New DM Update Released.


Jul 7, 2003
Reaction score
Restart Steam

Half-Life 2: Deathmatch

* Added SLAM, Stunstick and Crowbar
* Added dm_steamlab
* Fixed game_score entity not awarding points
* Added team specific spawn points ( info_player_combine, info_player_rebel)
* Optimized weapon firing effects bandwidth usage

The new map plays awsome.
aweXome dude! Restaring now!

Steam is so slow for this stuff though, i wish there was a seperate executable released by valve that could be distributed along mirrors
It's a tripmine/satchel charge weapon. I've been playing around with it by myself for a bit and all the good ol' memories of HLDM came flying back to me. Brings a tear to my eye.
So how does the stunstick work? Does it have some sort of cool effect or is it just a fluffed up crowbar?
Absinthe said:
It's a tripmine/satchel charge weapon. I've been playing around with it by myself for a bit and all the good ol' memories of HLDM came flying back to me. Brings a tear to my eye.

Yes, it's beautiful. There were only a handful of servers that weren't full, empty or password protected when I was just on, though. I guess everybody's updating. The one server I did manage to get on was running overwatch, but I never did find the slam there. I'm sure I coulda missed it, but I hope it's not just in SteamLab... :o

Edit: The Stun Stick looks fairly plain until you swing it. Has a nice white glow to it...

Edit again: Do ya'll wanna know what it stands for? I could put it in spoiler tags, or you could just play! :)
As far as I can tell, the Stunstick is the Combine's version of the crowbar. I've only played in Team Deathmatch though, so I don't know how they compare in regular DM. The stunstick seems slower than the crowbar, but I'm curious as to wether or not if it does extra damage or something. I've never been on the recieving end of one.
JHD536 said:
So how does the stunstick work? Does it have some sort of cool effect or is it just a fluffed up crowbar?

exactly, the animation is the same as crowbars, doesnt look like the one from the beta :(
Shadow][ said:
exactly, the animation is the same as crowbars, doesnt look like the one from the beta :(

It's a pretty satisfying shock, though... had fun whacking a fence in steamlab, and one hit to an explosive barrel and BOOM (learned that the hard way)...
Damnit I thought he Lost Island or whatever that HDR map is was comming out with thise. Meh...anyone know when that one comes out>

Other than that...pretty sweet update so far.
I just hopped on a regular DM server playing the "dm_killbox" map, and as soon I told this one guy how to get the Stunstick, everybody that was a Combine started using it against eachother.

Then the game crashed horribly while I was in mid-jump.

It seems like headshots with the Stunstick seem to work best. I killed people by hitting them 3 times. I'm assuming the Crowbar is the same.
I prefer the stun stick, but it seems the crowbar is quicker and you can swing it more. I tested hitting wood with the stun stick, and if you click 3 times quickly it makes 3 marks, 2 makes 2 marks, so you gotta have quick fingers. On one server we had a massive 16 player stunstick/crowbar war, so funny in that little corridor on steamlabs.

The map is okay, a tad random with stuff all over the place, but not as much litter as i'd like to throw at people, perhaps its meant to be more of a shooting map.

I particularly like the big room which explodes once you turn on the gas tap. Theres a little room down there with Slams in, which i made my home with a slam across the entrance...some great laughs to be had there. Pin em to walls for the most fun!

Great addition to DM, more laughs! And for you lot who keep asking how to get the stun stick if you have the crowbar and vise versa...change your player skin! haha enjoy :laugh:
i downloading now i think its taking a while but its hl2 its gotta be wrth it unless i cant get it to work like other steam things
just played it, dont know why but people seem to be dieing quicker,
them laser bombs are sweet!
how about some screenies for those of us who are at work and cant play it until tonight? ;)
I found a problem with the new map:

You can throw objects through the floors.


I seriously hope they fix this.
Put a slam on a physics object and move the object away - it floats :D

Also try putting a barrel very close to a wall and a slam (pointing at the barrel) behind it. As soon as someone tries to pick the barrel up (or simply brushes past it) - BOOM :D
th3Phallex said:
I found a problem with the new map:

You can throw objects through the floors.


I seriously hope they fix this.
Are you sure the server wasn't just laggy? I remember being on this one server where my grenades were useless because (at least it looked like) they passed right through the outer walls of the map.
brisck1 said:
how about some screenies for those of us who are at work and cant play it until tonight? ;)
sure, but be prepared...

Obviously don't expect the game to be like this...i just got carried away, trying to make a maze from one side to the other...i died everytime :(
Hectic Glenn said:
sure, but be prepared...

Obviously don't expect the game to be like this...i just got carried away, trying to make a maze from one side to the other...i died everytime :(

Where are you finding the SLAM in overwatch?! I can't find it in that map or lockdown either ;(

edit: hmm... are you using cheats? :P
You know the building with the two explosive barrels in with a staircase which leads up to the rocket launcher? Well on the floor where the shotgun is, head over to the left corner where there is a filing to the wall there are 2 pick ups for SLAMs next to each other (they give you 3) Thats the only place i've seen so far (excluding steamlabs which have them in a few places)

edit: okay after a while i did use impulse 101 :( takes to long going back everytime, but they ARE in the map.
Absinthe said:
It's a tripmine/satchel charge weapon. I've been playing around with it by myself for a bit and all the good ol' memories of HLDM came flying back to me. Brings a tear to my eye.

Haha same here.

Flying past a bunch of dudes when i forgot i placed a trip mine around the corner. Trying to run away only to run into my own tripmine :D
BUG: with steamlabs

ability to toss grenades through walls.

I saw this once, but it was during high lag so not really sure about it.