New audio stuttering thread [keep stuttering discussion in here]

dogboy73 said:
Okay then. Disable Autosave. And while your at it defrag your HD. Oh, And the line 'Comeonrunyoubastard 1' to the HL2 launch options!

I've liberated myself from HL2 by purging it from my system & sending the game back to Amazon. Not the ideal solution but I'm glad I'm free of it becuase it's been doing my head in for the last 2 weeks & I feel relieved that's it's gone. I'll buy it again when Valve sort it out ............. If ever, Which I'm doubtful of now.

is this why the thread is dropping to page two? everyone giving up?

i wont give my copy back. i found out that i can play CS kinda well, so im at least doing SOMETHING with my $50 coaster...
Ha ha ha ha cl_smooth Welcome to the beginning of the first stuttering thread.

And I'm getting pretty mad here. I beat the game with minimal stuttering, but with the new patches my sound is terrible. Crunchy, staticky, distorted...and yes stuttering. I basically have given up, as I've tried everything.
wasted said:
is this why the thread is dropping to page two? everyone giving up?

i wont give my copy back. i found out that i can play CS kinda well, so im at least doing SOMETHING with my $50 coaster...
I gave up but not until after a 2 week struggle! That was the problem, Everyday I was coming home hoping for a fix or an update or ANYTHING that would allow me to play this piece of s**t excuse for a finished product! I was even prepared to play the game with all settings turned to LOW but even playing that way with a screen res 800x600 & it still ran just as bad! I felt consumed by the game & for all the wrong reason's :x It's a real shame but I just wanted to be free of all that F'ing about. If it had of been any other game there's no way I would have spent 2 weeks trying to get it running or waiting for a fix/update.

The real tragedy is ..................... I'm still following the whole bloody situation!!!

How do I feel about it? Well, My days of PC gaming have been severly tarnished. No really. I've been asking myself, 'is it worth all the hassle & expense?'. Over the last year I've spent nearly £400 upgrading my PC in readiness for HL2 & to have my hopes dashed after so much anticipation has been a real nail in the coffin as far as PC gaming goes. For the money I've spent I could have bought an XBOX with keyboard/mouse, Doom3, Halo 2, Half life 2 (when it comes out) & still had change!! Okay they won't look as good as on my PC but at least they will all bloody work!! Even HL2!!
I was having this problem, i noticed when ever the stutter

happend the hard disk was being accessed. I played most on the

game till i mangaed to fix it, in my case upping my ddr ram from

512mb to 1024 worked like a treat!!! but cost me £90

though :rolleyes: I think the problem lies in the paging file used

by win xp, xp uses the hard disk for virtual memory, if

your running 512mb ram or lower it seems to need to use this

quite abit when running half-life 2, also had a similar problem with

doom 3 too.

I get alot less hard drive access during play now and it runs 100% smoother :smoking:
dogboy73 said:
How do I feel about it? Well, My days of PC gaming have been severly tarnished. No really. I've been asking myself, 'is it worth all the hassle & expense?'. Over the last year I've spent nearly £400 upgrading my PC in readiness for HL2 & to have my hopes dashed after so much anticipation has been a real nail in the coffin as far as PC gaming goes. For the money I've spent I could have bought an XBOX with keyboard/mouse, Doom3, Halo 2, Half life 2 (when it comes out) & still had change!! Okay they won't look as good as on my PC but at least they will all bloody work!! Even HL2!!

ya, i know what you mean. i'm kinda done with this whole sh*t as well. i got rid of my desktop PC and got myself a notebook. it's like 1000x more convenient than a desktop PC, but you cant upgrade so easily... but why would you if you dont play newer PC Games. i bought it with a DX9 card, so i would be able to play Doom3 and HL2 this year. Well, 50% mission accomplished so far... but i wont give another cent to the gaming industry, at least not for a pc game. games just get crappier and crappier, you get less stuff with them (manual), and 9 out of 10 games are sold buggy. (maybe a bit exagarated).

But people still buy that buggy sh*t, so it seems that the game companies are doing the right thing. Kinda reminds me of the music business. the biggest crap sells best. anyways, this is a bit off topic.

tomorrow it will be 3 weeks since day X! anniversary! :upstare:
Yeah I guess this must be a really difficult problem for valve to solve.
It sure is a bummer.
But heres something that helped me play the game smoother don't know if it will help anyone else but it seems to play a lot faster for me now.

try this.

snd_mixahead "0.8"
snd_async_fullyasync "1"
snd_async_prefetch "1"
mat_forcemanagedtexturesintohardware "0"

I Tried this with the low priority fix Ie. RIGHT CLICKING ON HL2.EXE AND SELECTING LOW PRIORITY .
and it played smoother and sounds were fairly in sync and not much stuttering.

It also seemed to work ok without the low priority fix except sounds were a little out of sync but not too much note loading times seem longer with the low priority fix .

All my graphical settings are at low and no vsync and 640*480 resolution.
Ive got a geforce 2mx.
If its a bit jerky try it without the ASYNC_prefetch.

Try these in the console with the` key first then if it works put it in an autoexec.cfg.
Hope it helps.
Incase the last comment might have thrown off some people who never tried tweaks before you press the ` key (or ~ key on some keyboards ) to bring up the console when you're ingame then you can try entering in the above commands.
Has anybody tried the new Omega Drivers that came out last weekend?

They are based on the 4.12beta's from ATI.
I cleaned all the ATI drivers with "Driver Cleaner" . Again in safe mode.

INstalled the Omega's.., started up half life...., and guess what!!! Al most no stuttering! The only stuttering thta appears is with the autosave, and for about 3 seconds when entering a new part of the game after "loading"

I have been tweaking for 3 weeks now..,
The former Omega drivers did not do this trick for my system.

Still the stuttering is not gone.., but at least the game is playable!
i'm using the DNA driver which are also based on the 4.12 drivers from ATI, and nope, doesnt help. I'll try the Omega drivers later today