New BF2 Screens Very Nice!!

Shens said:
Blurry textures, no antialiasing...yeh.
Little? There's none whatsoever. When will they learn... :hmph:

Oh, nice edit :p
Darkknighttt said:
crappy graphics

Wow are u kiddin me...maybe its just me but I think that looks great considering the large game that BF2 is.
It looks fun.
I don't give a shit about graphics.
It's a multiplayer game right?
I choose performance over visuals any day.
I think it looks good. Most people probably won't be able to run it at its highest settings anyways.

This game is going to be very sweet.

This game looks REALLY cool, the one infantry pic is uber cool, hopefully this game will be semi-realistic.
Looking good :)

(if you have time to notice AA and AF in an online shooter then it's probably not a very good one)
why the hell do the Chinese have an M249? beyond that looks good, and people really need to remember that the game is gonna have to be able to support 100 people online simultaneously, so having the greatest graphics in the world just isn't possible if you don't want to sit back and watch a 3 frames per hour slideshow
Icarusintel said:
why the hell do the Chinese have an M249? beyond that looks good, and people really need to remember that the game is gonna have to be able to support 100 people online simultaneously, so having the greatest graphics in the world just isn't possible if you don't want to sit back and watch a 3 frames per hour slideshow

64 now :\ ....but still you make a good point.
Too bad the game won't actually be like that. Who crouches? The only people that crouch are nubs who get head shoted by the people who go prone. Also, I have never seen 4 people together like that, in any game besides ghost recon. The commander mode thing might add some team work but there will still be the solo 1337 d00ds who either camp an area and pwnz0r all the groups of guys or the solo d00d who can work the map like mad cr4zy (me!!!) and pwnz0r the confused mass of nubs.
StardogChampion said:
God damn, mess up the width of the forum why don't you, satch919.

I did it because I knew it would piss you off. Toodles!

Warbie said:
Looking good :)

(if you have time to notice AA and AF in an online shooter then it's probably not a very good one)
Uh, yeah, or it depends on the person who's playing. I can't play a game without AA and AF unless there's no other way (Hitman: Contracts being a good example).
DiSTuRbEd said:
Anyone know the release date of the game?

No one knows for sure but Ill bet money that it will be a mid to late june release it was scheduled for march but its be delayed and thats all we know as of now. :rolling:
Yeah, this is the only pc game I am really looking forward to this year....and maybe FEAR but thats about it...2004 was an awesome year for pc titles :)
Considering it won't look half this good on my machine, I think it looks awesome :D