New Blooldlines patch


Nov 7, 2004
Reaction score
Can get it at Not sure of other sources, but figured yall would want to know. Its an official patch, not community made. 3dgamers only releases official patches.
I'd be careful with this one, I've read on other forums a lot of people have had major problems with this patch. Some people have said that all their other games have stopped working properly since updating and it generally messes their machines up!
saggyherman said:
I'd be careful with this one, I've read on other forums a lot of people have had major problems with this patch. Some people have said that all their other games have stopped working properly since updating and it generally messes their machines up!
Bit of a worry, but I'll have a gamble with it anyway.
Mostly gameplay fixes such as crashing, quest completion fixes. No performance fixes, in fact once you install the patch they advice if you're getting performance problems that you play at 800x600 and turn some settings down. *pft* I didn't get a X800XT PE so I could play games on 800x600 and medium settings. It's a pretty shitty patch, I hope they intend on fixing the framerates, if they can that is.
I'm currently using the unofficial patch- and I'll probably keep it like that for my playthrough.

Urrgh, I really don't know what possessed Troika to link their lovely city hubs with stupidly long, dark, mandatory dungeons. Yay for umpteenth beasty knocking me about.
have they fixed the memory leak? Isn't that the course of the shit performance? I personally get really bad lag when areas load... and i mean, really bad
Well, I find that after I've visited a few areas and the cache fills up my RAM gets to bursting point and I have to restart, because the jerkiness in large areas begins to annoy the hell out of me.

It may have higher specs than HL2, but seriously, some of the performance problems with this game never cease to amaze me.
I have actually noticed a slight performance boost, I am only getting stuttering straight after loading a hub and in certain places where detail is high. Load times are still bastard long though.
Marius said:
I have actually noticed a slight performance boost, I am only getting stuttering straight after loading a hub and in certain places where detail is high. Load times are still bastard long though.

thanks for the update.
anyone else tried this patch yet?
Ive installed the patch, havent had any probs with my comp nor any games i have installed.
Are loading times still ridiculous after installing the patch?
Marius said:
I have actually noticed a slight performance boost, I am only getting stuttering straight after loading a hub and in certain places where detail is high. Load times are still bastard long though.
My load times are uber short (compared to hl2), i do have a gig of ddr400 ram though :p