New combine invasion map!


Aug 7, 2004
Reaction score
0 ammo is low, rebel forces have taken heavy casualtys to take over the city only to have the combine send more troops to aide in taking the city back over. Defend the northen part of the city from on coming combine forces.

put the background_combat folder in to username/halflife 2/hl2/sound foler.

download from here

map may lag for a few seconds at start up.
looks fun, downloading now, will comment when played :D
Looks really cool. I'll dload it right now. Good Job :thumbs:
Well it was really laggy for me, and there is no way to shoot down the Hunter Chopper.
it is a medium to hard map, you can shoot down the helicopter but it is really hard,( i hope you were using one of the rpgs around the map)

Dude, i've been looking for that LOTR's song forever! I didint know the name, didint know wtf it was from and now finaly after freaken pulling my hair out, I find it in your mod.

You sir, rock.

Was fun to play, but I had really bad FPS, the chopper didnt like dying and I fell into the canal when I stormed and couldnt get out :(

Great job though.
Yea I gave it a try. It didnt work out that well. But it was fun to play. And I'll give it another try soon.
Played it a bit, my FPS was at a constant 1-10.

Its okay, I think you need to work on it a bit more though, more obsticals in the way, more areas to hide, more things (usable) inside the bunkers, friendlies using the turrets and somehow get the combine to rush the bunkers more often.

Good work though none the less.

thanks for the replys, i tryed optimizing it some but hammer was giveing me trouble for trying to do so.
For some odd reason, a lot of the dead soldiers started wobbling continously, and wouldn't stop until I shot them so they moved into the water.
Its not bad, i beat it and brought down the chopper, takes a good 50 rocket shots mind.

The framerate wasnt too good for me, mind.