New Call of Duty:UO interview at IGN


Jul 18, 2003
Reaction score
Sounds pretty neat, they speak a little about the three new campaigns and some other stuff.

We've brought Call of Duty: United Offensive to the next level in a number of different ways. or example, one of our new weapon features is the ability to deploy light machine-guns. Players will be able to pick up a .30 cal, set it up wherever they want to, and open fire! We've also added the ability to sprint and cook-off grenades, which further increase the realism and intensity of the game.
Call Of Duty ownz, especially in MP. theres not as many cheaters really, i am constantly in the top 3 in the matches i play.
The first CoD is very good so i'm really expecting that the expansion is better :) I hope it has some new multiplayer maps
The new CoD has a flamethrower. Hence, Gray Matter developing it.
I can't stand CoD.

It makes baby jesus cry with it's leading-the-player-by-the-hand scripting ;(
I agree, the obsesive scripting bothers me. But, otherwise it is a great game.
ComradeBadger said:
I can't stand CoD.

It makes baby jesus cry with it's leading-the-player-by-the-hand scripting ;(
Yeah, but i like more of the multiplayer.
New screens and info.

The British campaign will have players flying high during the invasion of Sicily. One of the great things about this portion of the expansion is that players will actually take the role of a gunner in one of the B-17 Flying Fortresses while being attacked by fighters. I would imagine plenty of bullets to come ricocheting through the cabin, fellow gunners to get annihilated, and some spectacular airborne explosions.

Looks very nice:
I was jsut about to say that CoD would look kinda primitive when there's Doom3, HL2, Stalker and others. But as I checked the screenshot, it doesn't look that bad. They're obviously added some Dx9.0 effects there.
Yeah, its surprising that it does stand up graphicly. And while its all scripted, it makes for some blazing gameplay.
The original CoD sold like crazy, and for good reason, so an expansion pack is a no brainer. Fortunately this looks to be a good expansion pack too.
with infinity ward not at the helm..i hope it will be as good as the first
The only thing that really irritated me about COD is that I was expecting more of a Saving Private Ryan kind of feel. By this I mean a dispairing atmosphere, the kind of atmosphere that seems like the world went to hell in a handbasket. Throughout the game I was expecting more foul language. I know this seems like a lame reason to judge a game but you would think if your being shot at you would swear alittle more during the actuall firefights. If someone were to yell "Take this you Kraut F**k!" and huck a grenade would make for immersive gameplay. But for some reason it seems geared toward the younger crowd if thats possible.
The whole game seemed to "clean"
Have you heard of that game Shellshock 'Nam or something like that? Supposedly it's going to have an atmosphere much like what you just talked about, making it a very depressing type of setting showing the Vietnam War in all it's gory details.
Whoever made CoD are complete morons, what they did to the Russians could almost be called racism. Also how the sugar coated the war makes me sick, it is so unrealistic too...I wish I saved that mirc convo.
...What did they do to the Russians? The game displays them as heroes overcoming ridiculous odds for their country. It features their final assault upon Berlin and the raising of the flag over the Reichstag before the Allies reached the city, and the final movie with excerpts from a Russian letter home about finally meeting the American and British forces is downright touching.
Edit: As for the whole "clean" feeling of the game: Its one of those things you're going to have to accept in gaming. The average gamer is more interested in a thrill than being horrified, and publishers are timid when it comes to showing gore due to the reaction it often earns.
Well, the only recent war movies I can think of that got rated anything below "R" are The Alamo and Pearl Harbor, and you know how those turned out. If you want to make PG-13/T action game then don't base it in a historical war, because that just cheapens it. In real life D-Day wasn't filled with clean deaths and disappearing bodies, it's innacurate and disrespectful to depict it as such. CoD was a great game, but it didn't feel like a WW2 game simply because of the lack of gritty realism.
bAbYhEaDcRaB said:
its multiplayer is lacking and requires very little skill, thank god for revolt mod

You're obviously playing in all the wrong servers, where I play rifles are used alot and smg rushes are actually done sparingly. There's a whole bunch of clanbies round so you gotta watch yourself, they really own up with the kar/nagant. Still if you actually use your head it's great, I've often been in the top 3, and pretty much every regular clan around there has asked me to join :p Too bad I can't play at home.

CS? Pfft. DoD? Nah. Call of Duty is an excellent multiplayer game.

That said, *downloads Revolt*

Edit - And uhh, single player was pretty shit, yah.