New Arrival

I don't see why you would use such expensive materials for a HEV suit. It's all about how it looks, and how durable it is. Not on whether or not it can take gun shots and all that fancy stuff.
Wow, hey man. Thanks for those links! Those will definitely help. It's good to hear that you're working on it too. Makes me feel a little less stupid.
wow, it does?

<3 U
I don't see why you would use such expensive materials for a HEV suit. It's all about how it looks, and how durable it is. Not on whether or not it can take gun shots and all that fancy stuff.
I don't see anything wrong with it. I'd wanna feel secure in an HEV suit, rather than feeling it's made out of paper mache.
Well I didn't say paper mache, but actually trying to have the HEV suit do stuff (besides a flashlight) is definately pushing it far.

Of course we would all want a steel HEV suit, (somewhere I swear you mentioned it being steel) but lets face it, even if we talk about it, and how we are going to do it, the chances of it being done, and being done well are slim to none.

If you want to make a wearable HEV suit, more power to you. I am just looking at it on a realistic level being someone who also makes these types of props.

Unless you have your own shop, tons and tons of money, tons of patience, and years of practice, not to mention the know-how, chances are, you are shooting for something way to far.

Think of it like this, would I make a CP suit, with real bullet proof vest, carefully crafted and seemed together with other material to form their jacket, a real working radio/walki talki built into my helmet with metal plating inside for colision protection, buy a real stun baton, and install real night/zoom in/zoomout lenses?

Of course not, as much as I'd want one, that is idealistically impossible unless you own your own buisness and have tons of money.

If I was making a CP costume I would understand it's all about the aesthetics, how something looks, and if it doesn't fall apart. That's all thats important, thats all that is ever important with suits/props. (trust me, my brother is in the buisness, and I do some of my own as well)

If I were you, I'd look at a much cheaper, simpler, and more realistic way of making the HEV suit.

I think you're a bit small-minded.

I don't have gobs of money, but I ain't broke either. I have enough to buy stupid shit like kevlar vests on a whim.

And I do have a talent for fabricating/tinkering.

You are free to create your own costume out of duct tape. However, I don't want a costume. I want an HEV suit.

What's realistic for me isn't necessarily what's realistic for you.

And one factor you fail to account for is time. I'm not in a hurry. It'll be finished when it's finished, which could take many months. One man can do the job of ten men, as long as he's given ten times longer to do it.
That vest looked like a Barney vest.

And I saw some dude's attempt at a HEV suit made out of cardboard once... *shakes head in shame*
That vest looked like a Barney vest.

You must have not read the part where I said I would remove the kevlar fabric from the carrier (the blue thing you see when you look at the vest (the blue thing you see when you look at the vest - the kevlar is inside).

It's just the source for ballistic material.
Well I didn't say paper mache, but actually trying to have the HEV suit do stuff (besides a flashlight) is definately pushing it far.

Of course we would all want a steel HEV suit, (somewhere I swear you mentioned it being steel) but lets face it, even if we talk about it, and how we are going to do it, the chances of it being done, and being done well are slim to none.

If you want to make a wearable HEV suit, more power to you. I am just looking at it on a realistic level being someone who also makes these types of props.

Unless you have your own shop, tons and tons of money, tons of patience, and years of practice, not to mention the know-how, chances are, you are shooting for something way to far.

Think of it like this, would I make a CP suit, with real bullet proof vest, carefully crafted and seemed together with other material to form their jacket, a real working radio/walki talki built into my helmet with metal plating inside for colision protection, buy a real stun baton, and install real night/zoom in/zoomout lenses?

Of course not, as much as I'd want one, that is idealistically impossible unless you own your own buisness and have tons of money.

If I was making a CP costume I would understand it's all about the aesthetics, how something looks, and if it doesn't fall apart. That's all thats important, thats all that is ever important with suits/props. (trust me, my brother is in the buisness, and I do some of my own as well)

If I were you, I'd look at a much cheaper, simpler, and more realistic way of making the HEV suit.

Only part of the suit is steel, which is the chest mantle / framework. At that, it is only 1-2 milimeters thick. I may switch to aluminum.

Yes, I have the money, tools, time and experience to do it. I think that you're forming an opinion based on little to no knowledge of me or what I have to work with and using 'realism' as rationale, though you do have a right to your opinion. I am not offended and will continue my project. Thanks for the post.
I think you're a bit small-minded.

I don't have gobs of money, but I ain't broke either. I have enough to buy stupid shit like kevlar vests on a whim.

And I do have a talent for fabricating/tinkering.

You are free to create your own costume out of duct tape. However, I don't want a costume. I want an HEV suit.

What's realistic for me isn't necessarily what's realistic for you.

And one factor you fail to account for is time. I'm not in a hurry. It'll be finished when it's finished, which could take many months. One man can do the job of ten men, as long as he's given ten times longer to do it.

Good post, man.
Think of it like this, would I make a CP suit, with real bullet proof vest, carefully crafted and seemed together with other material to form their jacket, a real working radio/walki talki built into my helmet with metal plating inside for colision protection, buy a real stun baton, and install real night/zoom in/zoomout lenses?

Of course not, as much as I'd want one, that is idealistically impossible unless you own your own buisness and have tons of money.

And by the way, a real CP suit would be very easy, much easier than the HEV, because almost all the components could be gathered together on Ebay or military surplus stores for less than a thousand dollars, with real ballistic armor.


Stun baton, available here for 49.95.

Not even sure if CP have night vision. Know the Combine troops do due to the console command that enables it, but they're enhanced humans while CPs are just dudes in suits.
50 bucks for a baton? See here's my point again. You could just as easily make one for about 15 dollars with some fixings from a local tool store.
50 bucks is actually quite a lot to spend on such a small part of the suit.

We're talking about two different things. You're talking about making props. I am not.

Concerning the vest, I nabbed it for about $125 on eBay about a year ago.
Alright, but you came off as a little aggressive with your suggestions to me. And I think it stops being a suggestion when you don't let it drop. It's up to him whether he takes your advice to heart - he doesn't have to. That's why it's advice, not an order. You may think you know better than him (and you may well do, I don't know) but that doesn't mean he has to do what you say.

Okay, let's try to keep this thread on topic... NYTWP? Anything new? :D

Not too much, but I did order some new prescription glasses..


I did start work on a template for the chest piece, but I don't have any pictures. Will get some soon.
Heh, those glasses are fantastic. I should totally get Gordon glasses one day

Georgina Freeman :D

Edit: Could not think of any other female version of the name "Gordon"