New Class...

I want a ninja pirate.

this new class starts @ 9 am - 11 am mondays & wednesdays
Just a shame (or is it?...) that the TF2 classes are pretty great as they stand.
I vote for:
Flying Monkey: He drops coconut bombs on you from above, secondary weapons are flinging poo and banana peels (which you slip on). Plus, he can climb walls.
I vote for Evil Ninja Pirate Zombie Monkeys of Doom from Space...
I was going to say Adolescent Gentecially-altered Karate Trained Tortises, but they might get sued over that...
I vote for the tea lady and her buttered scones of doom!
Useless thought:

They introduce a map with 2 islands and a bridge down the middle (similar to 2fort but with a jungle theme and more water).

Class Name: The Fisherman
Primary Weapon: Harpoon
Melee Weapon: Giant fish or possibly a Fishing rod
Unique Ability: To be able to construct a boat and sail across water
My awesome suggestion is:

The Astronaut
It keeps with the 60's spy feel of the game so it will fit in well.

Primary Weapon: Lazer/Beam like weapon. We have rapid fire,projectiles and nades. Having a constant beam will complete the types and adds more variety and it's simply cool.

Melee: A Flag with a pole. The kind you stick into new places. I can already imagine the hilarious taunt for it. "One small step...". The writers will make it funny.

Unique Ability: Jetpack. to be used the same as the spy's cloacking. Right click with any weapon and you start hovering up. However, you can't cap points mid-air so you have to get down.

Oh, we need a secondary weapon. Hmm, i don't want another shotgun. Will figure something.
He might not have to have a secondary weapon. The jetpack would make him pretty powerful as it is, and the laser/flag would do him fine. I suppose just a pistol would be ok though.

Nice idea.
Let me introduce..

The Oracle.

Primary weapon: exploding eye's shooting weapon.
Secondady: Frog thrower
Meele: A crystal ball on a stick

Special: Can stand back at the bass and then free look the map also able to see spies and then report to the team about it. however this is lost if killed.
Missy Piggy
Primary weapon: Yelling at Kermit
Secondary weapon: Singing
I still think the suicide bomber idea with the stickied Scout was very cool. Hehehe.

Stephen Seal
Primary weapon: Emotionless Stare
Secondary weapon: Instant win for Stephen's team
I had a weird but logical thought last night...

What if, Valve made a class called Defender or Riot Guard, which carries a large shield which he can deploy to cover teammates and sentrys from gun fire, meaning the enemy have to get alot closer in order to fire, downside, the allies have to get closer still to the enemy, with the defender being a slow class while carrieing his shield.

Primary Weapon: Shotgun
Secondary Weapon: Pistol
Tertiary Weapon: Riot Shield
Melee Weapon: Batton, similar to metro cops and armed police in riots.
Well obviously, Valve would find a way of making him seem fun, after all they make masacres seem really fun in that game, for example you can run around blowing people up and destroying equitment causing havok and after its all over just give the enemy a good old 'MAGGOTS!!', ITS BRILLIANT!
what the hell, there was a thread like that here. I made a thread called "a class of your dreams" similar to this...
No, your thread is to do with 'Your perfect class' this thread is to speculate on what Valve might make when they, if they, make a new class
What if, Valve made a class called Defender or Riot Guard, which carries a large shield which he can deploy to cover teammates and sentrys from gun fire, meaning the enemy have to get alot closer in order to fire, downside, the allies have to get closer still to the enemy, with the defender being a slow class while carrieing his shield.

Primary Weapon: Shotgun
Secondary Weapon: Pistol
Tertiary Weapon: Riot Shield
Melee Weapon: Batton, similar to metro cops and armed police in riots.
I think that'd work and would just be cool to be. Be nice if the sheild was one way but had the health of a level 3 sentry, but Medics can heal you, healing the sheild in doing so. That'd just be awesome.
I think that'd work and would just be cool to be. Be nice if the sheild was one way but had the health of a level 3 sentry, but Medics can heal you, healing the sheild in doing so. That'd just be awesome.

:D, I hope they make it or my other idea about the scavenger, however, this seems more realistic
(I liked they idea of Nicky 0123)
He starts of with only his trusty melee sledgehammer but can pick up weapons of dead guys and use a modified version of that.

Weapons expert

Can do strategic hits on the body like: leg shot slows down enemy, arm show makes enemy less acurate or neck shot enemy takes extra damage over time


has a helicopter back pack sort of thing and can hover around and slowly go up. Can also lift and take team mates short distances (and maybe enemys over cliffs) has fuel similar to spys cloak.

and a friend of mine told me to put in:

Primary weapon: flak cannon
Secondary weapon: crossbow
Melee weapon: pick axe
Special ability: can dig trenches, and can also submerge himself in the ground looking out with his camouflaged periscope then burst out from the ground right into the middle of an enemy charge using his innacurate but powerful flak cannon to deal massive damage.
OMG! Neu class conformed! The new class is



Primary Weapon: Ability to slam Revolving doors
Secondary Weapon: Apparently, confirmed by the Mountain Dew commercials, teleportation to anywhere without a recoil, or stamina loss
Special: Instant win for chuck norris, and nobody else, because chuck norris > all
Taunt: There's nothing to fear but chuck norris himself.
I wonder how Chuck will look like in TF2 :D
my perfect class

primary-Assault rifle

Covert(no spy abilities)-
primary-silenced Sniper rifle
secondary-silenced SMG
special abilities-invisible in water/grass
Stop vomitting these CS/BF wannabe ideas.

TF2 already has excellent non-generic and well-thought classes. No need for more.
I just think the game needs more fully automatic weapons
the fact the you need to be a sniper to get an SMG is a shame,especially since most classes have shotguns
I say "less shotguns,more assault weapons!!!"
I know, I wanted to try it before I said anything though, I didn't like it.

sorry for my lateness...:(
I specced my sniper deep into the Marksmanship tree but now my clan's telling me I need to go 41 BM! And, like, why are spies so OP? If a spy initiates combat, there's nothing you can do. Backstab, Vanish, GG. Why don't you just give them an EZ Mode button that makes it even simpler, Valve.

Balance PVP before you introduce another class.

I feel so un-hip! What are: OP, 41 BM, the?
OP = Overpowered. EZ = Easy. GG = Good Game. He's mocking WoW terminology, and I don't play it, so I don't know what 41 BM is.
41 BM gives you a red kitty of death. And a bunch of whining and complaining from those it slaughters.

That's all you have to know.
Well, you gotta tame one first. I got mine on hydro.