power to you. Just dont go around telling people that they are idiots for not having as much money as you.