new city13 screen, comments please

Looks pretty and intriguing. Now I'm crossin my fingers here...there had better be something cool you can do with that teetering bridge and that crowbar (if not, thats ok).
Ok, heres proof it will not turn out like hl2dm, well not proof, but their is NO DEATHMATCH modes included in this, we are currently working on team objective maps with a hugenew system created by extremely talented (old:p) coders, we are having most vehicles drivable halo style (one person drives, other shoots in passenger seat , other shoots in vehicle gun) , if any of you have palyed halo 2 onlione we are also incorporating the tag above the head scheme, so you know when your friends are hurt, dying, or dead, this way you can jump into the action a lot quicker, we are also working the single player story

this map is huge and runs amazingly well, it is about twice the size of the opening of city17, you wont be dissapointed, anyone who has worked with old hl mods is welcome to join the squad, we need to know, once we've modeled the character FP arms, how to we implement them into the bone structure and into the game itself
a bit to mutch prefab content IMO, would have loved to see you guys making something that is more yours and not just maps made with hl2 prefab content
we are using hl2 texutures atm just to show you guys the architecture, tonight we are receiving our paid for texture cd's which will be converted for use in hl2
Quite a lot of HL2 textures come from those commercial CDs...
Ive already looked at the CD and none of them are from HL2
this post was meant for an edit of the previous, but i see the mods have shortened the timelimit you are able to edit your post to 15 minutes instead of the previous 20

for example, every texture in hl2 for the maps are based off east eurepean styles in architecture. I wouldnt let city 13 based in europe to. instead i would take another big city like new york, use satelite footage to make a building map of new york in your favo 3d edeting package (only rough building shapes and then build your story and how the player will move trough the story in this city, add important place blocks and indentefy them as red so you know where everything is. This helps you coordinate trough the story in 3d. its alot easier to think up stuff when you have a surrounding like a bridge in the middle of a city and hink up some scene around it. you can then use the city layout for making a storyboard. Then split up the whole new york map up into grids depending on what you can do in those area's, for example, you have this scene covering an area of one square mile. then make that whole area one sector, in the end your map will be devided into alot of sectors. now remove everything from this map that does not go in any of the sectors. now you can import these models into hammer and build these buildings. so in the end you have a very realistic version of this devestated newyork, statue of liberty destoryed. instead a big statue of dr breen is positioned there. maby you enter the city by boat. seeing the statue of liberty in pieces stickign out of the water, and seeing this big imposant statue of dr breen in its place. that would totally kick ass as an opening. no trainride, but a boatride with a clear sign that the combine rules this city.

just a suggestion on how you can build up the maps instead of thinking them up and having problems because they dont connect on eachother. its the same way as how valve did it. they made a rough 3d model of city 17 to. before they where going to map everything. it helps coordinate your team allowing you to bind a sector to a mapper, and he exactly knows what to do, because he has a rough of the map layout. the idea is to map everything out before you actually build everything. this preproces saves alot of time and problems.
justice_sam said:
Ive already looked at the CD and none of them are from HL2

They're on one of the CDs I've got
It looks good. When ir reach beta stage, where will I be able to download it? At the homepage?
Yes looks good. Just need to change the textures, they are a bit 'cartoonish' i suppose.
Wait a second, that was wood? :O Now that I see that it is wood, everything reminds me of the old Tomb Raider games...
Nice one Justice Sam, I can see the mod is progressing extremely well.

Can you tell me this though: Because the maps will be (Possibly) HUUUUUGE! (To allow for open combat), will you have level loading sectors during online play? Hard to implement, I know, but didn't planetside do something like this? I mean Half-life 2 areas include a lot of detail (Yours seem to too by the looks of things), and if things get out of hand system-wise, how will you go about countering it?

not at the moment, but the way technologys going we like to call it the benchmarking mod
City13, this mod could turn out extremely fun, or just bad, it all depends on how its being done.

Even though theres no actual "DeathMatch" that doesnt prevent it from turning it into similar gameplay. You could end up with majority of the players on both sides playing as the same class, teamwork going out the window, and it becomming a random mess of team-deathmatch.

When it comes down to it, it will be the maps that show how well the mod will shine. Make area's of the maps obviously giving particular classes and advantage, which then lead to another area giving another class an advantage. With this method and multiple paths you end up with required team work.

Anyway, looks pretty good so far. Good luck.
yeah definitely looks good :)
hopefully it has a good storyline.. wait, is it MP? or SP?
Thanks for the comment EaTChildren, i know what you mean, if i dont like a game ill turn it off in like 5 mins,Heres why you wont get many people on the same class :)


Classes are organized in a simple but uncommon way. Each team has several player models which they may choose. Each model has the same attributes (like CS, they only look different). Each person has a certain amount of slots, and each weapon and item takes up a certain amount of slots. The more slots you have filled, the slower you move but the more formidable you are.

Slot numbers: 300 for each person on both teams

This class system would be more effective than a Day of Defeat similar one so that we don't get civil protection or light soldiers running around with rocket launchers or anything of the sort.


Akimbo rules - for some weapons you can purchase akimbo instead, so that you have one in each hand. This is generally more expensive than the price of two single handed of the same weapons!

Ammo starts out as a set number and you can't buy more but you can pick it up off of dead bodies. For switching weapons from those on dead bodies, you free up enough slots by dropping your current weapons and then run over theirs.

Weapons - Combine
-- Combine Sniper Rifle - 200 slots
-- Combine Rocket Launcher - 200 slots
-- Submachinegun - 90 slots
-- Akimbo Submachineguns - 210 slots
-- Overwatch Pulse Rifle - 150 slots
-- Pistol - 40 slots
-- Akimbo Pistols - 120 slots
-- Magnum - 100 slots
-- Akimbo Magnum - 240 slots
-- Shotgun - 130 slots
-- Grenade - 25 slots
-- Body Armor - 50 slots
-- Stun stick - 50 slots

Weapons - Human (same as combine except for crossbow and crowbar)
-- Crossbow - 200 slots
-- Combine Rocket Launcher - 200 slots
-- Submachinegun - 90 slots
-- Akimbo Submachineguns - 210 slots
-- Overwatch Pulse Rifle - 150 slots
-- Pistol - 40 slots
-- Akimbo Pistols - 120 slots
-- Magnum - 100 slots
-- Akimbo Magnum - 240 slots
-- Shotgun - 130 slots
-- Grenade - 25 slots
-- Body Armor - 50 slots
-- Crowbar - 50 slots
Decent geometry.

Needs a lot of work on lighting.

Keep it up.
thanks, we are considering a SP mode, but we need some more people on the team to do that part
Sounds interesting might make a good teamplay mod. Good luck to ye.

Edit: One thoght come to mind it alll sounds very Halo 2, Ditch the akimbo thing its been crap in every FPS game its been used in and focus on the teamwork. I would have different models or at least uniforms for classes to make them easily identifiable by friendlys for instance "That bloke over there has a red stripe he must be a medic I'll go get some health of him". think of ways to make people stick together and work together. Just some thoughts.
the guys pc aint great, ill post some screens on my pc (X800 :p) also, we have ditched the akimbo apart from one weapon, which is . .
and before you ask,[in the story] its a military weapon designed by the military, not the combine

lol it is no way near done, and its skin wont make it look like halo 2 at all
bit to mutch city 17 east european architecture as I said before. would be super cool to see the overtaken new york
itsmygame said:
The weapon looks alot like the SMG from Halo 2... :O

Heh, well the SMG in Halo looks alot like the one in real life :stare: