New DMC4 pictures


Jul 18, 2003
Reaction score





Can't wait to see this shit running. Hurry up TGS! :E
damn i wanna see some gameplay footage so bad, makes me wanna play dmc3 again..
Not jaw dropping by the pictures, but just the idea of a game this pretty, with no doubt the gameplay to match, makes me really... REALLY want this game, but I'm a little ps3 bias as of late anyway.
Those metal grate textures make my eyes burn D: I luved the original DMC. well 2 of course was sh!t and 3 was pretty good but not as fresh and a bit harder to get into. u prob cant handle the insane difficulty
I loved DMC1, and quite enjoyed DMC3... however, these graphics just don't impress me that much. Still, if it's anywhere near as good as the first, it will rule. I luved the original DMC. well 2 of course was sh!t and 3 was pretty good but not as fresh and a bit harder to get into. u prob cant handle the insane difficulty

Heh, or maybe I just don't like it? I got really far in the first DMC, and I didn't enjoy a damn minute of it. I didn't quit because I got stuck, I quit because I was bored out of my mind. I also tried DMC3, because I like highly polished very difficult games, which I had heard this was. I played it for about 20 minutes and quit because of the sheer stupidity ... I could feel myself getting dumber. That's not even it ... the gameplay was just not fun. I can't think of anyway else to describe it.
Bleh...anothed one of "those" games. I have played games like this in the past and cant get over how stupid the characters look, how bad the animations are and how unrealisticly massive the weapons are. I cant seem to gobble this BS up like the rest of you. It hurts my brain to think about it.
Bleh...anothed one of "those" games. I have played games like this in the past and cant get over how stupid the characters look, how bad the animations are and how unrealisticly massive the weapons are. I cant seem to gobble this BS up like the rest of you. It hurts my brain to think about it.

I take it you don't like Cloud then.

Shame on you :p
Bleh...anothed one of "those" games. I have played games like this in the past and cant get over how stupid the characters look, how bad the animations are and how unrealisticly massive the weapons are. I cant seem to gobble this BS up like the rest of you. It hurts my brain to think about it.

Go play the 57th realistic shooter to be released this year then. The rest of us will enjoy the over-the-top action DMC provides.
Nicely put. What a lot of people and developers don't realise is that the future of games should involve great gameplay more than focusing on graphics. Ex. Katamari Damacy.(And imagine the possibilities if GTA used low-scale lego models where everything could actually break to pieces and levels were vaster)
I have no doubt this will be a darn terrific title. Glad to see it looking so good.
I'm sure this will turn out to be a cracking game. The combat in DMC and DMC3 was satisfyingly deep and challenging. Finishing these games isn't the goal, doing it while looking cool as **** is :)
The graphics are 'meh' but I'm sure the gameplay will still be fun.
I want it to be more like DMC1. DMC3 was a blast, yes, but I hate how they abandoned the gothic atmosphere entirely in favor of a pure fighter. Also, that industrial rock song sucked balls.
it looks alright, however im getting kind of bored with dmc
Small, shaky cam gameplay footage of DMC4, this isn't much but just a snippet of what there is to come.
