New DOD:S pic (REAL)

I dunno... Planet Half Life has it reffered to on there page this maybe legit just maybe tho.
The screenshot may be real... but if it is, it's not technically a DoD:S map yet. It's still running in CS:S (albeit with replaced models) possibly because the code side of DoD:S isn't far enough along yet... also, it's still using a lot of the old DoD textures as placeholders. So, for now it's a CS:S map but with a few entity changes they can turn it into a DoD:S map in time for the first release.

EDIT: That is, if it's real...

It's a smart idea. I'd recommend that other mods do something similar if they haven't started already. They have pretty much everything they need other than the source code. Get to work!
It is fake

Dont remember the name but thats just skins for DoD1.3

Sh4mp00 said:
uhh I really dont think so guys, PHL think's its real. Dont just slam anyone before you've done your homework Chris

Since when was a gamespy page the official page the developers use to post news about DOD, or since when was it a place where everything that comes from there is true?

This site holds a lot more credibility then that one, and things from here are never taken as truth without word from developers. If anything you are the one who needs to do their homework.
so it's not an official pic then? fabulous!
I was thinking it looked a tad squishy.
The map looks good so far , of course the textures need to be made better , but it's cool :D

EDIT : its an official map for dod source . But it is played in CS:S source for testing , models and textures are old . The only thing that will be in DOD:S from that SS is the map itself ( with better textures )
pumako said:
The map looks good so far , of course the textures need to be made better , but it's cool :D

EDIT : its an official map for dod source . But it is played in CS:S source for testing , models and textures are old . The only thing that will be in DOD:S from that SS is the map itself ( with better textures )

Nope, I just researched it:
more specifically:
PickItUp said:
To clarify, that is not a shot of dod:s, and this is the first I've heard of density being an official dod:s map.

I'm not sure why Ginger is letting you guys think so, other than he probably thinks its a lil funny.

PickItUp said:
I just posted so we dont get chewed out by valve pr guys Dont want there to be any mistake that we're releasing info hehe.

It's good to see you guys working with Source already.

PickItUp (in case you don't know) is an official member of the DOD:S crew (animator)
It is a straight port to from hl1 engine to source engine thats why the textures and models are not exact.

On DOD forum they say they posted it just to show you what it is goin to KINDA look like.
yer i really hope its not dod:s that pic looks absolutely terrible
yer i really hope its not dod:s that pic looks absolutely terrible

No, it's a map from GoldSrc ported to Source.

Like I said - I confirmed it with a Valve employee who works as a DOD team member with Valve. His name is Tim Holt, you'll see his name in the credits at the end of HL2 :p

Hate to say I told you so :p
Alientank said:
Since when was a gamespy page the official page the developers use to post news about DOD, or since when was it a place where everything that comes from there is true?

This site holds a lot more credibility then that one, and things from here are never taken as truth without word from developers. If anything you are the one who needs to do their homework.

Exactly. PHL has been going downhill for the past couple of years. Everything posted there is all hearsay and no actual facts.