New Doom III: Resurrection of Evil screenshots.

awsome, must buy if its scored minimum 9.0
You will be able to activate your flashlight and use your weapon at the same time. The flashlight is attached to your helmet. It's similar to the ones those zombies have.
Hope this is better than Doom 3, hope the've learnt from there mistakes.
The Story is quite interesting, that there are 3 demons chasing you around the game, and the ability to steal there powers once you kill them.
Hell Time should be fun :)
Looks great as usual. Wish Id would whack a few more polys on their monsters tho', they still have oversharp edges.

If the game has some contrast, it's gonna be awesome. Doom3 was good but one of its main problems was that it was the same concept thrashed out over 20 hours. A break into some lighter gameplay - metaphorically like the bit in Matrix Revolutions where the spaceship breaks through the clouds into the upper atmosphere - would breathe new life into what Doom3 proved was a tired concept.

I was expecting rainbows to spread across mars :|


Anywho, they dont look too bad, i liek the hazmat zombie, looks cool, however, theres hardly that much changed
It is still somewhat plastastic. :P
They are keeping up a consistent visual style, but i'd say higher polycounts would be more effective than that much bumpmapping.
Yeah, they look amazing. Im playing through DOOM 3 again(3rd time) and Im loving every minute of it. Just got to Hell. The only thing that I didn't like about DOOM 3 was the fact that the Hell levels were so short. Other than that, its a great game. I'll get the expansion pack for sure. :)
I'll get it if it's cheap.

Tbh I struggled keeping enough interest to finish Doom 3 once. Tried for a second time a few months later and got extremely bored 1/2 through and gave up. It doesn't seem consistent to me - some areas are fantastic, other are very poor.
Doom crashes whenever I play it on my laptop. As far as I'm concerned, Doom 3 and anything related is dead to me. Unless the expansion makes it work on my laptop, but I doubt it.

And yes, my laptop SHOULD run Doom 3. It runs Half-life 2 perfectly with everything turned on high.

Stupid f*cking id.
My computer lags just looking at the screenshots.
Geez, I haven't even made an effort to finish Doom 3 yet and there's already another one coming out...I better hurry up and finish.
Geez, I haven't even made an effort to finish Doom 3 yet and there's already another one coming out...I better hurry up and finish.

Thats if you can put aside the the bland gameplay up until the end :P

Well at least the expansion is buildign on the most intriuging part of doom 3, and thats the martian aspect of it, unless theyre just slapping he location in some caves and thats it.
Looks good. Maybe they'll put like...ENEMIES in the vents this time.
Well, from reading the reviews, it seems there will be more varied environments in the expansion, including Site 1, the UAC Base, and more Hell (yay!) all at a quicker pace, because it is of course an expansion. Hopefully, there will be one or two more locations id will add. Note: the Gamespot review said that Resurrection of Evil will have minor graphical improvements.

Switching gears, though, I like the story: Bertruger sends three demonic hunters after you, and you have to absorb their powers. I wonder what will happen to the good old doc himself. Nothing would be more satisfying than blowing his a$$ to smitherings at the end! :)
Max35 said:
Switching gears, though, I like the story: Bertruger sends three demonic hunters after you, and you have to absorb their powers.
Meh...kind of contrived, don't you think?
Something tells me the plot is going to be wafer thing, much like doom 3, but it doesnt suprise me, its id were talking about here and i guess its not what theyre aiming for, when they should be imo
Max35 said:
Well, from reading the reviews, it seems there will be more varied environments in the expansion, including Site 1, the UAC Base, and more Hell (yay!) all at a quicker pace, because it is of course an expansion. Hopefully, there will be one or two more locations id will add.
Hmmm... ummm.. well, all the locations listed so far have been done, and i dunno how much more of the post-modern industrial space station i can take, I would personally like to see more time on Mars surface instead of Hell, i think they could really do wonders with Mars' surface, like the glimpses we saw in Doom 3
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
Meh...kind of contrived, don't you think?

It seems more exciting then the original though, IMO, even if it isn't greatest. As for the environments, the point I was really trying to make was that, in the original they would rehash the same environments over and over again until you got sick of them, in the expansion with only 11 or so levels, there won't be time for that. Of course, you're right Icarusintel I would really like to see more of the Mars surface this time around. Although I wouldn't mind seeing more of Hell, hopefully with Nerve software co-developing the game, we'll see a different perspective of it.

As for the UAC research facility, remember its been abandoned for two years, I'm hoping for a more dilapidated "rustic" type feel, with cave-ins and the like. Maybe we'll get to visit one of the satellites orbiting around the planet also.

But yeah, one of these days I would like a professional story told within the Doom 3 universe. Hopefully with the next expansion/Doom 4 they'll suck it up and realize they aren't great storytellers and hire a REAL writer. And not Matt Castello who wrote for the 7th and 11th guest, no offense to anyone who liked the games, but the story for those games was stupid.

C'mon id, hire John Saul (for those who don't know who John Saul is, he is a horror writer), or better yet Stephen King...

EDIT: btw, forgot to mention that Matt Castello was originally hired to write the story for Doom 3. Some of you probably no that already though.
If i had to pick between the Mars surface or Hell, i'd pick Hell. Hell was spectacular. Truly horrifying.
Samon said:
Something tells me the plot is going to be wafer thing, much like doom 3, but it doesnt suprise me, its id were talking about here and i guess its not what theyre aiming for, when they should be imo

NERVE Software is doing it, not id.
Those hazard suit chaps look more laughable than scary tbh.

Hopefully some more creative input (although that hope quickly vanishes when you consider they have a gravity gun too...) by id this time, and hopefully they can actually bring back real Doom 1 gameplay, something at which Doom 3 utterly FAILED.
Samon said:
I was expecting rainbows to spread across mars :|


Anywho, they dont look too bad, i liek the hazmat zombie, looks cool, however, theres hardly that much changed

lol its to vivid! :rolling:
personally, I think the monsters are a joke. Wich dev team did they put on this "expansion"? cuz doom3 had kick ass monsters cuz they had Kenneth Scott as their Lead Artist, but I understand he is working hard on id's next gen title

I mean the radiation suit zombie, haha or that ugly big mosnter that is simply an inflated version of the hellknight with lower res textures and a more friendly face. Srry, cant say I am "scared" or find these monsters even remotly "sick/disturbing/cool".
Doom 3 wasnt scary anyway, i just sat bored as hell (forigve the pun).

OOOO its dark and enemies attack you from nicley placed lockers. Puuurlease.

id needs to learn how to design a good bloody game, not this crap they call doom 3
Well, no, to be blunt. I think its because it was too standard for my likings, its not a case of go forward and shoot things with no story in this day and age
I'm starting to dislike D3 more and more... The visuals are also starting to look bad IMO. Sure the lighting is goo, but the over usage of bump mapping and under usage of pollies is starting to look ugly. HL2 and Resident Evil 4 have me spoiled.
I can't wait for this game. Doom 3 is one of my favourite single player games of all time (in my top 5 list actually)
SnowBall said:
I'm starting to dislike D3 more and more... The visuals are also starting to look bad IMO. Sure the lighting is goo, but the over usage of bump mapping and under usage of pollies is starting to look ugly. HL2 and Resident Evil 4 have me spoiled.
Metal Gear Solid 3 looks better, and it's on PS2, that should say something, the art direction in Doom 3 was horrendous, they just made it looks pretty, everyone saw shadows, lights and bump-mapping and said "ooooohhhhhhh.... pretty" but it's all just tricks, MGS3 takes an aging console to new heights, more than I can say for Doom 3, next-gen my ass, who cares if the games is utter crap and looks it
Have any of you, who hate Doom III's graphic, actually set the graphics to the highest settings?