New BF:MC screens.


Companion Cube
Jan 6, 2005
Reaction score

Oh, and will we be seeing a new fourth "country"?

"Choose to battle as U.S., European Union, Chinese, or Middle East Coalition troops, each with their own unique arsenals."

I do hope this is true, would be fun to see a fourth one.
And I hope they don't mean that the US and European Union are one and the same force(Exact same equipement etc)
Urgh, what does it matter? It's on the PS2. It'll be dire online due to annyoing console kiddies screaming over the microphone, and singleplayer will be almost as dull as the PC version :)
Ooh. I for one hope it's good, just so people unfortunate enough not to have a PC can experience the magic of Battlefield. :D
whats the player limit for this online? 32? or 16?

i dont have my ps2 online but just wonder how many players it supports...
hm, in the BF2 universe the E.U. must have actually come of something. It's a shame there wasn't an additional force on the side of the USMC in the PC version of BF2, it would have added some variety I think instead of the USMC being on every map.
Sulkdodds said:
Ooh. I for one hope it's good, just so people unfortunate enough not to have a PC can experience the magic of Battlefield. :D

They already have, in Star Wards battlegrounds. It was... *ahem* shit, yet it held so much potential. Simply put; big, open war games don't work on consoles, because the graphics are crap, the enviroments have to be scaled down and first person mode is just ubelievably clunky and primitive. They DON'T WORK.
Suicide42 said:
and singleplayer will be almost as dull as the PC version :)

That's completely unfair of you to say that. The console version actually has a single-player campaign with missions, it's not just multiplay with bots.
Looks like they have a D-Day type map.
SW: Battlegrounds did suck :P
Battlefront was cool though. Which is what I think he meant, as that's the one that's like BF2.
It wasn't brilliant, and more importantly it wasn't Battlefield.

Mercenaries managed to do '****ing huge war' quite well...
all those screens have been edited in photoshop with specular bloom :S. and the engine still sucks.