New ATI Drivers For HalfLife2??


Oct 7, 2004
Reaction score
Happy HalfLife 2 Eve Everyone!!! Now since we are almost there, I thought I would pose this question for you all, in the hopes that someone may know something about it. I have heard that ATI has tweaked thier new 4.12 beta drivers for HalfLife 2 (Since they have so much invested in the success of HL2). They can be found at, and I have installed them, and I DID get about 10FPS boost from using them (I have an ATI 9600XT). My question is... Does anyone know of any issues with these drivers, and other games, CS:S, or in general?? I am not usually in the habit of using beta drivers, and the Omega drivers do not usually offer me much of a boost, so a 10 FPS boost seems quite good. I just was wondering what other people have experienced with these beta drivers (or if not these, which ATI drivers would you recommend/use for HalfLife 2?). Thanks
yeah kinda old. Alot of people are having problems with the beta drivers, so its best to go for the 4.11's. Otherwise that 10fps boost is well worth it if you can get it.
Well, if it gets you 10 fps, who cares? I'm just waiting for the final thing to come out.
If they were reliable, wouldn't they be on the main driver update page - which is still showing the 4.11s
czrsink said:
If they were reliable, wouldn't they be on the main driver update page - which is still showing the 4.11s

Yeah, that is my concern... I have not had any issues yet, but all I have used them for is CS:S and original HalfLife/Opfor. I guess I should try them with FarCry or Doom3 too, just to see if there are any issues (and I forgot to use 3dmark to benchmark, so I will have to do that tonight.)
I'm just waiting for the final release, so the hackers can crack them and I can install them. They arn't going to bother with them at the moment because if they crack them now, they might just change the beta around.
Garric said:
So I can use them on an illegal card.. duh.

Ummm.. Wtf is an illegal card?? I have heard of Pirated OS, Pirated Games, but a Pirated card!?!?! What the hell are you talking about?
who knows..

but.. You have a FX53 and 2 gigs of memory with a Radeon 9600XT? That is something I haven't seen lately.
GorgeousOrifice said:
I went from 61 fps to 69 on my 9600XT.

Good deal.

Can you tell me your specs?


P4 2.6
1Gb Ram (ddr 400)
9600XT - 128MB
AA = none
AF = Tri
all max execpt reflection (only world)
driver ATI 4.11

VST = 55 FPS

Do you think it´s a good score? Or should i try new drivers?
I get beautiful bugs with those beta drivers ... not cool. And alos a little performance boost (4 fps) LOL
I'm running a Radeon 9800 Pro 128MB with the 4.12 betas

I get a problem at certain resolutions with Reflect All turned on with CS:S...weird purple stuff where specular should be....but if I play on 1280x1024 with it on I'm good....any lower and I get purple. Weird but true.

That's the only problem though. And I got 10 FPS out of it.
Anyone know of any optimized versions of those drivers that work on mobile cards? The omega drivers do, but they are still back at 4.10....
Johan_Tayn said:
who knows..

but.. You have a FX53 and 2 gigs of memory with a Radeon 9600XT? That is something I haven't seen lately.

Yeah, that was the last part to upgrade, but I ran into a shortage of cash at the time, and had to stop. Hopefully, the wife has understood my hints for a newer graphics card (breakfasttime at my house.... Hi Honey *cough* I need a new X800 *cough* and can I have some milk..).

AND... Try this one for suck. I have my FX53, 2GB 400mhz corsair ram at cas2, and a 9600XT, and I am stuck using the ONBOARD SOUNDCARD!!!!! I cannot even run all of the sound tests in 3dMark03! I HAD a SbAudigy Gamer2, but last month, my computer rebooted at one point, and ever since, I have not been able to put that card in that computer (the card works fine in other systems, and other cards work fine in any PCI slot in my main system, but that card+that computer=no power, not even a POST screen!!). So I have a $120.00 soundcard that I cannot even use. :frown: Stupid F*cktard soundard!!
Can someone link me to the actual page that says that it is tweaked for Half-Life 2 and not a direct link to the exe?
7hoR said:
Can someone link me to the actual page that says that it is tweaked for Half-Life 2 and not a direct link to the exe?

I never saw "official" word of this, but a number of people in forums had been saying that it was optimised for HalfLife2, and one of them linked to an ATI page (sorry, I do not have the link) describing it as the driver to use if you are going to be playing any "game that is coming in the next few days". This is what is making people think this is HalfLife2 optimized, and I will admit, I did see a large jump in framerates in CSS.
pdnellius said:
I'm running a Radeon 9800 Pro 128MB with the 4.12 betas

I get a problem at certain resolutions with Reflect All turned on with CS:S...weird purple stuff where specular should be....but if I play on 1280x1024 with it on I'm good....any lower and I get purple. Weird but true.

That's the only problem though. And I got 10 FPS out of it.

I also get those purple textures ... and the 4 rotating surfaces at the beginning of the test are flickering (diappear and reappear)
Well, since theres no official page I'm just going to stick with my 8.07 beta drivers :)
"You have a FX53 and 2 gigs of memory with a Radeon 9600XT"

maybe he doesn't need a faster gfx card
The only problems that have been discused at the rage3d site (ati card forums etc)

Is they at times seem to have a problem with the 9600 series. the 9600xt in specific, some users get some bad errors, and can't use them, have to go back to 4.11.

Other then that most people find them fine.
wilka91 said:
I also get those purple textures ... and the 4 rotating surfaces at the beginning of the test are flickering (diappear and reappear)

are you using the CCC? "catlyst control center" or if you were but are no longer did you remove the older drivers completly?

People get that when using the CCC and turn on the AI option to high.

Oh and if your talking in the source system test that you are getting those, its actually a bug in the test, not the drivers.

(if your only getting them there)
shapeshifter said:
Is they at times seem to have a problem with the 9600 series. the 9600xt in specific, some users get some bad errors, and can't use them, have to go back to 4.11.

Well this sucks, but I just started gettin those in 3dmark -- I switched back to the new 4.11 drivers. Oh well -- so much for more Halflife2 lovin FPS!
I got a 50 fps boost on cbble (but then it skrewed up and went back down to only 5+ frames. But I am able to use high modles and textures now (from medium) but whenever I go into a spot with music (Back of B in Dust, any of A in Dust2, etc) I get 5 fps...unplayable till I get the hell outta there! But that's only on high models and, sound causing texture lag? system spec

p4 2.8
512 of some slow ddr ram
quality Medum
AA AF none
reflect all
40-50 fps
I have not been able to put that card in that computer (the card works fine in other systems, and other cards work fine in any PCI slot in my main system, but that card+that computer=no power, not even a POST screen!!). So I have a $120.00 soundcard that I cannot even use. Stupid F*cktard soundard!!

Have you even tried reinstalling windows? If it works in other machines, then it's got to be a software problem, maybe reload your computer? Or try a different PCI slot. </techie>

I'm going to install those new drivers tomorrow probably, once I see how other people like them.
When I installed them, It lagged the f*ck out of cs source. So I installed the 4.11s again. It recovered most of the way. My specs are in the sig.
VST 1280x1024
4xAA 8xAF

my 6800gt@ultra speeds =103fps

my x800xt SAME SETTINGS = 154fps. cat 4.12betas
x800xt SAME SETTINGS = 142fps cat 4.11betas

drivers helped a little, but the biggest help was when i sold my GT for a x800xt.
I'm using the betas;

they are FANTASTIC!

CS:S finally runs smoothly on my 9600pro