new combine ideas

Dec 11, 2008
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this thread is meant for people to list new ideas for combine they would like to see. this is not about new xen creatures so unless its about somehow linking vortigaunts with the combine (or something of the sort), please dont mention them. be creative people! i would like to see ideas of new synths and combine overwatch as well as something for advisors. be creative and remember, we're just going to criticize your ideas and judge you harshly!
Theres a combine helmet which can be found in the raising the bar concept art, basically the eye visors are bulging, and the respirator sticks out.

Possibly an idea for a winter brigade or devision of the combine

Plus I want to see Human Synths


Plus I think this is cool, a model of a synth for SC2, from the original concept from Valve
this is not about new xen creatures

I think it would be cool if bullsquids showed up again.

Nah I'm just joshin' ya! I would like to see more combine devisions , Ep2 gave us the new shotgunner skin which leads me to believe they have special devisions for certain things , so maybe we will be seeing a recovery team as they are looking for the tech in the Borealis or possibly even the ship itself if Valve did not follow up on the concept art.
I think a new tank would be cool. The current, dark, APC-looking truck with a canon and machine gun on it is getting a little old for me. And have it crawl, like a strider, but not to the point that it's towering over every building.

Also, where are those synth frog things we see on the carriage ride towards the end of HL2?
I think a new tank would be cool. The current, dark, APC-looking truck with a canon and machine gun on it is getting a little old for me. And have it crawl, like a strider, but not to the point that it's towering over every building.

Also, where are those synth frog things we see on the carriage ride towards the end of HL2?

I think a new vehicle would be cool too. If they do a tank I think it should have a unique tread style though , not legs. And the "frog synth" you mentioned sounds like a crab synth to me.
The heavily armoured Combine that was cut from Episode Three sounded okay.
also, where are those synth frog things we see on the carriage ride towards the end of HL@?

Mech Man was right, you're describing the crab synth. its basicly a synth tank. this synth has a chain gun on it. i think would be awesome to fight
There was another concept art of a synthed Antlion, with a cannon on the top

plus the female assasin and this

Theres a combine helmet which can be found in the raising the bar concept art, basically the eye visors are bulging, and the respirator sticks out.

Possibly an idea for a winter brigade or devision of the combine

Plus I want to see Human Synths


Plus I think this is cool, a model of a synth for SC2, from the original concept from Valve

Isn't this Combine Super Soldier?
DEATH eVADER, i love that picture, and i'd love to fight it even more
here are some original concepts of combine enemies i'd like to see (i hope this works)
this is the combine assassin
this was the alien assassin, though it eventually became the fast zombie
this is the combine guard
this is the cremator
these pictures are of the Combine synth elite soldier (a human synth)

these pictures are from Combine Overwiki.
if there is anything in this post against the rules in this post, just tell me and i will delete it.
Combine hover tank with a dark energy cannon!
crab synth:

mortar synth:

these aren't very good images, but you could probly find some better ones on google images

i also heard somewhere about a spider synth concept art, but i can't find an image. if somebody else could find it, that would be helpful

There are no pictures of the heavily armoured Combine; Valve released the source for this npc in the Orange Box SDK last year.
This npc had apparently been cut, and it was removed from the SDK to prevent confusion.
crab synth:

mortar synth:

these aren't very good images, but you could probly find some better ones on google images

i also heard somewhere about a spider synth concept art, but i can't find an image. if somebody else could find it, that would be helpful

On the contrary, i really like these pics.
I don't know what's wrong with them or why they aren't good.
they're just very low quality. i guess it doesn't matter

and before anyone gets confused, the mortar synth doesn't get launched shell first from a mortar launcher. it actually flies around tentacles first. it's named the mortar synth because it was supposed to shoot something out of the pipe on its back. it also shoots a beam of electricity from between its two claws. it's fairly small too, just a little bigger than a scanner
I'd love to see the female assassin.

Since the Combine on earth are now trapped, it could be neat to see some of their earlier inventions, since they will have to eventually resort to them.

Wait, they made some synths in the Citadels. Nevermind. Well, no, because they won't be receiving imports from their dimension anymore, so they might have to resort to making some desperate decisions.

I dunno. Either way, I want the female assassin, damn it.
Well, actually they might have more citadels in other cities on earth. It's not really known how many there are on earth as of now.
Well, this might sound crazy, but since the Combine can't create any new Synths or [presumably] infantry weapons without the Citadel, then perhaps they might have to rely on pre-Combine weaponry.
DEATH eVADER, i love that picture, and i'd love to fight it even more
here are some original concepts of combine enemies i'd like to see (i hope this works)
these pictures are of the Combine synth elite soldier (a human synth)

Goddamn, I wanted these to be in Hl2 soo bad :( . But no... These are way better looking than what we actually got. Maybe we'll see 1 or more in Ep3, but I'm not holding my breath.
Does anybody have the concept art book? Because there was some different Combine Soldier Respirators that I wanted to share, but my scanners bust.

The helmet isn't that menacing, but I supposed their coordinated attacks could make up for that.