New Cell Factor Video

It does look fun, But why can't they develop systems that use the resources of the processor more effectively when your playing games (instead of having windows suck it all up at the same time), rather than have to develop essentially another processor that is dedicated to the games only.
... because no matter how efficient you make the OS, specialized hardware can blow the pants off of general purpose hardware in specialized things like rendering or physics. Even if you dedicated your entire CPU to physics, it still probably wouldn't come close to a PPU... and the PPU isn't running at several GHz.
The PPU's hardware itself and drivers are completely based around physics. A cpu on the other hand is built in a completley different manner. The PPU can be extremely more efficient with physics than the CPU because the CPU is much more general purpose.
I'm really hoping that they will beable to come up with something integrated into new motherboards or graphics cards, just for the sake of choice.
clarky003 said:
I'm really hoping that they will beable to come up with something integrated into new motherboards or graphics cards, just for the sake of choice.
Havok FX uses any SM3 GPU to provide hardware accelerated physics, hows that for integrated?
Woot, you see if I had a clue about the range of physics hardware.. I probably wouldn't have this expression on my face all the time o_O
torso boy said:
Havok FX uses any SM3 GPU to provide hardware accelerated physics, hows that for integrated?

Ya but its fake, all the physics run on that cant hit the player or the player cant interact with them, neather can the world. Havoc lost this battle in my opinion. Plus have you seen the tech videos of the havoc fx compared to the AGIEA?
The Brick said:
The blood looks aweful :( The whole fluid simulation does IMO.

Yes, agreed, but at least there is progress.

Give it a few more years, as I expect that cloth physics will come, then hair physics, then fluid physics (I mean we have some decent particle engines out there which simulate some blood, aka FEAR or Condemned... Yes that lovely engine :) )
Sure, Iced_Eagle, it will all come in time. And with Ageia PhysX 2.0 boards.
I thougth the barrel fluid was really good. Blood needs work but the general fluid physics arent bad. Cloth looks insane.
Does anyone have the old demo videos of the Megon physics system?
Ageia bought it for the use on PhysX boards, but I remember seeing videos showing fluid and clothing simulation, just as good as PhysX.
Actually, the fluids seemed pretty weird, especially that purple stuff, it literally flew through items, might've been a bug that they fixed tho.:p
Przemek said:
Does anyone have the old demo videos of the Megon physics system?
Ageia bought it for the use on PhysX boards, but I remember seeing videos showing fluid and clothing simulation, just as good as PhysX.
The fluid physics were NOT real fluid physics. That was just a fluid surface, done in a similar way that the cloth was. It couldn't "spill" or "pour out" or anything, it was very simple surface stuff, that has been in some games for a while, and is nothing new.

Also, the cloth simulation was not as good as PhysX, and that's a solid fact based on the fact that the PhysX chip has many times the power of a CPU when calculating physics. The cloth in the Meqon demo was glitchy at times, and you could clip through it if you moved the object too fast. And plus, that cloth was pretty much taking up all of your CPU. For the PhysX chip, that cloth would be child's play.
P43.2/1Gig/X800P said:
Your not alone lol im in the same boat . Playing games is probably better than sex anyways.

Ohh and whats a physics card.???

I would'nt prefer games before sex atleast ;P
What about playing games while your GF sucks you, or **** while playing games, would'nt that be totally incredible?
No it wouldn't, atleast not the ****ing while having sex, a blowjob might be good but to actually have a GOOD **** while holding a joypad and concentrating on the game would probably end up being a pretty bad ****.:p
Someone should try and tell us, we won't know if we don't try will we?