New Black Mesa news and media


Jul 18, 2003
Reaction score
While known by some hardcore Black Mesa fans, we'd like to officially state that we've upgraded to the Orange Box build of the Source engine. We're also excited to announce that we've dropped Counter-Strike: Source as a requirement for Black Mesa, and from now on, the only thing you'll need to play the mod is a Steam account with any Source engine game installed! Black Mesa is now running completely off of our own content and base Source shared content, and we felt the vastly increased user base more then justified creating all the extra assets needed to make this switch.


And last but not least, the team worked very hard to get a trailer out along with all the other media. But as we've always done when faced with the choice, we decided to take a few extra days to polish it to a mirror shine before releasing it to the community. Be sure and look for that in the days ahead!


New media can be viewed here or here.



Looks horrible. They butchered my favourite chapter, Office Complex.

Edit: Just seen the other screenshots, it still looks okay.
Awesome. Looking for fantastic every update.
I still don't see it being released anytime "soon". I'm going to guess it will be around when Episode 3 drops.
I would pay for this full price.
So fed up with these guys, I just want to see some in-game action at long last. That is the least we deserve for putting up with their crap for so long.

Note - these are only my personal thoughts, they in no way shape or form represent the thoughts of as an entity.
There's a place for your personal thoughts Evo.
In the first screenshot the cliffs at the back are really blocky and it seems like those barrels have no shadows. :|

I'll admit, the amount of custom content is impressive but the mod itself bores me. I have to wonder why the team couldn't put their effort into something original.
So fed up with these guys, I just want to see some in-game action at long last. That is the least we deserve for putting up with their crap for so long.

I know, right! These bastards have the gall to put years of work into a massive remake of one of the most classic FPS', giving us constant Devblogs, screenshots and news updates.
We deserve more! They need to donate more of their free time and show us results!
God damn, this makes me mad! :devil:
I have to wonder why the team couldn't put their effort into something original.

Hmm... Because they wanted to create a remake of half-life? Because lot's of people want to play it? Because nobody else is doing it? Because Valve screwed big time by giving us HL:S? Naaah... you're probably right...
Hmm... Because they wanted to create a remake of half-life? Because lot's of people want to play it? Because nobody else is doing it? Because Valve screwed big time by giving us HL:S? Naaah... you're probably right...

You registered to post that?
So fed up with these guys, I just want to see some in-game action at long last. That is the least we deserve for putting up with their crap for so long.

Note - these are only my personal thoughts, they in no way shape or form represent the thoughts of as an entity.

Because if you're working on a massive project part time, you're not doing enough for the community by releasing media to show the huge effort you're putting in, amirite?

On topic, new meida looks ave. I particularly like the outdoor surface tension shots, and I love the new models (The tenacle looks incredible)
This is awesome, excellent, unbelievable and much more....
Someone will have remade HL2 on the HL3 engine by the time we get to play this.
This mod is such an absolute and complete waste of time for all involved. The shots look alright, but the project is a snorefest. That said, the developers owe the community nothing; it is a free modification that will never, ever be sold - people are investing their free time into this -- however fruitlessly -- and I don't believe 'fans' of the project have had to put up with anything. It's a hell of a task, you know.

Which makes it even more of a waste of time, when I think they could be putting their talents to something new and innovative.
Sweet, delicious tears.

To be a waste of time, something has to useless. It's not useless since the Devs enjoy working on it, and people will enjoy playing it.

Pwned by the very language you use.
I would not say it is a complete waste of time, so long as they enjoy working on it, good for them, but I agree in general that remakes are pretty much dull no matter how nice the content may look.
This mod is such an absolute and complete waste of time for all involved. The shots look alright, but the project is a snorefest. That said, the developers owe the community nothing; it is a free modification that will never, ever be sold - people are investing their free time into this -- however fruitlessly -- and I don't believe 'fans' of the project have had to put up with anything. It's a hell of a task, you know.

Which makes it even more of a waste of time, when I think they could be putting their talents to something new and innovative.

what the F**k????:angry::angry::angry::angry::sniper::flame::flame::x

I'm sorry, but your words are complete and utter b****cks, HOW, I repeat HOW can you say this? you have no reasons or opinions but your own behind thinking this, and as Llama said, the devs enjoy it? and other people will probably enjoy it as well

you should appreciate the time and effort the devs are putting into this mod so we can play and enjoy an absolutely kickass game,

no disrepect, but you're rediculous mate.
This mod is such an absolute and complete waste of time for all involved. The shots look alright, but the project is a snorefest.

Way to downplay 4+ years of work. Dick move, yo. :hmph:
Way to be a fanboy, yo. It is a mod like any other and it is not above criticism - no mod is, and it will be treat like any other.

you should appreciate the time and effort the devs are putting into this mod so we can play and enjoy an absolutely kickass game,.

brb playing Half-life 1.
Way to be a fanboy, yo. It is a mod like any other and it is not above criticism - no mod is, and it will be treat like any other.

Don't see how defending a MOD thats had this much work put into it makes me a fanboy. Anyone with a sense of respect for the devs would do so.
Glad to see you still live up to your title. :thumbs:
Law of diminishing returns - by the time Black Mesa is released, it's not going to live up to expectations.

The Valve Delusion strikes again, sadly.
I appreciate what they are trying to do and they obviously have alot of talent behind them, but seeing as they are changing things so heavily, it seems kinda pointless, if you are gonna mess with somthing that is already proven, then why not just make somthing totally new.

I am certainly interested to see what they eventully release, but thinking back to what happened to a similar project "Nightwatch" screenshots and videos mean very little till you have somthing playable to release.
I'm impressed by quality of Black Mesa team's remake but I must say that Black Mesa have worst sort of fanboys ever, even worse than Halo.

Last year I posted trailer for Black Mesa on my Youtube channel, it was very popular (about 220,000 views) and almost all posts are like "OMG best mode evah", "I want to PAY for this mod", "Valve can't do better game", "Valve will buy this game, I'm sure about that".

This one was great:
Dear ****ing LORD, I doubt VALVE could do a better job.

This is incredible. I.... where do I click to give the creators money so it comes out faster? WHERE I SAY?
It is easy to fault a mod team for such ridiculous, often vomit inducing comments, but fanboys are well, just that, fanboys. Like I said to each their own, good luck to the bm team.
Oh don't get me wrong, they have worked hard - very hard - but the simple fact is, it's just a remake. It is a mod like any other and I challenge anyone to say it deserves more recognition than the rest - it does not, and if you think it does, you are wrong. It is just Half-life with better graphics. That's it. And if it is more than that? Then it isn't Half-life. And if it isn't Half-life, what is the point?

The talent could have been put to so much better use.
It is just Half-life with better graphics. That's it. And if it is more than that? Then it isn't Half-life. And if it isn't Half-life, what is the point?

Wrong. Half-Life: Source is Half-Life with better graphics.
Black Messa is a retelling of Half-Life using brand new models, voice acting, area redesigns, new music score, etc.

It's a way to re-experience a classic, not replay it with "better graphics".

If you want to cheapen the experience for yourself by down playing it, thats your loss.
So it's not Half-Life then?
So it's not Half-Life then?

One could argue that. Different development team, different assets, different engine... just the same story, character concepts, and generally same areas.

Wrong. Half-Life: Source is Half-Life with better graphics.

Or just slightly better physics? If I remember, Black Mesa was started as a result of people's disappointment that Half Life Source looked almost identical to Half Life.