New Concept Art Piece??? or Source render, Touched up to look like it?

thats exactley what im thinking (and hoping for). Im sure now we seem to have established that it is concept art, that perhaps it was supposed to reflect the appearance of the ingame experiance, or in other words exactley what valve wanted source to look like when these set pieces where complete.. :) me likes to think so anyway
Ive played the level with the begining of that bridge, it doesnt look that good. I also know what the depot is about I hate the leak it ruined hl2 for meeeeeeee

lol, why did you play it then? or more importantly why download it, I resisted it , simply because I want to play something similar to the E3 vids, so with pre E3 stuff,,,, how can you even expect it too look any good.. (tut tut, silly boy :p) got no one to blame but yourself.
azz0r said:
:( I hate the leak it ruined hl2 for meeeeeeee
Silly person. Of course it would ruin it and of course it wasn't going to look as good - render or not, the leak was pre-e3... Don't worry, just have a cup of tea and wait - the real product will be so much better than that rubbish. Do you take milk and sugar?
Tork said:
Makes no difference to me if its concept art or not. When the game is done it will look a lot like that if not better :) That picture should be made into a painting so i can hang it on my wall , its that good.

Personally I think the scale is all wrong, but it still looks good.
why can't they render concept art? concept renders... is that so bad?
I sent Gabe a mail about this yesterday, haven't heard about it yet though. Didn't expect one really, but it was worth the try :)
That image reminds be of Terry Gilliams "Brazil". So do many of the images from Half Life 2. Don't know why, great movie though.

I hope to see images like that in the distance as part of the 3D skyboxes. Seems very possible with the level of detail we've already seen in the skyboxes.
PvtRyan said:
I think it's Source rendered concept art. One thing is for sure, it's 3D geometry and all real concept art of HL2 we've seen was 2D hand drawn.
Source can do this, no reason why not, it's mostly just really nice high res textures (I think the rocks are 1024x1024)
If it were huge amounts of polygons, I'd say it has to be concept art, but it's not really that high poly here.
Another possibility is a XSI render with HL2 game material, so with a better renderer.

yep.. its very possible that "concept art" images were done using XSI renderer .. since Valve already use it for halflife2 in their production..

i think the landscapes and some levels are done first in XSI and later imported to the game.. the textures are the same ,and the polys are the same -but with exagerated quantity of polys for a still shot. what is diferent is the renderer.. and this shot looks like the style of that package render.

interestingly also looks like concept art is used for the face of GOrdon freeman...

since it look more artistic ,(look the background) and doesnt look similar the style to other characters ,like the girl.. and gman also could be another.. if -old- released screenshots has perfect lines and AA -no jaggies ,then they are most probably art. since AA was not fixed until september.. i think.

XSI support Photon mapping rendering -real lights- which no game support yet ,and will not do ,for more time that people can imagine.. usually when developers want to show something very high quality rendered in game ,you will see the big letters "in game screenshots" or actual game graphics".. etc.. . or something of the like.
Hmmm i was just accpeting it as being an artwork render, when On gamespot I found this, labelled as 'screenshot'..!!?, (notice background is different)
i think the underlying image has been taken from within the game, but i dont think it is what ull see come release. I reckon its had filters, blurring and textures applied afterwoulds to give it aadded realism and moodiness.

i think the general purpose of this artpiece is to explore the looks the scene and or map could have, come release.

my 2 cents :)
I took the liberty of e-mailing Gabe a few days ago.

Me said:
Hello Gabe!

Once again I call upon you to verify yet another dispute at the HL2.Net
forums (We've just upgraded to Vbulletin 3 BTW so they'll look pretty
cool when our old colour scheme is back so you should pop in again
It's regarding the new media that has recently made an appearence in PC
Gamer UK, PC Zone UK and More

Everyone has started to think that it's not concept art and a real
in-game render from Source. Would you care to clarify which it is?

As usual, keep up the good work!
We're getting excited again :)


Doug Lombardi said:
Hi Chris,

This image:

(which we call "depot") concept art produced by Viktor Antov, art
lead on HL2.

Cool Chris :)

Now, where are those people who refused to believe it was concept art, I feel like having a quick n childish "we told you so" session :)
Well that settles that.

I kind of wish we were wrong, though. It's a very cool looking scene.
I think it has to be a screenshot from the game because there are two pictures. One has a mountain really close and the other has two smaller ones further away.

Picture 1

Picture 2
FFS it's a render not in game, if you still have any doubts go to CG talk and post it there claiming it's in game and see what reaction you get.
can u belive i played that level. only exept those buildings werent there.

ya so what i got the beta
Estevan said:
can u belive i played that level. only exept those buildings werent there.

ya so what i got the beta

somones already said it's in the beta and no one really cares that you have it.